I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 53: The Duel (1)

Chapter 53: The Duel (1)

As the situation took an unexpected turn, the people grew even more excited.

That dark knight must surely be

My goodness.

A duel between knights.

A thrilling contest that made everyones heart flutter had been arranged.

The mages looked at Kristen with faces full of confusion.

Sir Kristen.

Hahaha. Very well. Thats how things should be.

Kristen laughed heartily. He was actually quite pleased with the situation.

Young knights are often hungry for fame and achievements.

Kristen was no exception.

With his exceptional talent and skills, his induction into the imperial knight order was almost confirmed. However, Kristen had yet to achieve anything truly satisfying.

Like many other knights of his time, Kirsten had once contemplated hunting formidable monsters or participating in tournaments.

But thats too predictable.

Common and predictable achievements tend to be easily forgotten by people.

Kirsten desired the kind of long-lasting fame that would illuminate his name for ages.

Then the perfect opportunity arose.

A duel with a heretic knight!

He imagined the lavish praise he would receive upon victory. Bards would sing tales of his exploits, and noble ladies would surely lie awake at night while thinking of him.

Kirsten reveled in the sweetness of his anticipated victory.

He didnt even entertain the thought of defeat for a moment.

He trusted in his skills, in the talent he had honed through blood and sweat.

It was about time his efforts were rewarded.

I feel sorry for the princess of Vyman, but

He must win.

But victory alone was not enough. This important duel set to become a part of his legacy had to take place on a suitable stage.

Yes, it needs a larger audience.

Kristen addressed the silent head of the Jophis family who was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events.

A trial by combat has been established. However, it seems neither party is prepared at this moment. How about we duel two days from now in the square of district 7? As for the time Yes, a time just after sunset seems fair. What do you say?

Following Kristens suggestion, the head of the family turned his gaze towards Dale.

Do you agree?

It makes no difference to me.

With Dales consent, the head of the Jophis family solemnly declared.

Then, the verdict of this trial will be determined by the outcome of the duel. The location will be the square of district 7. The duel will start two days from now when the churchs bell tolls five times.

The trial came to an end with that declaration.

The audience murmured as they exited the courtroom, ready to spread the word about the extraordinary event they had witnessed.

Tonight, the taverns would buzz with talks of the duel between Dale and Kristen alone.

Next, the council members departed.

Their reactions were mixed.

Some were taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, others purely enjoyed the drama, and a few disapproved of the whole situation.

The council members split into two groups and approached Dale and Kristen.

Garland, Erielle, and the head of the Blacksmith Guild made their way towards Dale.

An old and grizzled-looking dwarf gazed up at Dale.

He was notably short even for a dwarf.

Hmm, so youre the dark knight of the rumors

He looked on with interest before bursting into laughter.

Ha! Unlike the young lads these days, youve got the makings of a real man. Yes, a man should draw his sword when the time comes.

The dwarf extended his hand for a handshake.

Im Bauman, son of Mark. Currently leading the Blacksmith Guild.


If you need help, just say the word. I can whip up a weapon or two in no time.

Dale nodded his head and bent forward to shake hands which made Bauman frown.

Dont bow.

Instead, Bauman stood on tiptoes to meet Dales hand. It seemed like he was sensitive about his height.

After Bauman left, Garland approached him.

So, it has come to this.

Didnt you somewhat expect this outcome when you tipped me off?

Hmm. Yes, thats true.

Garland offered an awkward smile before his expression turned serious.

Sir Kristen is strong. Do you understand what it means for someone to be scheduled to join the imperial knights?

Dale nodded his head in agreement.

He had encountered the imperial knights a few times in the game.

Each of them possessed an almost inhuman strength.

Having them as allies was incredibly reassuring, but facing them as enemies was like a nightmare.

Now, Dale was about to confront that nightmare.

Of course, Kristen wasnt officially an imperial knight yet.

Nonetheless, it was going to be a difficult battle as he would be stronger than anyone Dale had faced before.

After Garland left, Erielle was the last to come forward.

The corners of Erielles lips, which usually curled into a gentle smile towards Dale, were now set in a firm line.

Although the blindfold hid her gaze, it was likely that a similar sentiment was reflected in her eyes.

Even if I were to ask you to stop now, you wouldnt, would you?

Thats right.

Follow me.

With those words, Erielle walked off alone. As if asking him to comply with her without saying anything.

Dale wondered if standing still might provoke the priestess who was always quick to smile to show anger for once.

However, he decided to follow without protest.

Erielle suddenly stopped and said,

Sir Dale, you are going to die.

I dont particularly plan on dying.

Its not about what you think, Sir Dale. Kristen is a dangerous fellow. Coming from a prestigious knightly family, he will use you as a sacrifice for his own achievements, no matter what. Its obvious why he wants to duel in the square. He intends to make more people witness the duel.

Erielle seemed somewhat angry. Was her anger directed at Kristen? Or perhaps at Dale?

She continued speaking.

He wont just kill you swiftly. It seems he plans to toy with you, to slowly showcase his power before everyone, and to humiliate Sir Dale in public. Then he will proudly proclaim that he has slain an evil heretic knight.

Erielle and Dales eyes met. Even though she was wearing a blindfold, Erielle gave the impression of making eye contact with him.

Sir Dale is an idol to the believers. I cannot allow an idol to be so disgracefully treated, not in my capacity as the high priestess.

Dale asked her.

So, what now?

When I tasked you with protecting the believers, I mentioned I would offer you a minor relic. I will give it to you now. With the relic, your chances of victory should improve, even if only slightly.

This was welcome news.

Dale had been planning to approach Erielle himself to remind her of the promised relic.

Of course, Dale had no intention of dying at Kristens hands and was prepared to do whatever it took to win.

Having said her piece, Erielle walked away briskly. Her destination was the temple of the night.

She went down the stairs, passed the skeleton swinging a wooden sword as usual, and entered a corridor lined with prayer rooms.

She then opened the door to one of the nearby prayer rooms.

Come in.



Dale stepped into the prayer room followed by Erielle.

The small prayer room felt somewhat cramped for two people.

Erielle clasped her hands together and quietly recited a prayer. Then, she opened the door of the prayer room again.

A strange phenomenon occurred.

This place is

A special space created by the divinity of the night. Its currently being used as a relic warehouse.

Where the corridor leading back to the prayer rooms should have been visible, a completely different scene unfolded.

An endless expanse of darkness stretched out with various objects of unknown purpose floating around.

It resembled the depths of a vast sea.

Dale asked,

Are all these relics?

Yes. These are relics collected by the believers over many years.

So, I am to choose one from among these?

No, you are mistaken.

Erielle said with a slightly mischievous smile.

Its not Sir Dale who chooses the relic, but the relic that chooses Sir Dale. Try reaching out to any relic as a test.

Dale did just that.

He extended his hand towards a relic that looked like a plate. It was the closest one to him.

But the relic swiftly moved away from Dale as if it were alive.

Erielle shrugged her shoulders.


Dale was somewhat baffled and asked her.

What if no relic chooses me?

Then you wont receive a relic unfortunately.


After giving Erielle a slightly sour look, Dale turned his head again.

Can you at least explain what effects these relics have?

If you wish.

Dale and Erielle strolled through the warehouse.

At first, the sensation was like walking through water but he quickly grew accustomed to it.

Erielle meticulously explained each relic that Dale pointed out.

What is that shield for?

Thats the Shield of Agaradron. It can block almost any attack. However, it requires being fed meat periodically; otherwise, it might consume its owner.

And that bracelet?

Its called the Corruption of Gartas. Wearing it grants incredible strength, but it also drives the wearer completely mad for one day every week. Not being able to remove it until death is another minor drawback.

It seemed that all the relics resting in the temple of the night were all sinister.

As they continued to explore,

Dales gaze was intensely captured by one particular item.

It was a sole glove, gray in color, with white lines marking each finger segment like a net wrapped around them.

Dale asked again.

What is this item?

Ah, that is known as the Grasp of Death. Its effect is simple. It can emit a powerful shockwave from the palm. However, the cost for its use is a portion of the users life force.

A relic capable of unleashing a powerful shockwave in exchange for the users life force.

His opponent was clearly armored in solid plate. Yet no matter how strong he was, in the end he was still just a human.

If he could deliver a sudden powerful shock to the head

Its worth a try.

If Dale had been an ordinary person, he might have hesitated more due to the life force cost of using the relic. However, Dale knew that if he ever ran low on life force, he could simply replenish it.

The side effects were minimal for Dale.

Ill use this one.

Having made his decision, Dale reached out for the glove which then unexpectedly slid back.

Erielle remarked,

I told you, Sir Dale, its not you who chooses the relic, but the relic that chooses you.


Dale extended his hand once more.

Again, the glove moved aside. It just barely slipped out of his reach almost as if it was teasing him.

Dales gaze darkened as he fell into deep contemplation. The audacity of an object to play games with him.

He couldnt stand it.

He turned to Erielle with a question.

Is the relic retreating like that due to the power of this space?

Yes. This place is heavily imbued with the divinity of the night. That divinity awakens the will of the relics Its difficult to explain, but you should just understand that its because this space is special.

So, without the divinity, the relic wouldnt be able to flee.


Erielle was about to ask what he meant but froze in her place.

Dale had placed his hand on his sword.

Wa-Wait a moment. You brought that cursed sword into this place?

No one said I couldnt bring it.

But if you have common sense

Dale drew his sword cutting off Erielle mid-sentence.

He then swung the blasphemer through the air like a bolt of lightning and sliced through the nights divinity as if defying it.


A long gash appeared in the dark tranquil space.

And then gradually, the divinity that filled the space began to rush in as if it was water getting sucked through a hole in the bottom.

Erielle shouted.

Are you fu*king crazy?!

This was the first time Dale ever heard this composed woman utter a curse. But Dale paid it no heed.

When the divinity was sucking in the gash, the relics too surged towards it like schools of fish caught in a current.

Dale calmly observed this scene before reaching his hand into it.

And in that moment, the flow stopped.

Seriously! If youre going to cause trouble, cant you at least warn me first?

Erielle grumbled as she hastily patched up the rift in the space with divine power.

Why arent you saying anything.

Erielle turned to Dale and closed her mouth.

Dale was clutching his fist tightly. In his grip was a familiar glove.

Dale declared with a satisfied smile on his face

Its not the relic that chooses; its me.

Erielle was dumbfounded yet she said nothing.

She knew all too well that it would be meaningless to argue with this guy.

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