I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 46: Mage (3)

Chapter 46: Mage (3)

Mages were broadly divided into two categories.

There were battle mage, who mainly focused on researching lethal magic.

And then there were the general mages who delved into all other kinds of magic.

In this era, half of the mages were battle mages.

The first lesson these battle mages learned was how to eliminate their aversion to killing.

Magic, inherently dangerous and powerful, often resulted in the death of not only enemies but also allies in widespread spells.

A mage who lamented over killing their own allies seldom survived for long.

To stand against demons,

Battle mages had to become ruthless killers, devoid of both blood and tears.

What in the world

Kadal who had been dazed exclaimed at the mage.

What is this atrocity!

The mage was puzzled and responded.

What atrocity? I merely removed an obstacle to our plan. Thats why I came here, isnt it?

Kadals face contorted with anger. While it was true that they were obstacles, there was certainly room for dialogue.

This mage had obliterated that possibility entirely.

These are His Majestys subjects! To burn such people to ashes without a second thought!

What are you talking about? According to the laws of the City of Irene, only those residents living within the city walls are recognized as such. The inhabitants of the slums are merely lawbreakers occupying this place without permission.

The mage methodically explained the law. The residents of the slums were not officially considered part of the city and thus were not protected by the law.

Therefore he argued that using magic on them was of no consequence.

How can you say that! This land is part of the Empire! Everything within the Empire belongs to His Majesty the Emperor! Its not about what the city law says or doesnt say!

Hmm. Thats quite an old-fa no, a conservative view. Well, anyway, it doesnt seem like the time for idle chatter, does it?

The mage gestured ahead.

The vigilantes who were struck by the magic were glaring in this direction with hostility.

There was no longer room for dialogue. What remained was conflict.

And they would never stand by as their territory was trampled upon.


Kadal let out a deep sigh and gave instructions.

Subdue them all! But try to spare those who can be spared. Our goal is to root out the threats! Dont forget that!


The guards and mercenaries responded with vigor and they all charged towards the vigilantes.

Kadal thought as he looked at them.

Its going to be a long day.


The underworld had made its own preparations. The residents gathered in the open space, and they were trembling with anxiety.

There was the sound of something exploding in the distance and black smoke billowing out.

It has begun.

Dale focused on the noise surrounding the barricaded alley with carts.

He couldnt help but think that this conflict might spill more blood than anticipated.

Is this really okay?

Even though there was a lull in the front lines, the war against the demons was still in full swing.

To be engaged in such pointless conflicts instead of standing united seemed utterly foolish to Dale.

The actions of the magic tower and the council members who supported them were incomprehensible.

Are they underestimating the demons that much?

The demons Dale remembered were truly world destroyers and living disasters.

Their strength was beyond reason.

No matter how hard you try, only creatures up to the middle rank could be hunted.

Even after trying with various classes, defeating high-ranking demons proved impossible.

Dale calculated that it would take the combined strength of four experts, each having mastered at least one class, to even stand a chance against them.

Thus, demons were objects of terror. Paradoxically, this very fear enabled humanity to unite.

The enemy was too formidable for any internal conflicts to arise.

Even when traitors who worshipped the demons emerged, people banded together.

But what about now?

The lull in the front lines was baffling enough, let alone the senseless conflicts that were being waged.

It implied a level of complacency and a diminished fear of demons.

Had people grown accustomed to the fear over time?

It doesnt make sense.

There were too many things that made no sense, especially the unsettling feeling this recent event provoked.

It was as if someone had intentionally orchestrated this situation.


Each organization had its own desires.

The magic tower sought someone, the city guards wished to restore order, and the council members desired their share of the spoils.

Each acted for their own interest.

And when their interests aligned, they could stir great turmoil.

What Dale found unsettling was this very aspect. The situation seemed too perfect.

The exact alignment of interests made it all the more suspicious.

It feels as if someone orchestrated this.

And if there was someone behind this, it suggested not an outsider but a traitor within the city

It was at this moment that Dales thoughts were interrupted.

The previously quiet underworld began to buzz with activity.

The sound of iron boots hitting the ground, the clanking of swords hanging from waists, and the loud chatter filled the air.

Mercenaries were approaching.

Dale stood up.

He looked in the direction from which the mercenaries were coming.

Soon, he could hear their banter.

Is this the place? Where the heretics gather?

No wonder it smells odd and feels dark.

Lets just round them all up. Theyre probably not worth much anyway.

As the mercenaries murmured among themselves and entered the alley, they were forced to halt their advance.

Carts blocked their path, and atop them stood Dale who was looking down at them.

The mercenaries silently stopped in their tracks as they had no other choice.

The imposing stature, the downward gaze, the shadow of the building overhead, the stillness as if he were a statue, and the fierce wolf sitting beside him were intimidating.

They were scared. Any ordinary person would have been scared in their place.

The mercenaries only exchanged glances with each other. They were unsure of how to proceed in this awkward situation.

Isnt that the What do we do now?

Should we turn back?

Without even fighting?

I dont want to fight

But they couldnt just turn back either.

In the end, a relatively experienced mercenary among them stepped forward. He addressed Dale.

Pleased to meet you. You must be Sir Dale? Ive heard a lot about your reputation. Its an honor to see you in person.

The mercenary rubbed his hands together and spoke in a friendly manner. Only then did Dale break his silence and respond.

And you are?

My name is Zeon, son of Pang. Im a mercenary affiliated with the guild and I am a bronze plaque. Ah! Ive shared a few drinks with Harkin as well. How is Harkin doing these days?

Zeon brought up Harkin out of the blue.

Perhaps he knew that Dale and Harkin had worked together frequently and was trying to make a connection.

A sociable mercenary, indeed.

Sociability is indeed a great virtue for a mercenary.

In this respect, Zeon was skilled.

He was subtly trying to foster a sense of friendship with Dale by inquiring about Harkins well-being.

Dale nodded his head in response.

Yeah, hes doing too well; thats the problem.

Is that so? Im glad to hear it.

Zeons face brightened up.

He was thinking that Dale had somewhat opened up to him.

Feeling the psychological distance between them narrow, Zeon quickly got to the point.

Sir Dale, as you might already be aware, weve come to search this area. So, may we pass through?

Ive already identified all the locals. Any suspicious individuals have been driven out. Theres really no need for you to go rummaging around.

Faced with Dales firm response, Zeon forced a smile. He rubbed his hands together again and said,

Of course, you must have checked, Sir Dale. But since were being paid to do this job well need to take a look ourselves. Just to be sure.

Are you doubting my judgment?

No, not at all! We trust you, Sir Dale. Its just to be absolutely sure. And if everything is indeed clear, then there should be no issue with us checking, right?

Zeon wore an annoyingly smug smile. He was evidently pleased with his own logic.

However, Dale was not in the least bit swayed.

With a horde of mercenaries swarming in, who could predict what they might do?

There must be a bonus for anyone they catch.

Given the nature of this task, capturing more suspects likely meant greater rewards.

And the term suspicious person could be very subjective.

It was impossible to know what lengths these money-hungry mercenaries might go to.

So, Dale responded,


Zeons face lit up with a broad smile.

As expected of Sir Dale. Truly honorable

But theres a condition,


You must enter alone.

What do you mean by that?

Theres hardly a need for many people to conduct the search.

Zeons eyes darted around the place and the forced smile on his lips twitched.

Haha. Still, going in alone could be somewhat risky.

Dont worry. There wont be any danger. Ill ensure your safety.

But Sir Dale, thats not the

Whats the matter?

Dale pressed further after seeing Zeons hesitation.

Didnt you say you trust me? Or was that a lie?

Zeons face hardened. Finding himself at a loss for words, he dropped his smile and said,

Are you truly going to proceed like this? This matter involves everyone from the guards to the guilds, even the magic tower. Do you intend to make enemies of them all?

They have their duties, and I have mine.

You will regret this.

Unable to hold back any longer, Zeon resorted to something akin to a threat. In response, Dale drew his sword.

Then try to make me regret it. With your own hands, not hiding behind anothers name.

As Dale pointed his sword, the mercenaries faces turned sour. The intent behind his gesture was clear.

Rush at me quickly or else get lost.

The mercenaries pondered their options.

There were about ten of them gathered here and none of whom held a rank higher than bronze.

Each had their own experience and a certain pride in their abilities.

Would it be worth it to engage in battle with Dale?

None of them thought so.

Facing a monster who had single-handedly destroyed a thieves guild seemed like a fools errand.

Every anxious gaze converged on Zeon and the latter also sensed the atmosphere around him. He swallowed a sigh and conceded. It was humiliating but it was time to retreat.

Fine. Well leave it at this for today. But mark my words, next time we wont come alone.

His final bluff was Zeons last stand of pride as a man and as a mercenary.

With that being said, Zeon turned to leave but Dale called out to stop him.



The mercenaries froze in unison as Dale spoke.

If you intend to bring more next time, it might be better to eliminate you now.

Why let go of those who threaten to return?

Dale, sword in hand, strode forward decisively.

The terrified mercenaries glared at Zeon, but the latter felt it was unfair.

Come on, these were just the last words I used so he could let us go.

As Dale approached them, the mercenaries also walked in a hurry. But then Dale started running. The mercenaries ran as well, but they were quickly overtaken.

As Dale poised to swing his sword, Zeon hastily bowed down.

I-I apologize! It was just a moment of pride! I promise we wont come back again! You can hold my honor no, my parents honor to it!

Me too. I swear on my mother!

And I

The mercenaries began to desperately invoke their parents names. Dale looked at them with disdain before briefly stating,

Watch your words in the future.

He had only intended to scare them.

This encounter would likely ensure the mercenaries steered clear of this area for a while.

Th-Thank you.

Having felt the immediate threat of death, the mercenaries nodded vigorously before hastily making their retreat.

But they were forced to stop once again.

A group was approaching from behind.

Whats this? Why back down? You mercenaries are slacking off again?

The person who said that was a young man wearing a loose robe.

His arrogant tone, sharp accent, and the staff in his hand made it easy to deduce his identity.

He was a mage.

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