I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 25: The Slums (4)

Chapter 25: The Slums (4)

The old gentleman who had momentarily faltered upon Dales threat soon straightened up again.

Going straight to threats when conversation fails? This is why heretics If you dont want to end up dead, better get lost.

On the contrary, the old gentleman became even more assertive.

Dale thought as he looked at him.

What on earth is he relying on to act like this?

From Dales experience, when people act in such a way, they usually fall into one of three categories:

They have some backing.

They think the opponent is easy to handle.

Or theyre just plain stupid.

To Dale, the old gentleman did not seem particularly strong. Though there were signs of training, he was just a fit old man.

So why was he standing up to Dale who was a dark knight, like this?

Suddenly, Dale remembered something the old gentleman had said. That in the slums, there was no one who didnt know Dale. That he shared food with the children.

Dale had an inkling of how that rumor must have spread.

He must think Im a naive sucker.

In this harsh world, acts of kindness without reward often become the subject of mockery. People underestimate and see you as a sucker ripe for the picking.

A dark knight who doesnt act like a dark knight.

If being ignored for showing kindness was the problem, there was only one solution.

Displaying power that couldnt be ignored.

Dale instinctively reached for his sword but he stopped himself. He hadnt come here to commit slaughter.

Instead, he spoke to the old gentleman.

If you have a weapon, draw it now. And if theres someone to call, do it. You must have some confidence to stand so boldly, right?

Ah, indeed, how honorable of you. Then, as you wish.

The old gentleman sarcastically took out a silver bell from his arms. Then with a graceful flick of his wrist he lightly shook it twice.


The clear sound echoed throughout the room.

Soon after, several robust men descended the stairs with a clattering noise.

They were armed in their own way, with maces and quilted armor reinforced with metal plates and sharp daggers.

This was more than enough to face ordinary people.

But it was woefully insufficient against Dale. Far, far too insufficient.

Dale, somewhat incredulously, turned his gaze to the old gentleman.

This cant be all you have, can it?

Hmph. Enough for the likes of you.

I dont think so.

Instead of responding, the old gentleman shouted.

Attack him, everyone!


The men yelled as they charged forward in unison.

From their unwavering swings, Dale realized these men had some combat experience.

They were warriors who had likely killed before.

And so, Dale didnt hesitate either.

He thrust his fist forward.


The leading man who was charging ahead was struck by Dales gauntlet and sent flying far away.

Blood froth spilled from the mouth of the young man as he lay on the ground.

He didnt get up again.

The men who were about to rush forward suddenly stopped.

Dale reassured them.

Hes not dead.

The men exchanged glances.

Was it possible they had picked the wrong opponent? This question was visible in their eyes.

As they stood still, the old gentleman shouted at them once more.

What are you doing? Dont just stand there; earn your keep!

Only then did the man who appeared to be the leader of the bunch step forward and speak.

He was holding a dagger in his hand.

Right! Dont be afraid! So what if hes a knight? Cant a blade cut through his belly?

Dale looked down to check his abdomen.

He could see solid armor there. The man also followed Dales gaze and looked down.

It doesnt seem like it will cut through.

Ah, um.

It seemed the speaker himself harbored similar thoughts.

Yet the man seemed determined to measure his strength against the odds.

And he bravely charged at Dale with a shout of determination.


Like the man who had charged before him, he was knocked down with a single punch and did not rise again.

Afterward, the other men did not dare to attack. Therefore, Dale took the initiative.

He closed the distance.

Swung his fist.

And with no surprise, another man lay on the ground.

He did not kill them.

Dale had abundant combat experience. He knew well how to incapacitate without causing fatal harm.

Thus, the time it took for Dale to knock down all the men was just a few minutes.

It was embarrassingly less of a fight and more of a mere scuffle.

Dale turned his head.

The old gentleman was just standing there, his mouth agape with astonishment.

Dales brazen approach was something he didnt anticipate.

And understandably so.

Wasnt this their territory?

Its said even a stray dog becomes braver at its own home.

If Dale openly attacked like this, it wasnt just a challenge to them.

It was tantamount to declaring war on all the slum allies who had sided with the Tomo Store.

A sane person wouldnt stir up such trouble. Yes, a sane person wouldnt.

But why are they so powerless?

Accepting defeat was one thing, but he hadnt expected the fight to be this one-sided.

The men they had fed well and trained rigorously were being defeated so easily.

But the old gentleman wasnt disheartened. He was a man of a stout heart.

How dare you attack us in broad daylight! Do you know who were connected with?

Who are you connected with?

Other black market dealers!! The alliances in the slums wont sit idly by!

Dale nodded his head nonchalantly. The old mans words held no threat to him.

Instead, Dale closed the distance and confronted the old man face-to-face.

As their gazes met up close, even the resolute old man broke into a cold sweat.

The chilling aura emanating from the dark knight incited fear.

Dale then placed his hand on the old mans shoulder and spoke.

I dont wish to strike an elder.

He was a man who knew how to respect his elders.

So, go ahead and spill all the information you know No. Better yet, take me to the owner of this shop. It would be more certain that way.

Uh, uhh.


As Dale stared at him intently, the resolve of the old gentleman eventually faltered. He nodded his head.

I-I understand.

Then he quickly stood up from his seat and ascended the stairs.

Dale followed closely behind as he observed the old man carefully.

There is indeed dignity about him.

Despite his troubled state, the old mans walk carried considerable grace.

It was clear that this was not a demeanor developed overnight.

Dale speculated that the master whom the old man served might be of high status.

Reaching the second floor, the old man cautiously knocked on a door.

Master, someone is here to see you.

A voice responded from inside.

Not a welcome guest, I gather. Was the recent commotion caused by this visitor?

Y-yes, thats correct.

Let them in.

With the permission granted, the old man carefully opened the door.

Dale stepped boldly inside, while the old man closed the door from outside with a worried look on his face.

Out of habit, Dale surveyed the surroundings immediately.

Quite ordinary.

The interior was a simple office space.

It was a room with a table in the center and three sides surrounded by bookshelves, but the books inside were not dusty.

This meant that the books were not merely for decoration.

Since it was the fences room, Dale thought it would be full of more mysterious items, but it was more frugal and ordinary than expected.

Honestly, it was a bit disappointing.

Dale took a step forward.

A middle-aged man with a slim body and green eyes rose from his seat and offered a handshake.

Ah, an unexpected visitor. Welcome. I am Eirek of the Tomo family.

Dale was surprised by the mans polite demeanor but he shook his hand in return.

Im Dale. Are you a noble?

This way of greeting someone by saying their family name.

This could only imply that the man before him was a noble or affiliated with a family of similar standing.

Eirek smiled bitterly at Dales question.

Youre quite perceptive. But youll find all sorts of people in the slums, from slaves to fallen royalty of fallen kingdoms.

Eirek was likely a noble from a fallen country.

The old man must have been something like the familys butler.

Dale asked,

I dont understand. If youre a noble, why not move to the upper districts instead of staying in a place like this?

Eirek seemed familiar with the question, as he replied with a bitter smile.

Thats because you dont understand. Moving to the upper districts isnt free. One must pay a price and prove their worth. And once they become useless they are sent to a place where everyone is useful. Id rather stay here, even if its a bit dirty.

A place where everyone is useful.

That place was the front lines against demons, far to the east.

Even the most incompetent could be used there, if only as fodder for arrows.

Eirek then changed the subject.

First, I would like to apologize.

Apologize for what?

It seems my subordinates made a mistake.

Dale scratched his helmet and said,

Do you not even want to know what happened?

You had a fight with my men, and you won. Regardless of the reason, since we lost, it is our fault.


Was it right to assume that the victor was always in the right? This was an extreme way of thinking in its own right.

As Dale pondered his response, Eirek asked,

While I enjoy this conversation, didnt you come here for a reason? Shall we get to the point?

This was a welcome suggestion.

Dale did not hesitate and brought up the reason for his visit.

Do you know a gnome named Leon? I believe he worked with you.

Eirek paused for a moment to recall, then nodded his head as if he just remembered.

He was a sharp and quick-witted little fellow. Why do you ask about him?

Leon has gone missing. Do you have any idea who might be responsible?

Hmm. That is serious Wait. Did you come here just for that?

Eirek looked at Dale with a sense of disbelief.

He couldnt fathom that Dale had come to him, risking friction, just because a single gnome had disappeared.

Thinking that Eirek might start with an irrelevant conversation, Dale preempted him.

Just tell me what you know.

Well, there is a thieves guild with whom weve had a strained relationship recently. They might be the prime suspects.

Where can I find them?

The Black Serpent Brotherhood.

Eirek provided some basic information about the Black Serpent Brotherhood, including their location.

Dale was momentarily puzzled by Eireks compliant attitude.

Could he be subtly naming a rival of his? And then using me to harm an organization he dislikes?

Dale considered the possibility that Eirek might be manipulating him to inflict damage on some group he disliked.

However, he soon dismissed the thought.

If that were the case, he could simply return here later and extract his due from Eirek.

Thats all then.

Having heard all the information he wanted, Dale left the room without any hesitation.

Eirek blankly watched his retreating figure.

No. Did he really come here just because of that gnome?

The old gentleman who had been waiting outside hurried in.

Are you alright? Did that heretic cause you any harm?

Ah, yes. He was more reasonable than I expected. I almost doubted whether he was just a courier.

Is that so?

Eirek was smiling in satisfaction as if the encounter with Dale was fun. He was intrigued by this unexpected guest.

The old gentleman glanced at his masters unusual demeanor.

And then Eirek gave instructions to the old gentleman.

Sebas, investigate everything about this knight named Dale.

Ah! Youre thinking of revenge!


Didnt he beat up our men?

Eirek burst into laughter.

Haha, revenge? How little you know me, despite the time weve spent together? Why would I bother with such a pointless act? Just tend to the wounds of those who were beaten and train them more rigorously next time.

Then why the investigation?

It wouldnt hurt to gain some favor with a knight whos bound to become more famous, right?

The old gentleman looked unconvinced but he didnt argue anymore and followed Eireks judgment.

After all, it was entirely thanks to Eireks judgments that they had survived the downfall of their kingdom at the hands of demons and reached this moment right now.


Natalia paced anxiously outside the door of the fences store.

When Dale came out, her face lit up with relief. She hurried over and asked eagerly.

Did you find out anything? What have you learned?

We should head west, it seems.

Ah, thats completely in the opposite direction. Then lets hurry! Leon must be anxiously waiting!

Natalia behaved as though they could meet Leon right away.

However, the likelihood of Leon being alive was not very high.

Dale wondered if he should tell her the truth right then, but then he saw her expression.

Natalia already knows.

Natalia was no fool.

Even though she looked to be young, she was a grown adult. She must already be aware.

Aware of the slim chance of Leons survival.

However, she was forcibly turning her eyes away from that reality. She was comforting herself in such a way.

Natalia, trying hard to sound cheerful, said,

When Leon comes back, I need to give him a piece of my mind. Seriously. Making someone worry like this.


Hes always just looking at papers and books. Dont you think its too much, even by a knights standards? I should tell him to pay some attention to me too.


We should move up the wedding too. It seems like itll be a lonely ceremony without many family or friends to invite Ah! Could you, Sir knight, possibly come? That would make me so happy.

Dale momentarily paused and then nodded his head.


Wow, really?

Natalia, who had been chattering nonstop to forget her anxieties, finally smiled. It was a genuinely happy smile.

The two of them thus returned to the outskirts of Irene and headed out to the western streets. This alone took up a lot of time.

Next, they roamed the western streets, but finding the organization was harder than they thought.

In the first place, Dale had a poor sense of direction and the western part of the slums, with its many back alleys, was very complicated. The Black Serpent Brotherhood seemed to be hiding very well, not showing even a trace of themselves.

Eventually, as late night approached, they had no choice but to stop their search.

Thats enough for today.

I can continue searching alone.

No, you shouldnt. If Sir knight wanders around here alone, you might get lost and never find your way back.

Dale couldnt refute her words.

Natalia smiled brightly and then said while looking at Dale.

Thank you.

For what?

For helping me like this. Other people ignore me because Im a gnome, but Sir Dale doesnt. Leon was also very grateful.

Its nothing.

Ill definitely repay you. Even though I dont have much.

Dale waved his hand as if to say she should forget this matter until later. Natalia smiled again.

Dale looked around the quiet streets of the slums and said,

Then lets resume searching tomorrow morning and head back to the inn now.

Ah! Ill stop by my house for a bit then. There are some things I need to pick up.

Ill come with you.

Natalia shook her head.

Its okay. Ill just drop by quickly and come right back.

It could be dangerous.

Its my own house; what could happen?

Dale tried to hold her back, but Natalia was already running ahead.

While running, she turned her head and waved her arms.

It looks like it might rain, so Ill be back soon!

Dale loosened his grip on the air and turned his hand back.

He then kept his gaze on Natalia until her back disappeared into the distance.



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