I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 49: Vyman (1)

Chapter 49: Vyman (1)

Eirek spoke with a somewhat bitter expression on his face.

Protection its more like Ive been offering a bit of help.

So, thats why you were so desperate to resist. Once caught by the mages, its difficult to return safely.

Eirek nodded his head in agreement.

The subordinates standing behind him also wore gloomy expressions.

Dale asked,

So, why have you sought me out?

He had a rough idea of what the request might be but he wanted to hear it directly from Eirek.

Eirek locked eyes with Dale and asked him.

Would you lend your strength? Ill make it worth your while. If things continue as they are, my entire store could collapse.

Couldnt you simply give up the heir? Its not as if youre protecting him out of pure goodwill.

It was a harsh statement, but it seemed like a reasonable suggestion under the current circumstances.

Eirek was closer to a merchant than a noble and he valued even the smallest gold coin over honor or loyalty.

He was the type to boldly cut ties if he saw no profit in a venture.

Eirek sighed deeply.

True, it wasnt out of pure goodwill. I thought if the Kingdom of Vyman ever rose again, the princess would become queen, and my investment now wouldnt be in vain. But the war with the demons shows no sign of ending, and the kingdoms restoration seems far off. Betting my business on such an uncertain future would be foolish.

So, why not give up?

A bitter smile deepened on Eireks lips.

My family has served the kingdom for over 700 years. It seems I cant escape that blood. It means I still have a long way to go.

Dale read one emotion on Eireks face


The noble before him couldnt let go of his fallen homeland.

Even knowing his actions were unwise, he couldnt shake them off.

A nobleman of a fallen kingdom would carry this regret until death while dreaming of a life in a restored land just as his ancestors did.

Dale nodded his head in understanding.

He got the picture.

But still.

It seems difficult.

Dale shifted his gaze to the back. The residents were milling about with anxious expressions on their faces in the clearing.

Ive already been commissioned to protect these people until this matter is resolved. I intend to stay here and keep watch.

There was silence for a moment as if Eirek had anticipated that response. He nodded his head in acknowledgment.

I knew it was a lot to ask. It seems its not possible after all. My apologies for making such a request and causing you unnecessary concern.

Its alright.

After being turned down, Eirek hurried to leave.

He planned to ask everyone he had connections with. Though he wasnt sure how many would agree.

Just then, a man came running from the back. He seemed to have run a great distance hastily as he stood gasping for breath.

Eirek furrowed his brow.

Didnt I tell you to stay put?

I have urgent news to report!

What is it?

After catching his breath, the man shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.

The princess has been captured!


The mercenaries and the guards were gathered at the entrance of the slums alleyway. Each of them wore a face full of irritation.

Irenes summers were hot.

The humid and warm air, carried by the western winds, turned the city into a steam room.

It was far from an ideal working environment.

Even the slightest movement would soak ones entire body in sweat, making the mercenaries utterly miserable.

To make matters worse, most of them were clad in layers of chainmail and fabric armor which only intensified their discomfort.

Yet, they couldnt remove their armor.

Although the involvement of the Magic Tower had significantly crushed the spirits of the slums residents, there were still those who resisted.

A moment of carelessness could lead to a surprise attack and a fatal end.

This situation had pushed everyones irritation to its peak, creating an atmosphere so tense that it seemed like any small provocation could trigger an explosion.

And in such an atmosphere, Kadal sensed a looming crisis.

This is dangerous.

If the soldiers were to explode in anger, where would they direct their fury? It was clear that the residents of the slums would become the targets.

Orders to minimize damage may be violated and a merciless massacre may occur.

Kadal believed that now was the moment to retreat.

After all, both sides needed time to catch their breath and regain their composure.

The problem lay with the mages standing nonchalantly at the back.

They seemed intent on not stopping until they achieved what they wanted.

Should the situation not improve to their satisfaction, they appeared ready to set the entire slum ablaze.

Theyre capable of that and more.

He swallowed a sigh. This place was within the empires territory.

And everything within the empires territory belonged to the emperor, the rightful ruler and governor of these lands.

Even the slum dwellers, who had illegally occupied this space, were considered the emperors property or at least thats what he thought.

Protecting the emperors property and subjects was the duty of the captain of the guards.

Thats why Kadal couldnt help but be annoyed by the mages running wild.

As expected, as the wait dragged on, one of the mages inevitably approached and urged for action.

Why is this taking so long?

Kadal spoke with a bitter expression on his face.

Wait. Everyone is exhausted. If we go in now, the damage will be uncontrollable.

I cant count how many times Ive heard that. If this continues, well have no choice but to question Captain Kadals capabilities.

Kadal clenched his teeth in anger. He felt as if the giant axe on his back was whining.

He wished he could chop these arrogant mages into pieces, but lifes tragedy is that one cannot always act as they desire.

Haah. Very well.

Ultimately, Kadal was unable to withstand the pressure and he was about to order the charge. It would result in much bloodshed, but confrontation seemed the only way to make any progress.

But then at that moment, someone emerged from the alley.


Whats going on?

Both the mercenaries and the guards were taken aback.

And for good reason, as the aura of those emerging was extraordinary.

One was an elf swordsman.

The distinctive green hair, pointed ears, and neutral features of a Wood Elf were striking.

Although somewhat slender for a swordsman, one should not underestimate him.

The muscles that appeared slender on the surface were in fact far superior to those of humans.

Walking beside such an elf was a young girl.

She could have been no more than fourteen, with eyes the color of the sea and hair to match, reaching down to her shoulders. Even though she was still young, her clear facial features were more appropriate to be called beautiful rather than cute.

Despite the lingering baby fat giving her a youthful appearance, no one could take her lightly.

It was the girls gaze, her walk, the way she brushed her hair aside; an undeniable dignity emanated from her every action.

She is different from us.

This was the unanimous thought among those who stared in awe.

They were of the same human race, yet she seemed to belong to a higher order.

Some of the mercenaries even bowed their heads without realizing it.

Kadal and the mages found themselves at a loss for words.

Only the elf swordsman spoke earnestly to the girl.

We must turn back now. If we continue, Lady Elena, you will be in danger!

I can no longer tolerate innocent blood being shed on my account. I must confront this myself.

Ah, what do a few worthless lives matter in comparison to you, Lady Elena!

Despite the elf swordsmans attempts to persuade her, the girl remained unmoved.

The girl, called Elena, walked with dignity towards the mages of the magic tower.

Her bold approach left the mages, in turn, taken aback.

The mages were uncertain of how to react and exchanged glances before Elena spoke up.

I know that the turmoil in this area is because of me. Stop tormenting the powerless citizens and speak directly to me if you have something to say.


After a brief exchange of looks, one of the mages asked,

Are you Elena Vyman, the last heir of the Vyman Kingdom?

Thats me. Now, lets talk

Without hesitation, the mage declared,

Elena Vyman, you are under arrest for conspiring with rebels and plotting treason.

What? W-wait. First, listen to what I have to say

What are you waiting for? Seize her!

The soldiers and mercenaries surged forward at the mages command.


Upon hearing the news, Eirek rubbed his face in dismay.

Our innocent princess has finally caused trouble.

What happened?

It seems the princess was aware that the magic tower was looking for her. So she decided to engage in talks directly. Ha! Talking, of all things!

While her desire to avoid innocent bloodshed was commendable, it was naively conceived.

Ive been keeping her safe until now, but it seems she slipped away in my absence.

So, what became of her?

Well, she was arrested and charged with a slew of accusations, including conspiracy to commit treason! The fallen princess allegedly plotting to reclaim the throne, sounds plausible, doesnt it?

The magic towers scheme was all too obvious.

They would imprison her under various charges and then dangle the carrot of leniency in exchange for her magical knowledge.

Conspiracy to commit treason was a grave crime.

And when facing the threat of execution, who wouldnt succumb?

The magic tower had achieved its objective with the princess captured. There was no longer any reason to remain in the slums, so they would have withdrawn.

With the magic towers forces gone, the search partys strength would have greatly diminished.

Since it was difficult to carry out the operation with the mercenaries and guards alone, the search should be practically over.

Dale had once again successfully completed a mission. He alone stood against the enemy to protect the residents.

Now relieved of the responsibility to protect the residents, Dale was free to act as he pleased once again.

Watching Eirecs back as he hurried to leave, Dale was lost in thought.

Memories of the past flooded his mind.

The princess.

The downfall of the Vyman Kingdom.

At that moment, which was a very important turning point in the game, he was present as the protagonist of the game.

He had encountered the princess Eirec spoke of. It had been the protagonists role to help the princess and the survivors escape from the kingdom.

The people who escaped at that time were still alive. And he was deeply involved in this matter.

Was Dales involvement in this matter a mere coincidence, or was it guided by fate?

His mind changed.

The event that had caused such a stir in the city was drawing to its final phase.

Dale wanted to see for himself how this would unfold.

Ill go too.

Are you offering to help?!

Dale shook his head.

Dont get your hopes up.

It was a statement almost equivalent to refusal, yet for Eirec at this moment, even the slim possibility was enough.

Then lets hurry on!

The group quickly made their way to where the princess was located.

Surprisingly, the princess had not yet been captured.

Mercenaries and guards formed a large circle around her with the princess standing in the middle.

Beside the princess, an elf wielding a sword in one hand and an axe in the other was gasping for breath.

My goodness!

The old gentleman exclaimed in admiration.

Injured mercenaries scattered here and there were groaning in pain.

It was the elf who had been taking on such a large number by himself.

But Dale was not surprised.

These mediocre foes posed no real challenge to the elves which was a race of formidable warriors.

This was the first reason why Dale was wary of elves.

As the elfs resistance grew stronger, one of the mercenaries shouted.

Hey, you pointy-eared freak! Surrender now orugh!


An axe, seemingly thrown out of nowhere, buried itself in the mercenarys shoulder.

It was the price for daring to insult an elf with such a derogatory term.

The elf bellowed,

This person is royalty of Vyman! How dare you attempt to bind and drag royalty with ropes! There is no place in the world where such treatment of royalty is acceptable!

The resounding roar of the elf made the mercenaries and guards hesitate and step back.

Though battered and bruised, the swordsman possessed an intimidating aura that made approaching him difficult.

The mercenaries looked toward the mages as if seeking their help.

However, even the mages were at a loss. Launching an attack spell might risk harming the princess standing close by.

The princess must not die until she proves useful.

The scene of a single swordsman pushing back dozens of foes.

Eirek said with a satisfied smile upon seeing that.

I may not know much else, but our friends skills here are certainly exceptional.

He remarked and cast an implicit glance at Dale.

How about it? Wouldnt we stand a good chance if Sir Dales strength were to join him?

However, Dales expressionless face became even more impassive.

The reason was simple.

I dont like elves

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