I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 257 A Gorillan Trouble (3)

The gorillan brought down her massive feet on Ashton, who jumped sideways to dodge the attack. Ashton was safe, but the gorillan had left quite an impact on the forest floor.

'She has much more skills and abilities in her arsenal than the other gorillan. Hm... maybe I have found another great addition to my army.' Ashton smirked and stabbed the gorillan's feet.

<The dagger, Balmond, has absorbed 126 HP and 45 mana from the target.>

<The user's HP is full. Converting the excess HP to deal additional damage to the target.>

'Isn't this a bit too much?'

Stealing the enemy's HP and mana was a different thing, but turning it into additional damage?  It was an endless cycle of pain.

It was no wonder the humans lost against weapons like these. Even Ashton wouldn't want to face off against such an absurd weapon.

Despite that, there was one thing Ashton had no clue about. The Gorillan Queen's one and only passive ability. To put it simply, it was a passive that made her a masochist. The damage she took, the stronger she got... endlessly.

Therefore, using Balmond against someone like her was the worst possible match for him. On top of that, she had an absurd amount of HP which was about five times more than the amount Ashton possessed.

It meant it would roughly take Balmond anywhere from 50 to 100 attacks to bring her HP down to zero. In the meantime, as a result of all those attacks, she would get at least ten times stronger than she already was.

The best way to take her down was to one-shot her. However, Ashton currently wasn't capable of doing that.

[Oi, don't feed the blade too much or it'll come back to bite your ass.]


,m [... You didn't use Detection on that ugly bitch?]

'my bad...'

[You should thank me fucker. You would have died like a dozen times if it wasn't for me.]

'And you wouldn't be alive to help me out if it wasn't for my body.'

Ashton ignored him and focused on the gorillan. After using [Detection] on her, he realised what Astaroth meant. Had he not reminded him to check the stats, Ashton would have definitely fucked up. But there was something else that caught his attention.

"Astaroth, you reading this?"

[Already did. Grade D, level 69. Technically, stronger than you. One hit from her should be enough to cut your HP down by 30%. I know what you're going to ask next and the answer is yes. You can resurrect her.]

Ashton nodded and got ready to face off against her. It was a bummer he couldn't use Balmond against her, but it was fine, after all, he needed to test the strength of his abilities as well.

But before he could, she attacked her again and this time, Ashton couldn't dodge her in time. The gorillan's attack was stronger than the last time. A gigantic hole was created where Ashton had been standing.

However, the Gorillan wasn't done yet. Not wanting to give Ashton an opportunity to strike back, she bombarded the hole with fire until the hole itself was on fire. No one could have possibly walked out of the hell hole, but Ashton wasn't just some nobody.

The gorillan, however, thought her job was done and turned her attention towards Sven who had been killing her babies left and right. The gorillan was about to spit fire at him when something jumped out of the hole, hitting her in the face.

"I don't remember giving you permission to focus on someone else?" Ashton snarled at her.

His condition did not appear to be good. A fraction of his face had been burnt away, while his armour had been tattered. His ash white skin had become crisp with numerous burns covering him from the head to the toe.

Nevertheless, the next moment, all of those wounds healed themselves up. This was the combined effect of the [Revenge], [Aggravate], [Blood Armour] and the [Regeneration] skill.

Even though it was too late for him to dodge the Gorillan's attack, he had activated the [Revenge] skill to negate the initial attack. What he had not prepared for was the follow-up, and hence he got injured by the fire.

Even after activating the [Blood Armour] skill, the flames still managed to put him into such a miserable state. But the [Regeneration] Skill had got him covered.

"Fucking hell, it hurt like a bitch. I'll make sure to return the favour."


You have received 159% Exp by dealing 14345 HP worth of damage to <Lvl 69> Gorillan.

Skill: [Aggravate] is in effect. <Lvl 69> Gorillan is losing 1478 HP per minute.

Current werewolf Exp: 59%

Current werewolf level: 31

Current vampire Exp: 19%

Current vampire level: 30

Skill: [Revenge] is now in cooldown.

Skill: [Regeneration] is now in cooldown.


The mere punch was enough to topple her down. But it was now Ashton's turn to inflict pain on her.

<Your [Fire Resistance] has been upgraded to level 18.>

<Your body won't get burned easily. Even if it does, the burns would heal quickly.>

The Gorillan shot another flaming ball in his direction, despite being in pain herself. Maybe it was a move to buy some time but if it was then it failed hilariously. Rather than dodging the attack, Ashton slashed the fireball in half using Balmond.

<Your [Fire Resistance] successfully nullified the heat.>

The attack that hurt Ashton so much, couldn't even burn a single strand of his hair anymore. In mere seconds, Ashton had obtained the strength to overpower the gorillan.

The night creature kept spewing more fire in his path while struggling to get back on her feet. Still, Ashton managed to carve a path for him within moments, he stood in front of her.

The gorillan tried to kill the one who was responsible for killing her mate, but she had lost too much HP because of the [Aggravate] skill.

With her last remaining bit of strength, she was about to shoot another fireball, but Ashton shut her mouth close at the last moment.  The fireball couldn't find a way out of her body and as a result, burned her up from the inside.

<You have slain a level 69 Gorillan.>

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