I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 93: A Big Step Forward (2)

Chapter 93: A Big Step Forward (2)

“What, what, what? Se, se, sex? Not anything else but se, sex??? Yo, you son of a bitch! Are you human? Are you human?!! And you son of a bitch!! Saying my pssy is good!!! That it tastes so good!! That it’s your exclusive pssy!!!”

“….Right. It’s perfect. You and I, we couldn’t be more perfectly matched.”


“Then what’s the problem!!! You son of a bitch!! Aaaaah!! Hey! I really think I’m gonna kill you now?? Speak nicely now and confess your love with a kiss!!!”

“…I can’t do that, Evelyn.”

“Why you son of a bitch!!!! Don’t make me kill you!!!”

“It’s because we’re not doing it enough.”

“…What? …Enough? Are you crazy? Hey!!! You cum more than 8 times when we have sex!!!”

At Evelyn’s words, I replied while wiping my busted lip with the back of my hand.

“I could do it all day.”

“That’s bragging!! You bastard!!! Ha, Ha! You, you, you!! fuck!! You seem out of your mind, but this is your last chance, think carefully and speak? Are you saying you love other women too because having sex ‘8 times’ is not enough for you? Let me tell you, I’ve been your ‘childhood friend’ for 15 years and have loved only you for at least 10 years!! Not for a single moment have I thought of another man!!! And!!! In front of me!!! How dare you!!!”


Evelyn grabbed my collar and yelled, shaking me violently.

“You bastard!! If you can, look me in the eyes and say it’s not enough again!! Say it!!!”

“Yeah!!! 8 times is not enough!!!!!”

Zzaaaaak-!! Zzaaaaaaak-!!!

It hurts to be loved by Evelyn.

…It hurts quite a bit.

“Ah! Ho! Ha! Ho!!..Th, th, this…crazy…Aaaaa!!! Really!!!!…Ho!…Ah!!!..Ho..!!…Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!”

Evelyn roared to the sky as if she didn’t expect me to actually say it.

But it was somewhat intentional.

‘…Being the villain is a familiar feeling.’

Being hit and cursed like this was much more comfortable than seeing Evelyn cry.

“Ha, HaHa!! What, what, what do I do with this bastard? Ah, are you human? Are you human!!! You son of a bitch, do I need to bring up our past and how we were related to get you to come to your senses?”

“No… Wait, Evelyn. Sex is important.”

“Aaaaaah!!! So you’re saying sex is more important than me!!!”

Evelyn’s counter left me speechless.

Of course, there was nothing more important than Evelyn in my life.

As I said, I would die for Evelyn without hesitation if it meant saving her life.

“Ob, obviously you’re more important but…”

“Then kiss me you bastard!!!! Kiss me right now!!! Hoo… Hoo… I’ll think of everything you’ve said till now as you being out of your mind!!!”


…I couldn’t.

If I yielded to the pressure and kissed her, it’s all over!

‘Think! Think, Ian!!’

Having ‘accidentally trained’ Yuris, ‘mistakenly assaulted’ Laplace, and ‘adequately contracted’ with Helen, if there’s one thing I had learned, it’s that I was quite quick-witted.

In a life where unplanned events occurred more frequently than planned ones, this was a precious talent.


“…Evelyn, can you go on without having sex with me for the rest of your life?”

“Don’t suddenly change the topic… Do I look like I’m joking?”

“I’m not joking either. This is a serious conversation.”

“…fuck what are you even saying!!! I’m seriously considering stabbing you to death right now?”

“…Let’s not think about that for now. And listen carefully. I misspoke.”

“Hoo… Hoo… Yeah, you idiot!! Finally, you realize you made a mistake!!”

Upon hearing that I admitted my mistake, a glint of light returned to Evelyn’s eyes.

“Okay, I’ll state the condition again. We’re not not having sex. We will have sex. Every day even. But once you, Evelyn, climax just once, that’s it for the day!! Even if I’m still erect, that’s the end!!! Think about this condition.”

“……Got it. Ian, are you asking to be killed? Don’t worry. I’ll follow you soon so you won’t be lonely.”

“Evelyn, calm down! I said it’s a serious conversation!”

“No, you son of a bitch! How is this a serious conversation! If you’re erect as you say, why can’t we have sex? Is sex hard? You stick the dick in the pussy and move it, that’s sex, right? Is sex something special?”

“If I try to have more sex, you start convulsing, begging for your life! Saying it feels like I’m gonna die, it’s too much, it’s hard… Fainting and foaming at the mouth! That’s why even if you want more, I can’t do it!”

Evelyn seemed to contemplate that situation for a moment.

“…That’s also…kinda…hot? This bastard…forcibly?”

Then, with her face slightly red, Evelyn murmured, swallowing her saliva.

‘Damn, I made a mistake!’

As I said before, Evelyn had zero defense but her attack power was nearly 3000, making her a top predator.

Come to think of it, didn’t Evelyn take my first experience as ‘face-to-face’?

“Evelyn? I get that you’re turned on. But can you really do it in that situation? When I’m seriously begging you, pleading for my life? Please stop! I’m going to break! Begging you!”

“You son of a bitch! You’ve always been like this! When have you ever stopped because I was begging! You always eat me up until you’re satisfied!”

“No! That was me holding back!”

“Don’t bullshit! The times I haven’t fainted from sex with you can be counted on one hand!”

That was true, so I couldn’t refute it.


When masturbating alone, it was 5 times a day.

With a bit of arousing material, it’s 8 times a day.

At my peak, it was 16 times a day.

To stop just at 8 times with my ‘exclusive pussy’ like Evelyn in front of me was truly a result of superhuman patience.

“Motherfcker! Idiot! Son of a bitch! Whore! Aaaah! How did I fall for such trash?!”

All sorts of curses flew out of Evelyn’s mouth.

‘Right, I am trash!’

Having become trash, I decided to drive the point home.

“…And apart from the lack of sex, I’ve dreamt of having a harem since I was young.”


“This, this, this, isn’t this guy a real motherfucker?!”

I heard a line that seemed familiar.

It felt different from the ‘sex buddy’ times…

[Evelyn’s favorability has decreased by 10.]

It was as if a message had appeared right before my eyes.

Luckily, Evelyn’s favorability was still around 999999999989.


“And what more is there! What?!”

“Actually, I’m already in a relationship with someone.”


I thought it was better to channel my sorrow into anger.

“…Explain. In detail.”


Just as I was about to speak.


Suddenly, a teaching from my training under the head of the Marigold family came to mind.

─Light on the feet, heavy with the fist.

Evelyn’s extended fist stopped right before my nose.

“…Ian, from now on, choose your words carefully. I’m about to lose my cool.”

Since the moment I was slapped, I had a feeling…

If Evelyn had been a physical enhancer, she would have surely reached greatness like the head of the family.


As I carefully selected my words in my mind, considering how to provoke Evelyn the least…

Rustle- Rustle-

Someone in a deep black hood emerged from the bushes.


“Who are you?”

Evelyn, holding my hand, was on guard, but I wasn’t.

I had a hunch about the person under the hood.


“Hello, Miss Evelyn.”

As expected, beautiful pink hair cascaded from under the hood.


Evelyn was momentarily surprised by Yuris’s sudden appearance…


Then, she chuckled hollowly, glancing between me and Yuris.

“…I knew it!!! Ian, you motherfucker!!!…That time…student ID…!!!I knew it…something…was off!!”

Evelyn, grinding her teeth so hard they might crack, approached Yuris.





“Move, I said!!!”

I couldn’t move.

Getting hit by Evelyn didn’t matter to me.

I came prepared to have a bone or two broken, sincerely.

But Evelyn laying hands on ‘the saintess candidate’ wouldn’t just end as a simple fight among children.

I couldn’t bear to see Evelyn put herself in such danger.

“Let’s calm down first, okay?”

“What’s there to calm down about, you motherfucker. What? You think I’m going to slap Yuris?”


Honestly, it seemed like she might.


“You motherfucker, really siding with another woman till the end?”

“I’m not siding with another woman. I’m worried about you, Evelyn. The other party is ‘the saintess candidate.’ It’s fine for you to hit me all you want, but messing with Yuris might not end well!!”

“…Really, all talk!!! I’m not going to touch her, so move!!!”

Things were getting complicated.

I was the one who informed Yuris about this place, but it was meant as a last resort.

It was in case Evelyn completely denied reality, I had asked Yuris to come here. I was not planning for her to appear first.

“Master…Ian. It’s okay, please step aside.”


“It’s okay. I think a conversation is necessary.”


Seeing a different side of Yuris than usual, I kept my mouth shut and nodded.

“…Ha, this motherfucker…”


Evelyn, hitting my shoulder as she passed, stood in front of Yuris.





After a moment of silence and a standoff, Evelyn was the first to speak.


It was the first time I saw it.

Despite knowing each other for over 15 years…

“Phew…Yuris, please. I really love Ian so much. So, could you please give up on Ian? Now that I think about it, he’s really like trash, but… he’s still the first and last love of my life… So… please… give up.”

The sight of Evelyn bowing and pleading to someone like that.

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