I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 89: Faith (1)

Chapter 89: Faith (1)


On the bed, I merged my body and the bed.

In other words, I was resting for the first time in a long while.

Black Heaven said, You have been running too much and need to rest.

-But to ask for martial arts teaching.

Its better than resting aimlessly. The body needs rest, but filling the mind with martial arts isnt a big deal.

-This is ridiculous. Even the previous owner wasnt like this.

I glanced at Black Heaven.

So, you dont like it?

-What I meant by rest was the owners mind. No, youre right. A person like you, when told to rest, tends to do something else.

With that, Black Heaven started to teach me martial arts.

-Then, shall I teach you a secret technique?

A secret technique?

-Yes. Its not exactly a secret technique, but it wouldnt hurt to know in advance.

I looked at Black Heaven with renewed interest.

This is strange.

The martial arts I knew were different. The higher the level, the more it involved the Energy of Defying Heaven.

I sensed something odd about her level of martial arts.

I recalled when Celestial and The Overlord, both active transcendents, scouted me as a disciple.

I said I would stay loyal to Black Heaven, but the truth was different. The more I learned martial arts, the more I suspected she might actually be at the transcendent level.

I was skeptical when Celestial suggested it.

But I was convinced when The Overlord suggested it.

Her martial arts had indeed reached the transcendent level.

-Thus, elevate the Energy of Defying Heaven into the form of Bagua, and pass it through all the acupoints from Celestial Root to Life Gate. Then.

Wait a minute.

I halted the circulation of the Energy of Defying Heaven as Black Heaven spoke. The Energy of Defying Heaven becomes rapidly stronger, but this was.

-Yes. I think the owner knows. I dont know why the previous owner left this either

This isnt a secret technique or anything.

I couldnt help but make a subtle expression.

Isnt this just a self-destruct technique?

-A kind of berserk technique. But the owner will hardly need to use this. Because there is the inherent skill, Dominant Soul, in the Black Heavenly Demon Sword.

Thats true.

I agreed with Black Heaven.

The Black Heavenly Demon Sword, whose seal had been released, possesses three inherent skills.

Sword Soul, Overlord Soul, Dominant Soul.

Sword Soul summoned Black Heaven.

Overlord Soul suppressed the opponent.

Dominant Soul reads memories from the opponents soul.

Dominant Soul is a bit unique.

The opponent must consent to have their soul read, and with mutual consent, its possible to confine the soul for a certain period.

I experimented with the various methods I could use with this skill, and Black Heaven found it a plausible possibility and experimented as well.

The experiment was a success.

However, as a side effect, Black Heaven couldnt use Sword Soul for a while and couldnt come out.

But the price is cheap if it meant earning an extra life.

The problem is that I have to take care of Black Heaven for a while.

Taking care of Black Heaven meant diligently polishing the Black Heavenly Demon Sword, which I could certainly do.

Except for the problem of having to endure Black Heavens moans.

After learning martial arts from Black Heaven, I headed to the alchemy classroom. I casually greeted Professor Song Ra-hee and began making elixirs and potions with alchemy.

After all, I wasnt the one paying for the materials.

Suddenly, the thought struck me. Now that it had come to this, maybe I could set up my own workshop.

The artificial island is spacious, so there shouldnt be any problem.

Ill have to get permission for this later.

I considered talking to Seo Ye-bin.

I focused on alchemy.

Arcane Shadow Serpent's Poison (S-)

A poison with a black hue.

In the field of alchemy, a pivotal alchemist in human history concocted it.

: For 30 minutes, the body erodes into the shadow.

Elixir of Purification (A+)

A liquid with a blue hue.

In the field of alchemy, a pivotal alchemist in human history concocted it.

: Immunity to all types of poison below its grade for 1 minute.

[You have created the world's most outstanding poison! An incredible achievement! Awarded 4,500P!]

[You have created the world's most outstanding antidote! An incredible achievement! Awarded 5,000P!]

I dont quite understand the criteria for these points.

Usually, higher grades should give more points, shouldnt they?

Is it the difference between saving and taking lives?

Thinking about it, it made sense.

If you looked at each quest, they focused on preventing loss of life.

Do they want to save people?

I pondered, but there was still a lot I didnt know about the system. I took the materials to complete the Homunculus and went up to the penthouse.

In a corner of the penthouse stood a doll. It resembled a beautiful girl with blue hair and eyes.

It was created heavily influenced by the suggestions of the Electronic Witch.

Its roughly the level of a Hero of Hegemony.

For someone unfamiliar with fighting, it would be a body not easy to defeat even for a Hunter.

Originally, I could have added combat functions, but that would have drastically changed the appearance the Electronic Witch desired, so I fully incorporated her suggestions.

After completing the final touches, I called the Electronic Witch.

-Is it finally done?

She came as soon as I called.

Yes, its all finished. You can enter through the terminal now.

Normally, inserting the Homunculuss terminal from the beginning was required, but for the Electronic Witch, it was hardly an issue. There were usually several security measures in place, but considering who were dealing with, theyre not a concern.

As soon as I finished speaking, the body reacted.

Wow Wow, wow! Its moving! My body is moving!

After attempting to move for a bit, the Electronic Witch tightly grabbed my hand.

I never thought youd really do it. Im truly grateful.

She said, her voice tinged with unusual emotion.

If theres anyone you need me to deal with, just let me know. Oh, and watch out for those Nazi guys.

The Nazi Empire?

Yeah. Ive been causing them trouble and taking some of them down, but they you know?

The Electronic Witch expressed her disgust, a rare occurrence.

I understood all too well.

That merely causing disturbances wouldnt stop them.

If you need information, just ask. Ill give you a great deal Ah! Its just because Im in a good mood. Seo-ha, for you, Ill always do it for free. But lets keep it a secret from my other clients, okay?

Yes, Ill keep it quiet.

While a Homunculus was an expensive investment, having the Electronic Witch on my side for free was a significant advantage.

So, are you going to teach today?

Yes, well. The lab is managed by an exceptional alchemist, and she needs my assistance to teach others.


The Electronic Witch appeared troubled, a rare expression for her.

Have you noticed anything unusual lately?


I reflected on the recent events.

I attended classes at school, trained with Kim Seo-hyun to master the Black God Martial Arts, discussed business with Ershil, sparred with Kim Ara, assisted Seo Ga-yeon with her development, competed with Hong Yu-hwa over trivial matters, and occasionally ventured into the city to hunt Mines as an elder summoned by Seolhwa Ryeon.

Afterward, I would return to the penthouse for lessons with Eternal Heaven and Black Heaven, then go to sleep after a shower.

The cycle would begin anew upon waking.

Now I understand why Black Heaven told me to take a rest.

Even I could see it was a brutally busy schedule.

No, but why do you ask?

Just in case, dont be too shocked.


Something was off about the Electronic Witchs expression.

It was as if she had seen an abyss she didnt want to know about.

Yes, it was similar to when I found out in the lab that Lab Escape was a Shotacon during my peak times in Epic World.

Anyway, once you connect, Ive moved you near the lecture hall, so you can just go straight in.

Ah, thank you.

No, Im not sure if this is right.

The Electronic Witch looked hesitant and spoke to me.

If you ever want to escape, just text me. Ill get you out somehow.

Even if it means turning the world against me, she added.

An unnecessary air of solemnity lingered.

I entered virtual reality.

As the Electronic Witch had said, I started near the lecture hall.

Before entering, I hypnotized myself.

Not many people know that I, Lee Seo-ha, was Veritas. So, I must use what I can. I hypnotized myself that I was Veritas and moved forward.


I am arrogant. I am the best in the field of alchemy. I am a respected figure that no one can catch up to.

With that self-hypnosis, I walked for a while.

I arrived at the lecture hall.

But something was strange inside the auditorium.

Everyone except me was wearing a mask. Actually, thats not too unusual.

Alchemy was a field where one worked cooped up in a room. Just like how ones mind became like a graduate student after being cooped up all day, such eccentricities were possible.

However, what was written on the masks caught my attention. Words in the language of this world, which I had seen a few times while playing the game.

Talent, Reading enabled me to read them right away.

Low-level follower of Veritas.


Looking around, they were divided into mid-level and high-level followers of Veritas. With the power of Talent, Reading, I could tell that their identities were related to alchemical abilities.

And there they were, in front of them.

The one known as Master and Al Magus, Zermaine. Talent, Reading, deciphered the names written on their masks.


Could it really be?

I stood there, dumbfounded, but soon noticed the name Patriarch written on the mask of a woman who appeared to be Lab Escape.

Welcome, Lord Veritas.

What is all this?

We have come to understand why you are leading us.

Lab Escape chuckled.

How could they not understand?

My goal was to revive the alchemy industry, using them as my limbs, while incidentally saving and enhancing those with advanced types through the items they sold.

Just as the Vaccine War gives people strength, knowledge, and their divinity, Lord Veritas has graciously bestowed knowledge upon us for free. However, the only thing we can do is offer our faith like this.


I didnt know What was that Its frightening

Th-theres no need for that. Just help those in trouble. Th-that should be enough.

I spoke hesitantly, which was uncharacteristic of me.

However, Lab Escape reacted differently.

Ah, Lord Veritas has spoken. Help those in trouble. This, this must be added to the scriptures immediately!

Moved, Lab Escape began to inscribe my words on the central emerald tablet in an emotional voice.

Everyone, today is a joyful day. The day Lord Veritas personally bestows alchemy upon us. Lets all join hands and pray.


I truly wanted to lose consciousness.

[You have acquired the special stat 'Faith'.]


What was this now?

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