I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 51: Vyman (3)

Chapter 51: Vyman (3)

The elves were known as a warlike race.

Except for a few members of the priestly class, all members of the elven society were excellent warriors, hunters, and masters of battle.

They considered themselves as swords, believing that life was a process of endlessly hammering and sharpening that blade.

This hammering was quite simple. It was just relentless fighting and facing off against the strong.

It was not uncommon for elves to challenge both allies and foes alike if they deemed them worthy opponents.

This was why many people were wary of the elven race.

Ah! Aaah! Stop! Stop it!

The elf swordsman flailed in panic as Harty who faithfully responded to Dales command lunged at him.

He wanted to counterattack, but his injuries made it difficult.

Finally, the elf swordsman cried out to Dale.

S-Sir Dale! Would you not call off your wolf? I can understand facing a strong warrior, but I do not wish to die at the hands of a beast!

If you promise to keep quiet.

I promise! Ill promise anything; just make it stop!

Dale waved his hand towards Harty and the clever wolf immediately backed away.

The elf swordsman was visibly relieved and his eyes sparkled.

Since ancient times, its been said that beasts follow strong warriors To receive acknowledgment from such a magnificent wolf. Sir Dale, your power is beyond imagination.

Sit down.


Like a well-behaved child, the elf swordsman quickly took a seat in a nearby chair.

It was then that Kayla who had been watching from a distance spoke up.

Is everything alright now?


Shall I bring out something to eat?

After glancing at the elf, Dale nodded his head.

Regardless, the elfs gaze remained fixed solely on Dale as if he was stubbornly refusing to look away.

His eyes were almost uncomfortably bright.

Sir Dale. I have a request.

Im not particularly interested.

I wish to cross swords with you just once. After my injuries heal, could we have a duel, just once?


Of course! I knew you would agree! Its only fitting for a warrior!

This elf, he simply wouldnt listen.

Dale swallowed a sigh and got to the point.

Do you understand the situation you are in?


Dale explained the circumstances briefly to the bewildered elf.

He talked about the princess facing a trial, her current situation of being protected and monitored by the mercenary guild, and how Eirek had asked Dale to take care of the unconscious elf.

The elfs expression turned grave.

Ah, so it has come to that. Im not fond of Eirek, but it seems he has done his part properly this time.

Stay out of trouble for now. Theres nothing you can do to help in the trial anyway.

How can I do that? I am a knight of Vyman. Its my duty to protect the princess until the very end.

A knight?

Dale scrutinized the elfs face.

Whats your name?

Fraud. I am Fraud of the Blue Lion Knights


Hearing the name seemed to stir a vague memory in Dale.

When they had escaped from the Kingdom of Vyman, there seemed to have been a young elf knight named Fraud escorting Elena.

Here you go. I made sure to fill it up generously.

While he was lost in thought, Kayla brought out the food. It was a soup filled with lamb and potatoes.

Ah! First and foremost, one must fill their stomach no matter what happens. Thank you, oh waitress!

Im not the waitress; Im the owner, you know?

As soon as the food was served, Fraud began to devour it eagerly.

The soup in the rather large bowl was gone in no time.

Even after finishing, Fraud seemed unsatisfied and he started sucking on his fingers before turning his gaze to Dales bowl.

His eyes were pitiful like those of a dog caught in the rain.

Dale extended his bowl towards him.



Fraud exclaimed with a flushed face.

Thank you! You truly are a great warrior!

Dale didnt know what was the connection between offering food and being a great warrior but he decided to let him be.

Fraud incessantly munched on his food and asked without pause.

Coulsh itch be, are shou berhabsh a shy shelf?

Finish chewing before you speak.

After swallowing his food, Fraud asked again.

Could it be, are you perhaps a high elf?

Dale responded with a serious tone.

Are you trying to insult me?

Uh, where in my words did you find an insult? No, its nothing serious. Its just that your clipped accent and way of speaking reminded me of high elves. Besides, isnt the name Dale typical of high elves?

Instead of replying, Dale took off his helmet and let his white hair cascade over his shoulders.

Fraud was taken aback when he realized Dale was human.

Oh? So youre not. I naturally assumed you were a high elf because of your accent.

Thats because I learned the language from them.

Did you spend time with high elves when you were younger?

To be precise, it wasnt when he was younger but when he first arrived in this world.

However, he wasnt keen on discussing those times.

For Dale, those times were nothing but unpleasant memories.

When Dale did not respond, Fraud quickly lost interest.

He steered the conversation back to the original topic.

Anyway, Im thinking of meeting the princess. There might be something I can do, right?

Do as you wish.

Will you join me? Actually, the princess is somewhat curious about you. Shes heard the rumors.


Fraud nodded his head vigorously.

The dark knight, who willingly shares his provisions with the poor. Isnt it an honorable deed? I thought the tales were exaggerated when I lived within the city walls. But after spending a few days in the slums, I realized that the rumors were all true. And the fact that you are a dark knight also piqued my curiosity.

Dale asked,

Is that because of the tale where the last king of Vyman became the dark knight?

Frauds face brightened at Dales words.

Ah, you knew? To forsake even his own faith to protect his people. It was indeed a noble choice. While some fools might call it a fall from grace, I still hold great respect for His Majesty. Truly, a warrior worthy of admiration.

Fraud who was reminiscing about the past with longing eyes returned to reality.

Anyway, I often visited the mercenary guild hoping to meet you. With all the commotion there, I wished for an honorable knight like you to take up the guard role. Unfortunately, it seemed our paths kept missing, perhaps due to bad luck.

Since Dale had not been to the reception desk recently, it would have been difficult for their paths to cross.

Fraud concluded his lengthy tale with a question.

So, will you join me?

As Dale mulled over the proposal, something he wanted to see with his own eyes suddenly came to mind.

He nodded in agreement.

All right, Lets at least see her face.


Elena was confined to the top floor of the guild building.

When they arrived, Dale found Garland and Eirek engaged in conversation.

They greeted Dale warmly upon seeing him.

Ah, youve arrived?

It seems Sir Fraud is with you as well. He looks quite injured; wouldnt it be better for him to rest?

Thats not an option. I thought it best to have at least one trustworthy person by the princesss side.

Fraud and Eirek glared at each other.

They were clearly not on good terms.

Well, its only natural.

The pragmatic Eirek and the warlike Fraud.

It would have been more surprising if they had gotten along.

Dale turned to Garland to ask about the situation.

How are things going?

A trial is set to begin soon. Given the royal involvement, it wont be a summary trial but a formal one. All the council members will have to gather.

The jurisdiction for trials in the outer districts rested with the council members.

Typically, they would opt for summary rulings without formal trials, but this time the case was too big to do so.

The gravity of this case demanded a full trial with the participation of all seven council members.

The nobility from the higher districts are also taking an interest in this case. After all, it involves the last royal member of the Vyman Kingdom. Its bound to attract attention.

Eirek added.

The more eyes on us and the greater the interest, the better. It reduces the chances for any foul play from the Magic Tower.

Under normal circumstances, it would have been difficult to win a trial against the powerful magic tower.

This was largely because the council members would have to be mindful of the magic towers opinions.

But this time was different.

There were too many watchful eyes. Even with the magic towers presence, the council members had to be conscious of the publics eyes.

We cant be convicted without valid evidence. After all, weve been falsely accused, so naturally, there shouldnt be any such evidence. We just need to prepare our defense properly.

Eirek said optimistically.

It seemed he was confident of winning even against the magic tower.

Fraud interjected.

We must be thorough in our preparations. If any harm comes to the princess, you wont be spared either.

Just do your job without causing any trouble, and let me handle the rest. We dont need you stirring up more problems

Humph! Fraud snorted before suddenly asking them,

And the princess?

Shes on the top floor. Sebast is attending to her.

Sebast was the name of the old gentleman who assisted Eirek.

Fraud nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Good. If Sebast is with her, shes in reliable hands. Ill go up first. You should come too.

Fraud ascended the stairs with the light footsteps characteristic of an elf.

Dale intended to follow, but Garland momentarily stopped him.

Sir, have you decided to help them?

Garand spoke in a voice that only Dale could hear.

Dale denied it.

Not at all. It seems to me that there isnt much for me to help with in the trial anyway. Im ignorant of the law.

Hmm, I see.

Why do you ask?

Garland shook his head and said,

I just wanted to caution you. Getting involved in such complex matters can only lead to headaches. Its wisest to step back and observe from a distance.

Because of the magic tower?

Not just the magic tower. From my experience, these situations always turn messy, without exception.

Garland advised that it was wise to keep a distance from the dirty affair and simply observe from afar.

Dale nodded his head and continued up the stairs.

Two guards stood guard in front of the room where the princess was detained, and Fraud and Sebast were waiting.

Alright. Lets go in together.

When Fraud suggested this, Sebast made a displeased face.

Hmm. I might understand if it were Sir Fraud, but the other one Considering the princesss safety, its a bit

How dare one who does not even wield a sword dictate to a warrior what should be done!

Fraud became furiously agitated, causing Sebast to grimace as if he had swallowed dirt.

Then with a resigned sigh he said,

Do as you please.

It should have been that way from the start.

With permission granted, Fraud confidently opened the door and entered.

Elena who had been sitting dazedly on the bed looked up.

Ah, Sir Fraud. And

Her gaze lingered on Dale.

The girls face showed a moment of confusion, but she quickly composed herself.

Ahem. Its a pleasure to meet you. Ive heard much about you.

Her voice seemed forcedly solemn. Elena then said with a blush on her face.

Um, please forget the disgraceful behavior I displayed yesterday.

It was understandable that she felt embarrassed for having called a stranger father.

Dont worry. I dont care.

Dale responded casually, causing Elena to flinch, but she soon nodded her head in agreement.

Um, thank you for saying that.

Elena expressed her relief. Dale then asked her something that was on his mind.

I have a question.

What might that be?

Elena tilted her head in curiosity.

Dale got straight to the point.

Just how powerful is the magic you wield that the magic tower is so desperate to have you?

Elenas face slightly contorted.

Thats quite a sudden question. Are you asking to see my magic?

Dale nodded his head in response.

Dale wanted to see for himself the extent of Elenas capabilities as a mage with his own eyes.

He had chosen Elena over Karl in the past and wanted to confirm if his decision had been the right one.

Elena was taken aback by the sudden request but she soon extended her hands.

In the next moment, magical power swirled through the room, even though Elena didnt utter a single incantation.

The magic quickly took the form of water which then shaped itself into a dragon.

A water dragon.

The dragon made of water glided gracefully through the confines of the small room.

Dale stared in fascination at the dragon flying above his head.

But that wasnt all.

With a delighted expression on her face, Elena lightly touched the water dragon and a bright white flash engulfed the surroundings.

When the light faded, the water dragons body was glowing with electricity flowing through it.

It was a combination of two types of magic.

Dales mouth shut tight. He realized that this advanced technique was incomparable to anything he had seen from Hans before.

Yet, performing such feats seemed effortless and purely fun for Elena who wore an innocent smile befitting her age.

Watching her, Dale thought to himself that Elenas talent in magic was

Dangerously exceptional.

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