I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 82: The Origin (1)

Chapter 82: The Origin (1)

After work ended, I had to go to school.

I felt like my heart was breaking, but what was done was done.

I sighed and started heading to school.

Just like me, students everywhere dragged themselves to school.

Ah, why do we have to go to school right after finishing work?

That crazy guy. Youre the one who was posting on Inbyeol about relaxing at your dads company.

Its different.

Such conversations were happening around me.

Hey, with the recent Tak Yoon-il incident, the Association is really interfering with the guilds, right? Is everything okay?

Its driving me crazy. Just this month, the guild has received sanctions five times.

Such discussions were also happening.

I went to school with a gloomy look.

-Master, this place is cozy.

Its a scabbard, after all.

-But how long do I have to stay here?

Why? Feeling cramped?

-Yes. Im naturally a free being. Staying in a scabbard makes me restless.

Black Heavenly Demon Sword, who was inside White Rouge asked me this while floating.

Was this like a homeless person feeling cramped in a house? Its a bit sad to think so.

Just then, my phone vibrated.

Electronic Witch: Hows the homunculus going?

A text from the Electronic Witch appeared on my phone.

Me: Its about 50% complete. Do you want to see it?

Electronic Witch: Yeah, Ill log into the penthouse now.

Shortly after.

Electronic Witch: Are you missing any materials?

I sent the list of materials I was lacking.

Electronic Witch: Doesnt seem too difficult this time.

Electronic Witch: But, can I also set the appearance?

Me: Yes, if you have a desired appearance, please tell me.

Electronic Witch: How about something like this?

I looked at the design sent by the Electronic Witch. She seemed more serious about customization than I had thought.

Me: Ill try.

Electronic Witch: By the way, youve been good at finding Mines lately. Should I tell you the locations of their hideouts?

My face brightened at the words of the Electronic Witch.

I noted down as many Mine hideouts as possible, but there were many vague parts.

Electronic Witch: There are also some kids who know your identity. Should I take care of them?

Me: Take care of them?

Electronic Witch: Yes. Just make sure they can never mess with you again.

Me: Then please do.

I then sorted through other messages.

Ershil: Mr. Seo-ha~ Could you increase the potions you supply to our guild~?

Ershil: Of course, Ill give you a 30% premium over the market price.

Ershil: (An emoticon of a penguin rubbing its hands with tears)

Me: Ok.

I sent Ershil a message confirming my agreement.

Today, I have to make the potions for Ershil.

I decided to prepare some potions for the Sun Guild as well. Park Woon-hyuk had said he would pay a good price, so he would probably buy them at a high rate.

Thinking about various matters, I soon arrived at school.

Instead of going to my class, I chose to head to the auditorium for the opening ceremony. It began with a speech from the principal.

The auditorium was already about half full. Annoyed, I carelessly chose a seat at the edge.

For a moment, I felt a strange sensation. It was similar to when I first fell into this world. No one was around, and I remembered how I had slightly provoked Hong Yu-hwa to get her attention.

Things are quite different from that time.

The most significant change was in my strength.

My strength had increased. Now, I could probably defeat Hong Yu-hwa in 95 out of 100 fights.

Did you save this seat for me?

A lively voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned my head to see Ershil, shimmering with a golden glow.

I thought I had put some effort into social relationships, but no one comes around me. Am I that intimidating?

I dont think thats the case.

Ershil chuckled and spoke.

Perhaps its more admiration than fear. Usually, people flock to great people, but when the greatness surpasses a certain point, they become hesitant. Besides, your decisive role in taking down Tak Yoon-il as an intern has become well-known.

Has that already turned into a rumor?

People in the know were aware of it, while the general public wasnt because insiders kept quiet. Guilds are eyeing you because of that, you know?

Well, theyve been targeting me from the start.

Could you tell me when the potions will be ready?

Ershil looked at me incredulously before changing the subject. As I chatted with Ershil, Seo Ye-bin appeared in front. The students quieted down, and Seo Ye-bin started her speech.

-Everyone, youve worked hard during the holidays. Some more, some less, but these experiences will

Is it okay if I sit here?

At the familiar question, I nodded. Kim Ara sat next to me.

Looking at Kim Ara, I activated my talent, Reading(-).

[Name: Kim Ara]

Magic: 25 Spirit: 20 Agility: 15

Special Stats

Origin Power: 35


"Pacheon(?)", "Giant's Bloodline(A+)", "Reverse Burst Open World(A)", "Robust Body(B)" and 5 more


"Pacheon Divine Art(S+)", "Pacheon Fierce Break Slash(S)", "Pacheon Dragon Step(B+)" and 7 more



She has become much stronger.

Unlike me, her physical ability stats all fed into her special stats.

Origin Power.

The power managed by the giants bloodline. The difference in strength between the awakened Kim Ara and the pre-awakening Kim Ara was enormous. At least twice as efficient.

And the talent Pacheon.

The talent, Pacheon.

A power to grip and tear apart what exists and what doesnt. A Kim Ara utilizing this properly was a monster. She could tear apart the connection between mountains and land and even throw mountains.

In a way, she was the last person youd want to upset.

Did you train hard?

Yes, I trained under Papa during the vacation.

I see.

The Overlord might be tough, but he strictly separated public and private matters. He must have rigorously trained Kim Ara during the holidays. He believed the sweat shed in training saves blood in real battles.

But didnt Papa say something strange?

Something strange?

The words of the Overlord came to mind. Ever since we first met, he kept saying odd things, seemingly wanting to bring me and Kim Ara together.

He said that I should tell his son-in-law not to say strange things.

Well, I dont know.


Kim Ara tilted her head for a moment, then nodded in understanding.

As I talked with Kim Ara, the vice-principals speech ended, and the headmaster began hers.

Its good to see everyone. Work hard this semester.

With just a couple of words and an annoyed expression, the headmaster stepped down.

The students cheered the departing headmaster.

Then, Seo Woo-ju, the instructor, stood in front of us.

You dont mean.

Come on, its just the first day of school.

The quick-witted students already sensed something was amiss.

This school was notorious for being strict, especially on the first day, even though it was usually somewhat relaxed.

Well, those who shouldve noticed have. Yes, our school doesnt take it easy on the first day. In fact, were tougher.

Seo Woo-ju smiled and continued.

Todays first lesson is a contest. From now on, youll enter a labyrinth to find a certain object and then exit.

How cruel.

The reason its a contest was probably because we had to fight each other to seize the object.

Many would likely wait at the exit rather than search for the object first.

Lets get going then.

Seo Woo-ju led us outside.

The artificial island where the Korean Hero School was located was so vast that we had to wait for a shuttle bus outside.

After a short bus ride, we quickly reached our destination.

We saw a facility resembling a labyrinth made of grey walls on a meadow.

The students faces hardened, realizing the maze was larger than expected.

Lets explain the rules now. The contest is literally about seizing an artifact in the labyrinth. As you know, in a contest, its possible to steal someone elses artifact using force or talent.

Seo Woo-ju crossed his arms and said.

This labyrinth was created because gates or ancient dungeons often yield artifacts. In the labyrinth, guilds typically compete for these artifacts, but sometimes villains or Mines attempt to seize them. Thus, the purpose of this lesson is twofold: to assess how well you protect the artifact from enemies and how you steal it from them.

He surveyed us as he spoke.

Everything within the labyrinth is monitored by drones controlled by our professors and instructors. Your actions in the labyrinth will be graded and will significantly impact your mid-semester evaluations. So, put in the effort. Ill now call the first group of students to enter.

He proceeded to call out the names of students in groups of ten.

Each group of ten paired up with an instructor and headed off.

Soon, my name was called.

Cover your eyes with this.

The instructor passed me a black cloth. I covered my eyes and followed him inside.

The sound of footsteps gradually receded.

Stay here.


I waited in silence, toying with the handle of the Black Heavenly Demon Sword. Fiddling with it usually helps calm my nerves

-Ah, Master. If you start touching me so suddenly

I couldnt help but feel absurd as Black Heaven turned red.

Just as I was about to speak to her, a voice came through the speakers on the mazes walls.

-The contest begins now.

I halted my conversation and began to walk. Before long, I arrived at a fork in the path.

Which direction should I take?

Left or right, I would eventually encounter the artifact. The maze was designed that way.

Footsteps echoed from beyond my keen senses. I crossed my arms and stood in wait for the adversary.

As long as it isnt Kim Ara.

I had grown strong.

Among the students, only Kim Seo-hyun, Kim Ara, and Saint could pose a challenge to me.

For a mage, barring unforeseen circumstances, I am almost their bane.

Only warriors had the strength to confront me.

Kim Seo-hyun was versatile, but I had a slight edge, and Saint posed a tricky challenge. He could self-heal with holy power, making him as hard to take down as a zombie.

However, Kim Ara was a different story; I had a high chance of losing against her.

It was too early to confront her. She had awakened to Origin Power too soon and had become too strong. Whatever I did, she could crush with sheer force.

Then, my opponent appeared: a stone sword larger than their height, emotionless purple eyes, and purple hair reaching their waist.

I was at a loss for words.

I had hoped to avoid Kim Ara, but there she stood.

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