I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 221 Bark (1)

Although it was a golden opportunity for Ashton to exact revenge on Mera. He decided it was best to take care of her for the last. Jonathan and Mera might not be on completely good terms, but as a father, he still cared for her.

It was for that very reason, he went as far as protecting her from the clutches of the Conundrum. Therefore, Ashton wasn't entirely sure how Jonathan would react to Ashton attacking her. Also, if he were to attack them, it was likely that the Morgans and Gruntas would go into hiding.

Making it a difficult and time-consuming task to look for them afterwards. That's why needed to plan every move of his before prematurely engaging in a battle. Although he did not doubt the ability of his soldiers, their numbers weren't large enough to fight all three of them simultaneously.

"For now, it is better to develop the city and establish some important connections before doing something impulsive," Ashton mumbled while laying in his bed.

The entire night, he was able to catch a glimmer of sleep. He was too caught up with planning and plotting to indulge in a mundane task like sleeping. Also, the vampire and undead genes within his body had changed him in a way that it was no longer a necessity for him to sleep.

However, sleeping did improve a few things within him such as providing him with a unique kind of freshness. That being said, Ashton was prepared to lose that 'fresh mind' for the sake of his revenge.

"Good thing no one is slacking off." Ashton yawned as he walked out of his tent.

Everyone was busy with the tasks assigned to them. Even the weak residents were helping the soldiers out. It wasn't something that Ashton desired, but if they wanted to help, who was he to stop them?


A sudden bloodcurdling scream tore through the air. Everyone immediately rushed towards the city gate, only to see about a thousand people were standing there and in front of them was a little kid who was the one screaming. The kid's hands were tied to the foot of a large direwolf, dragging him to the ground.

"Dominik NO!"

A woman rushed out of the crowd seeing her bloodied son being paraded around the entrance. But before she could do anything reckless, Renee pulled her back.

p "Calm down for a second!" Renee tried her best to calm the woman but didn't have any success.

"Let me go!" The woman struggled in vain.

"Could you get her to calm down, please?" Ashton asked Verina without taking his attention away from the men standing in front of them.

Verina nodded and immediately rushed over to the lady, impairing her vision while at the same time, Irina blocked her hearing with their abilities.

They usually used this ability to impair the sensory organs of their opponents, giving them an edge over them. As much as Ashton was fascinated by their abilities, now wasn't the time to inquire about it.

"Who are you?" Ashton asked the one who appeared to be leading the men.

"The name's Peter Zolanski. Captain of the private military force of Baron Morgan." The crook-nosed blond man replied. His voice reeked of overconfidence and arrogance, things that a soldier should never have.

The moment the residents heard the name morgan they immediately stepped back. It was evident that the bastard's cruelty had left a deep scar in all of their minds. No wonder they never stood up to Morgan when his name alone made them so afraid.

"May I know why are you here?"

"To let you know how things run in this city." Peter smirked, "Every month, my men will be here to collect taxes. It can be in the form of food, resources, labour or women, whatever we want you will have to give away or else perish like the fools who tried to object before."

His greedy eyes then fell on the ladies, especially on Renee, Fae and the vampire sisters as they were the only ones who didn't appear to be malnourished. Meaning, they were the perfect candidates to be turned into their playthings.

"Hm... since it's your first time here, I'll let you off easily. Just four girls, that's all I'll take from you this month. You can thank my generous nature later-"

"Oi, aren't you babbling off a bit too much?" Ashton's cold words immediately cut the bastard's squeaky voice.

Ashton continued, "I don't care who you serve. Right now, you're standing in my territory, which means you're at my mercy. So stop spouting shit and run back to your lord and tell him, if he wants to live a long and peaceful life, he better return the people he has kidnapped along with compensation for me."

For a moment Peter and the rest of his soldiers were stunned. But the next moment, they began laughing maniacally.

"Kid, you're a decade too young to be saying those words. You might even end up dead if you keep thinking you're a real baron." Peter said while wheezing for air between laughs, "Go and play somewhere else."

"Fine. If you want them, go get them." Ashton unexpectedly backed out of the argument.

"My lord what are you-" Sheera questioned Ashton, but the latter stopped her.

"Haha, that's more like it." Peter proudly walked up to Fae, there was something about her that made Peter's skin tingle with excitement, "I'll taste you first-"

He was a second away from grabbing Fae's chest when all of sudden something pulled him back as if an unknown force was pulling him away from his treasure.

"What the fuck do you think-"


Ashton grabbed onto Peter's neck and lifted the grown-ass man off the ground with ease before slapping the shit out of him. With just a slap, half a dozen teeth fell out of the man's mouth.

"You will pay for this-"




After being slapped till his face was swollen, Peter realised the moment a sound comes out of his mouth the kid would slap the shit out of him. Therefore he decided it was better the keep his mouth shut. But Ashton had other plans and kept slapping him till the moment Peter fell unconscious.

"Anyone else who wants to touch the ladies? Feel free to try. But if you fail," Ashton threw Peter back towards his battalion of soldiers, "be prepared to be thoroughly humiliated."

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