I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 246 246. Battle Of Three Fingers - Bloody Twists

[A/N: Make sure you check the para-comments for battle plan images.]

It was absolute madness as mayhem took over the battlefield. Before Sylvester's army even clashed with the enemies, he had already sung his song of fire and blood.

Limbs and heads flew around with each explosive arrow. Some died on the spot, and some were unfortunate enough to receive a slow death as they bled in pain and cried.

The bombardment kept coming and killing the Knights who fell from their horses and could not run fast due to the mud.

Sylvester raised his arm in the distance, ready to send the inquisitors out to engage as Duke's soldiers started to organise themselves towards the back. But still, a lot of damage had been done, and it had broken the spirit of all the soldiers.

Slowly, the bombardment of the arrows started to slow down and gave a false sense of ease to the knights of the Duke's army. The screams of those injured and slowly dying were still fresh, however.

"Attack!" Sylvester roared loudly and sent seven thousand men to face the knights of the Duke, which numbered ten thousand. But, of course, Sylvester was not blind, nor was he overestimating the abilities of the men. He had a plan that had already begun.

Sir Hans, on his side, had already been briefed about the whole plan, so he didn't meddle. "If this plan works, then perhaps this might be a battle worth teaching in the Commanders' schools around the world."

Sylvester felt the same, but he acted humbled. "There are many variables that are in the act there. The Duke may be a decent commander, but he overestimates himself just because he has greater numbers. He also thought he had a geographical advantage as we're on his turf. Let's hope things go according to our plan now."

Lady Aurora, standing on Sylvester's other side, asked. "When will I be moving? You are seriously not utilising a Grand Wizard in the ranks properly."

"Your time will come too, Lady Aurora. You are the ace of the army, and we don't send the ace at the start. Remember, it's not these little knights and commoners who are our targets, but it's the Duke. But remember not to kill him." Sylvester elaborated in a commanding tone.

"You want to interrogate him?" She asked.

Sylvester shook his head as his face appeared cold. "No, I want the Duke's eyes—as I promised Sir Dolorem."

Sir Hans, who was well aware of what had occurred, patted Sylvester's back. "He's truly blessed to have someone like you as his friend."

"Ah! They are about to clash! Let's see how Felix performs now." Aurora exclaimed all of a sudden.

Everyone was nervous as they could easily notice the vast difference between the numbers. But the Inquisitors wore light armour, so their horses were very fast. Meanwhile, although the Duke's soldiers had also removed some of their armour, it was still not enough.

Felix and General Arnold were leading the Inquisitors at the front. The grand plan had already been relayed to all the men in the ranks, and all they had to do was follow the two leaders: Felix, the leader of the West flank and Sir Arnold, the leader of the East flank.

The horses soon stepped over the dead bodies of the previous victims of Sylvester's plans. The distance between the two sides quickly reduced to just fifty metres.

"Haaa!" Duke's men roared with their weapons brandished.

But to everyone's shock, Inquisitors didn't shout as Felix and Sir Arnold each took out a flag and started waving it to signal the men behind them.

With that, the Inquisitors suddenly took a left turn and galloped straight towards the forest that rested between the Three Fingers Villages.

"They are running! Don't let them go!" The Duke's commanders, Sir Renly and Sir Robin, shouted as they chased after the Inquisitors, confident that their heavy numbers scared the enemy.

Everything was happening fast, and the forest was not too far away. Nevertheless, the Inquisitors didn't even flinch or shout a single word. They just followed their leader while singing hymns of the Lord.

The Duke's commanders soon felt somewhat confused as things didn't go as planned. They expected their men to come out of the forest to squeeze the Inquisitors from the two sides and finish the entire army in one go.

"What the hell are they doing?" Sir Renly wondered as he chased after the Inquisitors.

Then to his surprise, the Inquisitor army started to divide into two segments. One slowly diverted to the right, avoiding the forest, and the other moved towards the left. The strange manoeuvre confused the Duke's army, wondering which army to follow.

Commander Sir Renly and Sir Robin were also confused as they watched the Inquisitors dividing themselves and creating an opening straight into the forest.

"Ah! Look… Isn't that Sir Gibbins?" Sir Renly asked his fellow commander.

"Indeed… Why are they this late? And where are their horses?"

Slowly, hundreds and then a thousand men appeared to walk out of the forest, heading straight towards the Duke's army as it remained right in front of the forest.

Since the men were allies, the two commanders didn't feel threatened.

"Good! Let them join us. We shall split and follow each army." Sir Renly suggested and slowed their horses.

"Why aren't they running?" Sir Robin wondered.




Suddenly, as the men from the forest reached the army and walked between the soldiers, they exploded.

"F-Fuck! It's a trap! Fall back!" Both commanders shouted and turned around to run.

But, to their horror, they only saw mayhem behind them as Sylvester, with the rest of the Inquisitor's army, had moved forward, effectively blocking their back.



The men exploded as most of them walked into the army ranks. They walked slowly, some even dragging one foot. None of them were speaking and only growled.

Angered, Sir Renly jumped off his horse and grabbed one of the men he recognised. "What the hell are you doing?"

But Sir Renly's shoulders dropped when he saw the man's entirely white eyes, falling jaw, and rotting skin.



Sir Renly's body got thrown around in pieces. Just like all other men of the Duke's army. Most felt confused, wondering why their allies, who they knew, were exploding like that. Not to mention, there was nowhere to escape from the chaos.

Trapped between the forest and Sylvester's army in the back, the ten thousand men of the Duke and the heavily armoured knights fell victim.

Meanwhile, Sir Arnold, who had taken half of the Inquisitors to the right, hit the Duke and the remaining men directly from the left flank.

While Felix, who took a left, returned to Sylvester from behind and reported with a gleaming smile. "Task successfully completed, Max! Haha… look at those fools!"

Sylvester welcomed his friend. "Good job, Felix."


The explosions were still echoing among the ranks of the Duke's men. Each explosion meant the death and misery of the Knights and a few wizards. But, unfortunately, there was nowhere to run to, as the explosions had spooked and hurt the horses.

Sylvester sighed. "Let's wait for Bishop Lazark to return as well."


The explosions showed no signs of stopping. But Sylvester didn't mind them anymore and only looked at the front. In the distance, he could see Sir Arnold nearly reaching the left flank of the Duke.

"Lord Bard!"

Just then, from behind, Bishop Lazark, Beaskin Elyon and four more men arrived, covered in dirt from head to toe.

Sylvester praised their work. "You have done a marvellous job, brothers of the faith."

Bishop Lazark bowed his head, accepting the words. "I merely did what was asked, Lord Bard. Turning the hidden men in the forest into exploding zombies was your idea in the first place. Not to mention, Elyon here helped me greatly by using his instincts to sniff out and hunt down all the Duke's men."

Sylvester glanced at the Beastman, who he was evaluating at the moment. If what Bishop said was true, then he was pleased. "Thank you, Elyon. Your service to Solis will not go unnoticed. I will also make sure to write your contribution in my report."

"What now?" Felix asked as everyone was itching for some actual fighting.

Sylvester glanced at the men still dying under the explosions of the Zombies. "We successfully turned their trap against them. With this, we have likely exhausted more than ten thousand men in the Duke's army while losing none of ours. So now we have the upper hand in numbers—but I'm afraid, from here, it will be a traditional battle."

"All of us were ready for this battle from the start, Lord Bard." Sir Hans spoke.

Sylvester agreed and raised his fist. "Glory to Solis! Full speed ahead! Attack the Duke directly!"

"Glory to Solis!"

"Glory to Solis!"

Loud, rageful echoes resounded as the pure frenzy took over. Finally, it was time to show the Duke what it truly meant to fight Inquisitors. For the first time, even Sylvester was going to see how mad Inquisitors can be when in war.

For they fight for no glory but only for their one true Lord—Solis!

"Glory to Solis!"

The ground shook as Sylvester and his army went full speed ahead. Everyone held their weapon of choice raised high—Swords, spears, maces—they were not afraid to die.

Sylvester was in the middle of the ranks as the leading commander. Around him were a few key members as well.

"Lady Aurora." He shouted. "Make way for us! Kill all wizards that stand in our way!"

She grinned and stood up on the back of her galloping horse. "That's what I was waiting for! Glory to Solis! Haaa!"

She jumped high into the air, leaping to the front and landing ahead of the raging army. She then increased her speed and reached the Duke's army before any.


A single vertical swing of her sword created a gust of wind so strong it made a long dust cloud and split the land into a hundred metres long cut. Instantly, whoever came in its way, if they weren't high-ranking wizards, died.


She went wild and raised her hand to the sky, summoning the clouds to shower her thunder, for her name was Thunderfall.



The first bolt of lightning fell and exploded the men underneath like toys. It was so warm that not even their ashes remained.

"Haha! Face my wrath! Heathens!" She roared and swung her blade with her free hand. The enemies, at best, were of Archwizard rank—nothing she was afraid of.


She went wild and made a path for Sylvester to directly reach the Duke and end the war in one go.

When Sylvester reached behind her, she threw a few more thunderbolts and jumped to sit behind Sylvester on the horse. "I will make the way to the Duke! Keep riding! We'll have his head soon!"

Sylvester was happy, seeing the pure destructiveness of a Grand Wizard.

"My nephew's head? Not so soon!"

"What?" Lady Aurora exclaimed at the sudden echoing voice that rang throughout the sky as if a god had spoken.



"Fuck! What was that?" Sylvester felt a sudden force from his right, so strong it instantly threw his horse in the air.

But he quickly stood up and kept the sword prepared. To his horror, not only he but all the horses to his right and left had fallen, throwing the Inquisitors to the ground.

Sylvester instantly smelled the scent of death, and his senses flared up. He looked around with a frown as he noticed a person missing. "Where is… Aurora?!"


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