I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 112: Less Than Ideal Life Of A Supporting Husband (3)

Chapter 112: Less Than Ideal Life Of A Supporting Husband (3)

“Hey, you really seem like the personification of vulgarity! It’s obvious! You must have comforted yourself multiple times, unable to forget the ecstasy of that night, thinking about my artistic body?! Of course, in your pathetic life, meeting a perfect woman like me was impossible! Tsk, I’ll especially understand! So, how many times did you fantasize about violating me in your delusions?! 10 times? 20 times? Perhaps countless…?!”

“I never did.”

“What? You didn’t? Why?”

“I was busy.”


Helen snorted in response to Ian’s answer.

‘How busy can you be?! Not busier than me! No! If it was your first experience, wouldn’t it be natural to think about me all day?!’

That was Helen.

No matter when or what she was doing, Ian was always somewhere in her mind.

“So, did you do it?”

“What nonsensical thing are you asking?! Do I look like a vulgar person like you?!”

Despite her blushing face, Helen was indignant, but surprisingly, it was no lie.

According to the Sextaterus Ian used, Helen’s count of self-pleasure remained unchanged at 248.

But not engaging in self-pleasure didn’t mean Helen lacked sexual desire.

Rather, she had felt an enormous amount of sexual desire these past few days, unprecedented in her life.

‘…Still, sexual activity during early pregnancy isn’t good for the fetus.’

As she thought she was potentially a mother-to-be, Helen resisted anything that could negatively impact her baby.

“Ha… whatever. But this is really the last time. You’ll never have the chance to embrace a woman like me again! Remember this night clearly!”

“A night? Who decided it was just one night?”

“What, what? Are you saying one night isn’t enough? You pervert! How much do you intend to do!!”

“No, this is a bit surprising. No matter what, do you think your night is worth as much as the heirloom of the Redroses? Hey, surely not… Could someone be that shameless?”


As Ian smirked mischievously, Helen bit her lip and trembled.

‘Seriously, he’s an annoying and unlucky man!’

No matter how proud Helen was, she couldn’t equate her night with the ‘Rose Brooch.’

“So, since the first experience is worth 1.3 billion, let’s calculate it with depreciation…”

“Se, se, second-hand? De, de, depreciation? Have you gone mad?! Whom are you talking to like that!? Do you want to die!?”

Hearing the term ‘second-hand’ from Ian, who took her virginity, sparked an immediate flare-up of rage in her.

“Whoa, calm down. Am I holding the ‘Rose Brooch’?”


Bang bang!!

Helen, unable to contain her anger, rushed at Ian, but stopped when he grabbed the ‘Rose Brooch’ and moved to slam it on the floor.

‘Huff…! Huff…! Calm down, Helen… Don’t get sucked in! It’s all a tactic!! You’ve often experienced gaining advantageous terms through provocation during transactions!!’

Helen took deep breaths.

He may seem naive, but Ian was not an easy man.

If he were, she wouldn’t have lost the ‘Rose Brooch’ in the first place.

“Okay, then tell me the exact duration you’re thinking of.”

“One semester.”


Helen touched her cheek upon hearing Ian’s words.

‘…One semester.’

It was a period that felt both long and short.

Too long might have made her feel undervalued, but it wasn’t quite that long.

“Silence means consent?”

“Tsk, deciding things on your own… Sigh… Fine. I suppose I’m at a slight loss, but I’ll let it slide.”

“You better brace yourself. This time, I won’t be as gentle as last time.”

“Ha? Gentle? You call that gentle?”

“Yes, that was quite gentle.”

“…I can’t believe this. Are you really saying that after you knocked someone out?”

It made her furious just to think about it.

“You’ll understand once it happens. And remember, our relationship isn’t equal. I’m above and you’re below. Absolute obedience to orders. Got it?”


“Of course, that only applies to sexual orders, so I won’t be embezzling the Redrose estate. You can refuse if it’s that kind of order.”


Before Helen could even speak, Ian countered, making her feel like he had read her mind.


“Eh? Why did you suddenly close the door…”

“The contract starts now. Last time we were lucky not to get caught, but who knows what’ll happen this time.”

“Hmph, I know. What were you going to do if we got caught last time?”

That day, Helen had no way of knowing that Laplace had controlled access, ensuring that even if someone came close, they couldn’t enter the library…



Ian’s hand lightly brushed Helen’s cheek, making her step back.

“Why so scared? It’s not like I’m going to eat you.”

“Who’s scared? And keep your promise… It’s just for one semester. If you say something different later…”

“I don’t want to be on your bad side either. I swear on the name of Goddess Elise.”

“…What, why suddenly using names. …And the ‘Rose Brooch’, you’ll return it on the last day, right?”

Even though she was agreeing to this relationship with Ian…

The thought of having to wear this fake for an entire semester suddenly made her depressed.

“No, I’ll give it back now.”


The ‘Rose Brooch’ laid on her palm made Helen’s eyes widen.

It seemed he had planned to return it from the start, as the transfer of ownership was already complete.

“…Hmph! Aren’t you stupid? You know we haven’t written a contract?”

“But I promised?”

“So? Now that the ownership of the ‘Rose Brooch’ has been transferred, how do you expect me to keep quiet?”

At Helen’s question, Ian stroked his chin briefly before answering.

“Hmm… Say it’s like you lent me 2 million Eris based on trust.”

“Trust? You talk as if 2 million Eris and the ‘Rose Brooch’ are the same?”

He really was an unlikable man except for his face.


“What are you doing?”

“Ah! Come on! Be quiet and stay still! A man should have some seriousness!”

Helen attached the ‘fake’ to Ian’s necklace, transferring ownership.

“Hmph! It might be a fake, but it’s more precious than you can imagine!”

“…Why would you give such a precious item?”

“Who’s giving it? It’s collateral! I’ll get it back someday!! So never show it to anyone and always keep it on you!”

Helen crossed her arms and scanned Ian from head to toe.

‘Well… this should be a sufficient safeguard.’

Even if it was a fake, the ‘protection’ enchantments were identical to the real thing.

He’s unlikable in every way except his face, and wouldn’t it be pitiful if even that got scratched?

“…That’s all it means.”

Helen never thought about turning the ‘Rose Brooch’ into a necklace and wearing it like a couple’s necklace from today onwards.

“Got it. Thanks, I’ll make good use of it.”

Swish— Swish— Tap!

“Get your hand off! Who said you could just pet my head? Didn’t I tell you last time not to compliment me? Don’t get it wrong! We’re not lovers, just business partners! The only thing you can do to me is sexual activity!”


Helen Redrose was not an easy woman.

Even if her body complied, her heart would never consent!

“Isn’t receiving compliments also a sexual act?”

“What? Are you joking now? How is complimenting a sexual act!!”


Then, Ian whispered in Helen’s ear.

“You’re cute, Helen.”


A tingling sensation crawled up her spine, making Helen shiver.

She had always thought Ian’s voice was pleasant to hear, but this was on another level.

‘…Wha…what is this?! My…my brain is…trembling…’

At the sensation that seemed to tickle her brain directly through her eardrums.


“Yeah, really cute.”


As Ian stroked her hair and complimented her, Helen’s resolve slightly weakened.

Sextaurus: Helen Redrose.

Sexuality Levels: Backdoor LV MAX🔒, Gourmet LV4, Maternal Love LV 2 > 4, Ideal Husband LV 2 > 4 🔓, Pregnancy LV 3 (NEW), Fellatio LV 3🔓, Feeding LV 3🔓, Narcissism LV 3, Receiving Compliments LV 3, Offering LV 2 > 3🔓, Deviation LV 2 > 3🔓, Deception LV1 > 2...

Helen, already starving for compliments to the point of having Receiving Compliments LV3 in her sextaurus profile.

‘This, this thing!♥..Too, too dangerous…!…Oh!?♥’

With Ian’s voice, honed by ASMR play with Yuris, added into the mix, she might just lose control and pounce on him.

‘No, no, no, that can’t happen! I should only ever be on the receiving end!’

She absolutely must not be the one asking for Ian!


Then, at the sound of Ian inhaling, Helen urgently exclaimed.

“Hu…ha..! Huuh….ah… okay! I admit it! I admit it!”


“Aaah!! I, I admit that compliments are a sexual act! So, so stop using that weird voice!”

“Then you won’t refuse if I pet you?”

“I said no!! Ugh!”

Swish— Swish—

As Ian petted Helen’s head again, this time she quietly accepted it.

“Good girl, Helen.”

“…Don’t use that strange voice… really..♥”

Thump-! Thump-! Thump-!

Helen’s heart pounded furiously.

He was a man completely useless except for his face…

But conversely, as far as faces went, he was exactly Helen’s type.

“So, will you kneel down?”

“…What did you say?”


At Helen’s question, Ian lowered his trousers and said.

“Kneel down. You’re going to use your mouth first.”

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