I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 300 300. Pope's Salvation



​ Drums echoed in the large arena on the Guild Peninsula. Although it was currently the time for Martial Tourney, the yearly competition, today it was booked for mass execution.

A total of nine hundred and forty-six men were involved in the mass scandal. The news didn't take too long to spread everywhere, and since the surviving mother and daughter gave their testimony and the money was recovered, the guilt was proven beyond any doubt.

The Judge, Archbishop Noah, didn't even have to look at the names. He simply signed at the end of the long parchment with the names of all the accused.

On top of the nearly a million collected from Cardinal Cohn and Kenny, almost two million Graces in the form of coins and bricks were recovered from various other places. In total, the money was enough to feed a town of ten thousand for more than a decade. And all this money was earned from human trafficking.

But, sadly, not all of the Cardinals among the eight who got caught were members of the Supreme Council. Only four of them were, but still, that made Sylvester happy.

And now, multiple rows and columns of stone blocks were placed in the open field of the arena. On each stone block was resting a neck belonging to the heathens, and to each of them was assigned a Knight with a sharp sword, ready to fall and end the heresy.

But Sylvester had to announce to the people what had transpired first, as the stadium was partially filled with people.

So, while standing in front of the Pope and many more top clergymen, Sylvester spoke through a cone-like device which had air runes in it to amplify the voice.

"May the Holy Light enlighten us! That's what we all say to each other, but these men you see did the opposite. With the greetings of the lord on their tongue, they hid daggers behind their backs and harmed men and women, old or young.

"They sinned by forcing the poor and vulnerable pilgrims into slavery or prostitution. Even the children were not safe and got exploited. All for money, the sin of greed--They fell further than any in their thirst to succeed. But no more--No heresy shall be tolerated--Today, history will be created. Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, and many more shall be beheaded!"

Sylvester then sang a hymn to solidify his image in the minds of everyone. After all, it wasn't just the crowd of commoners in the seats but also many essential clergy members. Not to mention, behind him standing were the Pope, Sanctum Council, Supreme Council and many Guardians of Light. The whole decision-making body was there.

And Sylvester wished for this to be a subtle message to them that messing with him would never end well. Pick any incident in history, from the mentor Bishop in the school to these two Cardinals who voted against him--All eventually fell on the chopping block or were burned.

For any smart one out there, the message should be clear as a day. But Sylvester had to let the dumb ones know, too, as they were the most prone to mess with him.

♫O' Solis, the Light, the Lord.

To you pleads this young bard.

These heathens have committed a sin.

Only you know when and how they begin.♫

♫For their sins have accumulated enough.

Please ensure your light remains tough.

For your tolerance, they tried to scuff.

Please ensure in your fire, their souls engulf.♫

Sylvester bowed his head towards the sun and then gave the nod to the chief executioner standing on a stage with a bell in his hand.

The signal was given, and the swords were ready.




The butcher rang the bell many times. Instantly, a lot of cries and pleadings took over the arena. Some even screamed and tried to stand up, but they received a kick on the back before the blade plunged into their necks.



Almost at the same time, all blades were swung and painted the Arena's ground red. The heads rolled left and right, and a few bodies twitched for a few seconds. It was mind-numbing to watch, but necessary to be seen, for it was a warning to those who speak the lord's name to demean.

Slowly, the blood spread around and felt like a sea of blood. The people in the spectator seats shouted, some in gasps and some in cheer.

However, the spectacle was not over. The whole point of beheading was denying the sinners a proper death. Hence, there was no need for a pyre either.

Sylvester looked back. "Respected Lord Inquisitor! Please burn these heathens to ashes so their flesh may not sully our land anymore."

Inquisitor High Lord walked forward, reeking of rage as ever. His tall, mighty body and the staff made a scary mix of sounds.


Then, just once, the Inquisitor High Lord tapped his staff on the ground. Instantly, the earth started to shake slightly, just enough to register as a vibration.



And then, something crazy occurred. Out of the ground came hundreds of vertical streams of fire, so strong and fast that it seemed a gas pipeline was underneath.

It burnt the bodies of all the dead, including the skulls, very fast. In no time, the constant fiery streams of fire became as tall as ten metres and turned everything into ash. Even the blood spilt on the sand got cleaned, leaving behind just a few dark spots as a remnant of the justice that was exacted that day.

With that, Sylvester walked to the side, where a woman was sitting in a wheelchair with her entire body covered in bandages. There was also a little boy beside her, wrapped in fewer bandages.

Sylvester knelt on one knee in front of the woman and passed on a big silk pouch full of gold coins. "I know this will never heal the scars of the mind. The experience you went through will haunt you for the rest of your life. It will wake you up at night and leave you short of breath.

"But please know this, those men are not what we stand for. Those men were heathens, and they received a heathen's end. Still, we apologise for what occurred and hope you can accompany me to the famed Magna Sanctum on the Golden Peninsula. I will show you the whole temple myself from within. The Holy Father has agreed to accompany us too." Sylvester spoke in a voice as warm as possible.

He honestly didn't have to do anything. But he had purposefully left the amplifier cone close to him. So, whatever he said reached the ears of all the spectators, far and wide. Sylvester was, after all, fighting a war of propaganda at this stage, and the more people saw him positively, the better for him.

The woman nodded her head only since she couldn't speak. But the little five-year-old boy was very active, although still scared from the trauma.

So, the boy asked him questions that normal children do. "Big brother, is the Mama Sactus made of gold?"

"You mean Magna Sanctum? Indeed, it's mostly made of gold and some other naturally formed golden material. Come, I shall take you there immediately." Sylvester proposed and stood behind the woman's wheelchair to push it ahead.

But as he turned around and started leaving the arena, something magnificent happened.



Initially, it started with just a few taps and claps. But soon, the entire crowd in the arena, all the commoners, started cheering and clapping extensively, creating what seemed like the sound of rainfall.

They screamed, they cried, and they sang the Holy Hymns of Sylvester in unison. It was magical, to say the least, and somewhat jealousy-inducing for other clergymen as this adoration was aimed at Sylvester.

But Sylvester only waved his hand and kept moving while chanting the same thing. "May the Holy Light enlighten us!"

As Sylvester walked out, the Pope followed behind as he was going to accompany them too. The Pope also waved his hand at the rest to not follow. So, Lady Aurora, Lord Inquisitor and the rest headed back to their positions.

While the chants of the commoners remained echoing well after all had left.

All of them were moved by Sylvester's humility and holiness that resonated even when he spoke normally.


The path to the Golden Peninsula was only one. Taking a ship was the only way to reach the extensively protected island temple, where the Orb of Purity resided.

Sylvester did everything for the woman and the boy. From getting them checked and processed at the guard post to explaining different things about the Holy Land, and also a session inside the Temple--where only a few lucky could ever enter for it was too dangerous to get close to the orb.

The Orb of Purity was a natural generator of Solarium and could heal anyone who'd breathed the same air as it. So, the woman started to have her burn wounds from the acid recover without even knowing.

But while Sylvester, the mother and child kept their eyes closed to pray.

The Pope stood behind the three the whole time, watching over everything, with billions of thoughts running through his mind. Of course, the sadness of losing his only family, Grandpa Monk, had left him mentally exhausted.

Then, he found out about Saint Seer's betrayal, which devastated him. Furthermore, the fact that Sylvester may never trust him or respect him left a hole in his heart.

In the Pope's mind, the memories of the small Sylvester were still fresh, and he cherished them a lot. The candies, the giggles, the pulling of his beard, and all the awing sparkling eyes at his small magical feats--all those made his heart warm in those days.

So now, when he looked at Sylvester's back, big, broad and one fitting a strong man, he had a realisation which brought utter shame to his own heart.

'I was so blind in chasing peace and power that I neglected the true path of light that sat on my lap and played for years. How can I be so naive? Why couldn't I see what my old man wanted me to understand?

'This boy... I should have tried to be the father figure in his life from day one, and yet I ignored him. Why is he even a clergyman after having gone through so much? After the faith sinned against him so much? His first student--killed by Void Keepers. His mother was nearly killed by what is an extension of me. He has no reason to sing for light, yet here he stands--The Lord's Bard--shining so bright.'

The Pope's eyes flashed with a sudden glow as he glanced at the orb in the distance, and then at Sylvester again. 'I... I must set things right! I must spend my days and night--however many I have left to live--in training him.'

He walked forward and stood in front of Sylvester, facing him. He gently patted Sylvester's shoulder and spoke softly. "Son..."

Sylvester opened his eyes but didn't act shocked as he had smelled the intense worship, pain and hope.

"Your Holiness?"

The Pope shook his head and stared into Sylvester's serene golden eyes. "No--Call me Mentor Kreed from today--Until the day you become the Supreme Wizard."

[A/N: Boom! 300!

Will post another one after a short nap.]


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Ape Together Strong

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