I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 35: The Chase (5)

Chapter 35: The Chase (5)

After passing through the territory of giants, Dale and Harkin moved along the canyon.

It was a precarious path narrowly etched beside the sheer cliffs.

Harkin stealthily glanced down the cliff.

The river swollen from the rainy season raged below. It looked like an angry dragon.

Harkin swallowed hard.

Even a giant wouldnt survive a fall there, right? Probably the same for Sir Dale

But Harkin couldnt quite settle on that thought.

The dark knight that was limping slightly beside him had survived a strike from a giant.

His armor was somewhat dented, and joints here and there were twisted, but wasnt that considered safe enough for him?

Perhaps this unrealistically strong dark knight could even withstand the fury of nature

Such a ridiculous idea crossed his mind.

Feeling Harkins gaze, Dale turned his head.


N-nothing. But dont you think you need healing?

Dale spoke nonchalantly.

We just need to hunt a few beasts along the way.

Harkin nodded his head.

He had much to say but if Dale said so that was how it was.

Afterward, the two continued along the path and came across a rope bridge that crossed the canyon.

The bridge which was built long ago and neglected was in disrepair but not unusable.

Its clearly made before the fall of the empire. It should be stronger than it looks.

They carefully crossed the rope bridge.

There were moments when their feet slipped through, but fortunately, the bridge held without breaking.

Once they crossed the canyon, they could finally descend the mountain.

Looking back at the towering mountain behind him, Harkin shook his head.

Phew. I hope I never have to go back there again.

Is the village close from here?

We have to travel half a day more.

Then we should camp around here for the night.

It was already night.

The moon, which should have been overhead by now, was hidden behind the storm clouds.

Surrounding them was darkness so thick that one couldnt see even an inch ahead.

This posed no issue for Dale.

But Harkin was an ordinary human.

In such darkness, he was likely to trip every three steps.

And Dale was not inclined to carry Harkin.

Anyway, since weve crossed the mountain, we should have plenty of time.

They took a shortcut and managed to get well ahead of the mage.

All that was left was to wait for the mage to arrive at the village.

There was still time to spare.

Dale and Harkin slumped down under a reasonably large tree.

The surrounding branches were too damp to start a fire.

Dale said,

Sleep. Ill take the watch.

Are you sure?


Harkin carelessly spread a blanket over the damp earth and lay down on it.

Yet, even then, Harkin tossed and turned for a long time. It was unusual for him, who usually fell asleep as soon as his head touched the ground.

Dale asked,

Cant sleep?

Harkin replied with an awkward expression.

Exactly. I cant seem to sleep tonight. Maybe its because of the rain

Worried about the villagers?

Harkin shook his head.

Worried? With Sir Dale here, who has even defeated the demons servant, what can a mere spellcaster like her do?

Then why?

Well maybe its because its been so long since Ive been back to the village.

Dale asked,

Havent you visited your hometown since returning from the front?

Ive sent money and news through others occasionally. But facing them in person its been difficult.

Harkin spoke bitterly.

On his face, a deep longing for a fallen comrade and friend surfaced.

A figure Dale too had once met.

A mercenary named Quell. In Harkins words, a buddy.

The two, having grown up together in their hometown, were undoubtedly as close as family.

But Quell was dead.

He couldnt withstand an attack by the eaters.

Harkin hung his head low.

How can I return and face Quells family with any dignity?

Guilt was clear on his face.

It was an understandable situation.

Dale didnt offer any cheap advice about visiting his hometown to resolve his feelings.

One must judge and act on their own in personal matters, especially those concerning family.

Are we not going to stop by the village tomorrow, then? Just camp around the area?

Harkin thought for a moment and shook his head.

No. I cant cause trouble for Sir Dale because of my issues.

It doesnt really bother me.

Running away doesnt solve anything.

That was a rather impressive statement for Harkin.

Seemingly proud of his own words, he cracked an annoying smile.

Dale spoke bluntly.

Just get some sleep.


Soon after, Harkins steady breathing could be heard. It seemed his mind had eased after making a decision.

In the end, Harkin only needed a small push to propel him forward.

And so, the night passed.

The rain became weaker overnight.

The relentless rainy season finally showed signs of ending.

Yawn. Is it already morning?

Yes, it is. Time to get up.

Harkin who had sluggishly risen wrung out his completely damp blanket.

Then he began to neatly style his curly hair while applying saliva to it.

Dale scolded him.

Youre just going to get soaked in the rain anyway.

But the mood is important, isnt it?

Do as you like.

Sir Dale, I dont smell bad, do I?

Dale retorted in return.

Did you think you wouldnt?

Eh? Is that true?

Take a bath more often.

I bathe once a week

Dale was about to call him a dirty bastard but decided to let it go.

Since it was the day of his return to his hometown, he thought to be more lenient just for today.

After completing their preparations, Harkin guided Dale with light steps.

He looked so delighted that he even hummed a tune through his nose.

The two of them walked along a small tributary stemming from the Giant Mountains river.

The babbling stream eventually reached the plains and pooled there, becoming part of a swamp.

In a densely wooded jungle, there was a village quite a distance away.

The village, surrounded by a crude wooden fence, had an official name, but most people referred to it as the Swamp Village.

The Swamp Village was Harkins hometown.

Haken had tears in his eyes as he looked at the view of his hometown. He looked very emotional.

Really, nothing has changed at all.

Lets go inside.


As Dale strode forward, a tense Harkin followed behind him.

Despite the bad weather, farmers tilling the fields lifted their heads.

They were startled at the sight of Dale.


M-monster! No, a demon?

Harkin apologized on their behalf.

Im sorry, Sir Dale. They are country bumpkins and lack manners.

I understand.

Harkin straightened his clothes and approached the farmers.

Do you not remember me, old man?

Uh? Who are you?

Its me, Harkin. Son of Gollen, Harkin.


The eyes of the old man and the woman who were looking closely at Harkins face opened wide.

Harkin! How long has it been!

Oh my, oh my!

A smile crept onto the deeply wrinkled face of the old man and woman.

They warmly welcomed Harkin.

Look at you! I hardly recognize you! Dressed in shining armor and all. Youve become a mercenary!

You know how much experience Ive gained. I need to have this kind of equipment.

Still boasting as ever. But that one is?

The old man gestured towards Dale. His face was still showing traces of fear.

Harkin laughed and said,

Thats Sir Dale. A knight I owe a great deal to. Dont worry about him.

Ah, I see. If you say hes alright, then he must be.

The old man finally relaxed his guard towards Dale. Then he asked,

But where is Quell? You two were always together like two peas in a pod.

Harkins expression hardened.

Well, about that

Ah! First, we should tell Quells family!

Ill go and talk to them.

W-wait a moment.

Harkin tried to stop the old man and woman. But by then, the woman was already shouting loudly as she entered the village.

Harkin has come! Harkin is here!

Harkin bowed his head in a daze. Dale asked,

You havent told them about Quells death yet?

Yes I just couldnt bring myself to say it.

Didnt you yourself tell me that running away wont solve anything?

I am ashamed.

After a moment of contemplation, Harkin made a request to Dale.

Sir Dale, the more I think about it, the less prepared I feel. Please keep Quells death a secret for now. Ill tell them everything later, but it seems today is not the day.

Do as you wish.

Soon, villagers began to emerge from the village.

They flinched at the sight of Dale but soon wore welcoming expressions upon seeing Harkin.

The villagers bombarded Harkin with questions.

How have you been?

Did you earn any money?

Are you hurt anywhere?

Did you get married?

Harkin had to break a sweat answering each question individually. Then, a young woman burst through the crowd of villagers.

Small children clung to the folds of the womans skirt.


Oh? Ah, Mary. Its been a long time.

Uncle Harkin!

Haha! You guys have grown so much!

While embracing the children, Harkin whispered to Dale.

Thats Quells family. He married early.


Quells wife, Mary, asked with a bright smile.

Its such a relief youre back safely. I heard the front lines are dangerous. Youre not hurt, are you?

Uh, no.

God must be looking after you. But where is he?

Harkin broke out in a cold sweat.

Looking at the faces of Mary and her children, he seemed unable to easily tell a lie.

Oh, Quell, you mean? Haha. Where was Quell again?

Harkins wandering eyes turned towards Dale.

Dale thought to himself,

Where indeed. Buried in the ground, most likely.

But Dale didnt voice that thought.

Harkin quickly thought of a suitable excuse.

A request! Right, he took on a request.

A request? Alone?

Well, we are somewhat famous, you know? We get so many requests that it becomes unmanageable if we both go together. So, for simpler tasks, we sometimes split up.

Hmm. You guys are famous?

Mary squinted at Harkin with skepticism.

She too was a childhood friend of Harkin and Quell and knew their personalities well.

The idea of Harkin and Quell being famous seemed far-fetched to her.

Harkin was sweating profusely and looked at Dale with eyes pleading for help.

Dale sighed inwardly before speaking.

Harkin is a reasonably good mercenary.

Is, is that so?

Finally, Mary nodded her head.

The words of a knight, who at first glance looked to be no ordinary man, carried more weight than Harkins.

Mary glared sharply at Harkin and asked.

Could there be another woman in his life?

No, no. Quell may seem frivolous, but hes devoted to you, Mary.

Is that so?

Mary, who had been testing the truth of Harkins words, soon nodded her head agreeably.

Well, then its fine.


Come on! Lets not chat now! Harkin is back after a long time; lets have a feast!

Lets slaughter a pig!

Ill bring the beer. I happen to have some good ones.

The residents of Swamp Village began to bustle about.

Barrels of beer were neatly stacked in preparation for the banquet.

Although it was still midday, no one seemed to mind.

On a day of celebration, it was customary for everyone to share in the joy.

The villagers chattered loudly with Harkin.

Harkin still felt guilty for concealing the death of his friend from them.

But at the same time, he also seemed very happy.

And it was understandable.

After enduring so much hardship, he returned to his hometown for the first time in years.

Although it wasnt quite a glorious return, Harkin had achieved some success as a mercenary, so his feelings about it were special.

Dale watched Harkin foolishly grinning and then moved on.

There was a crude watchtower in the village. Dale climbed it and surveyed the area.

To the northeast. Probably the direction from which the mage would come.

Dale stared endlessly in that direction.

How much time has passed?

Harkin who barely escaped the persistent villagers approached the base of the watchtower.

Sir Dale, the villagers say that the feast preparations are all done.

Then ask them to wait a moment.


Harkins bewildered expression soon turned serious. He gripped his shield tightly.

Theyre coming.


A pack of wolves was approaching from afar.

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