I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 234 Secret Revealed (1)

A heavy stench of death loomed over the battlefield. Thousands upon thousands of mangled corpses lay scattered all over the place, turning the white glistening snow into a shade of rouge.

It felt as if even nature wanted the battle to come to an end and tried its best to wash away the blood and gore off of the field, but failed miserably. By the time the rain managed to wash away one such bloody patch, a dozen more were created as the goliath kept trampling on its enemies.

Most of the corpses were in such a condition, that not even their mothers would have been able to identify them. It almost felt like the bowels of hell had been opened up, cursing the world of the living. And in the centre of it all was a man, bashing the head of an unconscious woman.

Everyone within Livan was terrified of the carnage their lord had just brought on the enemies. They were bound to get doomed but somehow, their lord changed the course of the battle.

Not a single thing about the sudden reversal of the attack made any sense to them but for now, they were happy to be alive. At the same time, some of them were worried about the well-being of their lord.

While the citizens were celebrating, Sheera, Virgil, Irina and the rest of them still had their eyes glued to the battlefield where Ashton was still busy raining hell on Mistress Mera.

After what seemed an eternity, Ashton finally stopped. At least that's how it seemed from the distance. In reality, he was simply listening to what Astaroth had just told him.

[It's not her. I mean it's her but she's not the one you're looking for.]

"A clone?"

[Probably. If it was her, you would at least have to think twice before pulling all the manoeuvres you just did.]

Ashton fell quiet. After all the times he had spared with Mera, he knew she had a talent for predicting her opponent's moves. No matter how complex strategies he employed, she would always come on the top. That was the thing Ashton was worried about the most while fighting her.

However, this time, she couldn't do a thing even though the techniques Ashton was using weren't anything she shouldn't have seen before, apart from the use of his [Necromancer] and [Blood Mage] class abilities.

What Ashton wanted to emphasise was the fact that, despite being overwhelmed by his hidden abilities, Mera would have found a way to fight back. Like she always did. That was the entire reason why Ashton so desperately wanted to get to level thirty and summon Wraith wolves for help.

Despite having a plethora of talents, there was no way Mera could have defeated them while they kept regenerating and attacking her over and over.

At one point or the other, she was bound to slip and die. However, judging from the way how quickly she got her ass handed to her by him, it was clear there was something wrong with her.

[Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get another chance to get back at her.]

"That's not the point. I lost the advantage I had over her for no reason." Ashton kicked the unconscious Mera or whatever the thing was in anger before cancelling the Goliath's summon, "How much exp do I have to get in order to level up?"

[Vampire and Zombie Genes are already at level 30, you would need to evolve to progress further. As for your werewolf genes, you'll need to kill around 50 people to level up.]

"Why so many? Sven and Celeste killed two of them and I got like 24% exp."

[Only low-levelled soldiers are left on the battlefield now. Most of the stronger ones got trampled by the boner- I mean the bone goliath.]

"Should we get started from her then?"

Ashton's gaze fell on the clone. Real or not, she was stronger than anyone else present on the battlefield. But before he could do anything, an uninvited guest showed up at the doorstep of his city.

It was Jonathan with his army. At the same time, everyone who was within the limits of Livan came rushing out to congratulate Ashton on his win. Little did they know, no one had won the battle.

The entire platoon of royal guards was standing in front of Ashton and yet he wasn't sweating one bit. Why? Because he knew it came to worst, he could kill them all.

It would be difficult, but thanks to the grom reaper's earrings and cloak, his mana regeneration was boosted. It would only take a minute before he could summon Sven and Celeste again to aid him.

As for the fight, if anything, killing the knights would only help him level up quicker than killing 50 run of the mill soldiers.

At this point in time, Ashton wasn't aware that Jonathan actually had picked his side and was there to help him out. As a result, he was being cautious around Jonathan and his soldiers. However, the misunderstanding was solved when Sheera arrived there and informed Ashton what had happened.

Jonathan nodded towards his unconscious 'daughter', and a couple of knights rushed over to restrain her before taking her away. when Ashton tried to object, Jonathan looked at him with enraged eyes.

But Ashton wasn't fazed by it. He wasn't the same kid as before who would back down just because his opponent was a king. However, openly showing his hostility might give him quite a bit of trouble so it was better to stay silent for now.

"Come in, we have a lot to talk about."

That's all he said before heading inside the city. Ashton went along with him, but as he came across his team, he could see the fear and confusion in their eyes. The same went for Verina and Irina, however, they weren't afraid of his new strength, but rather they were intrigued by him.

"Follow me, I have a feeling I might need to explain a lot of things to his highness. Seems like a good time to answer your questions as well."

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