I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 96: Joint Training (4)

Chapter 96: Joint Training (4)

The flower of ice bloomed.

It was summer.

Everyone preferred short sleeves or light clothes due to the weather. It was not a normal phenomenon. It meant it was caused by magic.

At the same time, a girl was seen blocking a fierce tsunami.

A streamer was recording this scene. Streamer Haps instinctively thought,

This is huge.

He quickly formulated a plan.

They were wearing school uniforms. Uniforms of the Korea Hero School, recognizable to anyone living in Korea.

The Emperor, Seo Ye-bin, did not want their students appearing on broadcasts. However, if it was a live broadcast, even she could do nothing about it.

He was currently live streaming.

-Wow, mc. Are all of them students?

-The future of Korea. Selected jewels from all over the world.

-Ha, when I was their age, I was so strong, but what was I doing as a kid?

-Spending time watching streams like now~ lol

-You jerk!!!

He quickly formulated a plan.

He was a hero in his own right, considered a B-grade hero according to the Associations rigid ranking system.

Broadcasting was a hobby, but it had become a source of income. Especially since he had over a million individual subscribers.

I should join the fight.

He had taken a break from hero activities for about half a year, but he was still a notable hero. Just recording a few key scenes under the condition of his participation would be a huge hit.

[The Top Space Beauty has donated 5,000,000 won.]

The Top Space Beauty. A strange name, but one of the presidents of Haps channel. A person who seemingly had money to burn, always donating millions of won.

Ah, President!

Before he could express his gratitude, a message popped up.

[If you join and perform better than the black-haired boy, Ill donate 1 billion.]

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Look at this.

He had reached a million subscribers thanks to his image as a notable hero. In other words, without his hero status, or if he were less than a B-grade hero, gathering a million subscribers with his talent alone would have been difficult.

-Jelly? Jelly? Jelly?

-Haps, your mom believes in you! Haps, your mom believes in you! Haps, your mom believes in you! Haps, your mom believes in you!

-In this world, there is light, and that alone is the truth.

-Can the Veritas Church just go away? Theyre everywhere.

The viewers also wanted it.

Haps pretended to ponder for a moment, then readily nodded his head.

Well, cant be helped. For my juniors, Ill have to step up after a long time.

Haps said so and pulled out a suit of plate armor from his bag. As he put on the plate armor, it made a buzzing sound and covered his entire body.

-Wow, that crazy guy. Isnt that worth tens of billions?

-Yeah. Its a mass-produced full plate mail made by the vice-principal of the Korean Hero School.

-Thats mass-produced? Stop joking, please;;

Haps picked up a spear and stepped forward, then hesitated.


A loud noise accompanied the scene. The black-haired boy, the subject of the mission, seemed to be fighting an entity much stronger than him.

-Who is that, fighting equally with a top-tier monster?

-Crazy, already a top-tier hero and still so handsome? If hes a student, he cant be older than 25.

-What? Is Korea breaking the youngest top-tier record again?

-But can anyone outperform him?

-For real lol;;

Haps was speechless upon seeing that chat.


The flowers of winter bloomed. And then it withered. At least dozens were killed by that one strike just moments ago.

Still, the remaining number was considerable. Maybe just over 300.

Then, from the front, a huge wave of magical power shook the surroundings.

Seems like theyre angry.

A mermaid wielding a spear looked at me, her face reddened with anger.

Can mermaids faces turn red too?

After that pointless thought, I leaped forward.

At the same time, the mermaid moved her hand holding the spear in a straightforward stabbing motion. The minimal movements flowed naturally like water.

A simple action, but if the one holding the spear was a master, the situation changed.


A sound of air bursting, followed by a shockwave. Spear masters were troublesome.

If the opponent were a monster, then the choice of weapon was a maybe, but a spear was an exceptionally powerful weapon in combat against people.

This is troublesome.

I quickly dodged using Black Flash Step and drew Black Heaven. The Black Heavenly Demon Sword was sheathed in White Rouge, and was also imbued with the Winters Sword.


The Energy of Defying Heaven filled Black Heaven. The black, impure power scattered light waves, forming a vague blade shape.

Simultaneously, I created a black sword from the pitch-black bracelet. Holding it with Nyeom, I shot it forward.

I stomped the ground, infusing the finesse of Black Flash Step, and leaped in a blink.

Water condensed on the mermaids spear. She brought a villa-sized amount of water from the sea and compressed it to form the blade of the spear.

A display of impressive spirit.

She imbued her will into the spear, forming its blade.

I swung Black Heaven.


My swing of Black Heaven collided with the spear. Shockwaves spread in all directions. I swallowed the blood rising in my throat and retreated.

Is it still too difficult for me?

A direct confrontation was a bit tough.

I moved swiftly with the finesse of Black Flash Step, observing my body with Black God Martial Arts, accelerating blood flow, tensing muscles. I spat out the blood on the ground.

-You, are you a child of humans?

The mermaid spat out words. If one became a top-tier, they could imbue their will into words.

They were categorized as monsters racially, but its not strange that they could speak, as they were part of a diverse race.

-A monstrous warrior indeed.

The mermaid praised while pulling back her spear. The spear, highly compressed with water energy (), gathered water from the surrounding sea to form a shape.

The shape of a dragon ().

-This is the secret spear technique of the Naga clan, gained at the risk of my life. Take it.

She shifted from defense to offense. The spear, carrying the water energy, now had a giant dragon lingering on it.


She thrust the spear forward. The water dragon lunged.

I calmly observed it with Divine Sight. Its power was destructive, but the structure forming it was ridiculously frail.


I sliced through the water dragon with Black Heaven. The Energy of Defying Heaven negated the water dragon. The bisected water dragon instantly evaporated.


I extended my leg forward, looking at the startled mermaid. Suddenly, the worlds colors shifted to black, and everything forming it turned into white lines.

Black Heaven Step.

A feeling as if my body was not my own enveloped me. An overflowing power filled and then left my body. With a sensation of leaping through space in an instant, I extended Black Heaven.


The mermaids movements were fast. Though startled, he was a being who had become a top-tier by accumulating strength in his body. He switched to offense, striking at me with the blade of his spear.

I clenched my teeth and swung Black Heaven.

-Aiming for a mutual kill!

The mermaid communicated to me through her mental power. I responded with a smirk on one side of my mouth.

The mermaid, gritting her teeth, wrapped water energy around the spear and struck at me.


The sound of something being cut filled the air, and I took the mermaids left arm. The mermaids spear blade struck me.


The sound was tremendous, but bearable. The body of Black God Martial Arts, and the recently acquired Guardian Armor (S-), made it possible.

The power of Sword Immunity. A power that halved the effectiveness of sword energy attacks.

That really hurts.

I gritted my teeth and thrust my left arm into the void, invoking the Truth of Dream Illusion. I retrieved three daggers capable of casting potent illusions on my adversaries.

I hurled them at the mermaid, who was caught off guard by the close-range attack. Despite her surprise, her top-tier abilities allowed her to evade two of the daggers.


She was hit by one, but I smiled inwardly, knowing the power of the Truth of Dream Illusiona dagger that enveloped the target in a strong illusion.

Clutching Black Heaven tightly, I swung it with all my might. I considered using the Winters Sword as well, but my unfamiliarity with dual-sword techniques held me back.

SeogeukA sound rang out as I sliced through the mermaids chest.

Blue blood spurted from the wound, which was somewhat shallow due to our height difference.


A powerful surge of magical energy erupted around us. My Sword Demon senses were on high alert, detecting magic and curses aimed in my direction.

Deciding against trying to kill the mermaid, I summoned Black Wing.

Black wings sprouted from my shoulders, enveloping me protectively. They split apart, slicing through, deflecting, and neutralizing the incoming magic.

-You! Youuuu!

The mermaid screamed at me, her words filled with venom as she attempted to flee.

I activated Black Flash Step and soared into the air, dodging various magical attacks. The students also joined in, casting spells, albeit ineffectively

Wait a minute.

A massive heatwave erupted, revealing a red light sphere the size of a human head.

Beneath it, Hong Yu-hwa stood, adorned with the Crown of Crimson Lotus. She extended her hand.

Energy Flare.


An immense heatwave followed, the red death descending upon the ground and evaporating the sea in its wake.

Countless mermaids perished in the process. Feeling a sense of relief, I flew toward the mermaid with Black Wing.

The mermaid, teeth gritted, swung her spear at me.


The shockwave tore through the air, noticeably weaker than before. I smiled and parried with Black Heaven.

My hand went numb from the impact. As the mermaid swung her spear again, I hurled Black Heaven, impaling her hand.

Then, she grabbed her head. I protected my hand with the Energy of Defying Heaven.

-If you kill me

If you were prepared to kill others, you should be prepared to die quietly.


With an unpleasant sensation, blue blood splattered everywhere.

I took a breath and turned my head. I followed the student council president with my eyes. Exhausted from the aftermath of stopping the annihilation, she was sitting down.

I pulled out a few elixirs from the void and ran towards the student council president.

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