I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 54:

Chapter 54:

“Regeneration… is taking place?”

Altaire Eloy, now completely composed, exhibited her prowess as a formidable master without a hint of hesitation. Observing the twisted motion of the Count’s arm that had been flung aside, she furrowed her brows.

“You have truly transformed into a monster, my love. Can you even regenerate if your head was severed?”

“You crazy bitch!”

The Count struggled, attempting to distance himself from her, yet she trailed him step by step as he convulsed on the ground.

“Do you realize how long I’ve awaited this very moment? Adrian. Tell me once more. What intentions do you hold toward my cherished girl?”

As Felicia witnessed the ruthless dismemberment of the Count’s limbs, a sudden concern for Phillip’s well-being seized her.

“Phillip, my dear brother!”

Meanwhile, Phillip, who had been sent flying a considerable distance, was making his laborious return to the battlefield, his form battered and faltering.

“Oh, goodness.”

Drawing closer to lend her support, Felicia draped her shoulder with Phillip’s arm.

“Are you okay?”

Phillip’s condition appeared dire; his left arm dangled, and a copious amount of blood flowed from his forehead and cheek.

“Do I appear to be okay by any chance?”

“No, you do not appear well.”

Without delay, Felicia tore a sleeve from her attire and gently bound it around Phillip’s forehead.

Phillip’s gaze then shifted toward Altaire Eloy. She was engaged in a fervent assault on the Count, as if determined to purge the accumulated stress of eighteen years.

“I… I endured two decades of virginity because of you! Adrian, are you aware? How your firstborn, whom you slew, used to regard me with what manner of eyes? He said he would visit me someday and soothe my loneliness? Does that even make sense!”


Taken aback, Phillip exclaimed.

“You mustn’t let him perish! Cease this at once!”

In the act of driving her sword toward the Count’s heart, Altaire momentarily hesitated.


“For what reason, indeed. How often does one come across the opportunity to apprehend a living demon? By surrendering him to the Genesis Society, you would secure substantial gains. And if his suffering seems unsatisfactory, you can visit him often and play with him. How profoundly unsatisfying it would be to extinguish his life right here.”

The Count’s limbs were all severed, and he wirggled like a caterpillar as if mirroring his intention toward Felicia. Although he opened his mouth, the words he had sought to utter failed to find verbal expression.

Lost in contemplation, Altaire nod came soon after.

“It appears you’re right, my dear. My former husband should not meet his end so easily. I am genuinely thankful, to both you and our pretty one. You’ve given me a new life, a favor greater than mere salvation, wouldn’t you agree?”

Altaire pierced the Count’s stomach with her blade, pinning it to the ground, before approaching Philip and enfolding him in a firm embrace.

“Should you ever require my assistance henceforth, don’t hesitate to make your desires known. I shall not turn away any request.”


Philip’s tortured cries emanated from his dislocated left arm, prompting a startled reaction from Altaire as she assessed his condition.

“You’re quite injured…,” Altaire remarked, her concern evident.

“It’s tolerable.”

“Wait a moment.”

Felicia swiftly divested herself of her upper garment and skillfully realigned Philip’s dislocated arm. She then improvised a temporary splint using a nearby tree branch. Amused by seeing Felicia in her underwear, Altaire couldn’t help but chuckle softly.

“My pretty girl, you’re still the same there, I see.” Altaire teased.

“Your Highness, what on earth…” Felicia blushed, hastily concealing her partially exposed upper body, while shooting an indignant look at Altaire.

“These infuriating creatures seem persistent… Do you believe everything has concluded? Will the Archduke of the Nether Realm, Dehetra, who formed a pact with me, remain passive?”

The Count, having regained his composure, growled with renewed determination. Even in his disheveled and immobilized state, Philip managed a wry smile.

“Indeed, perhaps more attention should have been devoted to your son’s upbringing. It is due to your second son, Bleuhan, that matters have escalated to this extent. The importance of proper familial education cannot be underestimated.”

“… I don’t give a shit, kid. I will never end like this.”

“The folly is yours, and the consequences have led us to this juncture. You shall forever be denied the sight of the sky. Demon vitality is formidable, ensuring you shall serve as a living compendium of knowledge for us humans, enduring for many years to come. I am, however, curious—can demons succumb to death if they get too stressed?”

Philip mused aloud, his gaze fixed on a distant point.

“Attention, over there! Knights, prepare yourselves for battle!”

The figure of Prince Alessios appeared after a period of disappearance, and he was leading a procession of knights. 

Altaire swiftly exclaimed upon this sight. 

“Pretend I was never here. I’ll seek you out at the academy later.”

She vanished in the blink of an eye. Felicia stood momentarily bewildered, until Philip hastily pulled her aside, abruptly realizing that she wasn’t dressed.

“I, I… um, I don’t know!”

In her own haste, she concealed herself, leaving Philip to confront the prince and his knights alone.

Upon discovering the limbless Count and Philip pinned to the ground, Prince Alessios’ expression contorted as though he had seen a specter.

“Sage, is this your doing?”

Philip offered an awkward chuckle and a sheepish grin.

“Well, you could say that. Uh, yeah. Haha.”

* * *

Arriving back at the mansion, Philip, bearing the marks of his recent ordeal, was met with an exuberant welcome from Lua and Tania.

“Instructor! What happened to you? Who did this? Was it you?”

The transformation from attending a funeral to returning with a body marred by injuries was startling, and Lua clung to Philip, carefully inspecting his wounds.

“I assure you, I’m alright.”

“Mew! Meow!”

Philip’s attention shifted to Tania. He had unfinished business with her. While she had remained reticent previously, he needed to ascertain the details of how Count Eloy had fallen victim to her assassination.

‘If I’m to unravel the mystery of Count Eloy’s transformation into a demon, I must find a way to make this cat speak.’

Yet, that endeavor could wait. At present, all he craved was a soothing bath and a moment of repose. As he tenderly ran his fingers through Lua’s hair, Philip spoke softly.

“I’m feeling rather fatigued, so might we postpone our discussion until tomorrow? I plan to indulge in a bath, and perhaps you could keep Professor Felicia company.”

With those words, Philip made his way toward the bathhouse. As he faded from view, Lua murmured, as though a belated realization had dawned upon her.

“… The professor is currently in the bathhouse.”

Stepping into the bathhouse, Philip was greeted by the gracious presence of the Lake Fairy Yuna.

“Welcome. How are you?”

She appeared to have effortlessly embraced the mansion lifestyle in recent times. In reality, there was hardly any need for adaptation. Her daily routine consisted of sitting serenely in the bathhouse, engaging in conversations with the occasional visitors who dropped by.

“I quite enjoy it, actually. Truth be told, it seems even better than my time by the lake. Back there, there was scarcely anyone to engage in conversation with. But here, there’s a seer. Are you alright?”

The Lake Fairy’s statement prompted a quizzical expression from Philip.

“A seer?”

Out of nowhere, an interruption emerged from the otherwise calm water’s surface. It was Felicia, who had been indulging in a relaxing bath.


“Um… hey?”

She swiftly draped a nearby towel around herself. Thankfully, Philip had also covered his lower half with a towel due to Yuna’s presence, so the situation didn’t escalate into embarrassment.

“My apologies, I had no idea my sister was here. I’ll step out in a moment, so take your time and join me.”

Philip made an attempt to give her space, but Felicia hurriedly extended her hand.

“It’s fine! No, really! I’m nearly done anyway. But are you alright? You’re bleeding quite a bit. Can you enter the water?”

“Just the potion Prince Alessios poured on my head could fill up your entire flask. The wounds have mostly healed. Although my left arm, which was dislocated, still pains a bit.”

“I’ll grant you a few days off, so take the opportunity to rest comfortably. I must admit, your bathhouse is quite remarkable. Merely sitting here seems to alleviate fatigue.”

“Is that so? I’m relieved to hear that. You’re welcome to come over and use it anytime.”

A brief, awkward silence ensued. After pondering briefly, Philip decided to adopt a slightly audacious approach. Despite settling down beside her in the bath, Felicia’s response remained subdued.

“… Not nearly as embarrassing as I anticipated.”

Felicia, who had been visibly tense, appeared to ease her posture somewhat. After all, among the Viscount Oswald family, it was not uncommon for siblings to share a bath like this. Sibling baths were rather common and natural.

Although it had been a while since he had bared his skin, ultimately, she was still his younger sister.

On his part, Philip regarded Felicia as a younger sister of sorts, owing to their considerable age gap, and thus didn’t give it much thought. If she was comfortable, then he was as well.

“Prince Alessios conveyed his intentions to bestow a medal upon you, Philip. It’s referred to as the Silver Dragon Medal. Originally bestowed upon those who independently vanquished demons in the northern region, it appears that your contribution near the western region region holds considerable weight.”

Felicia interjected to dispel the lingering awkwardness. Philip found himself somewhat taken aback by her words.

“… The Silver Dragon Medal, isn’t that a treasure kept within the royal family?”

“Yes, indeed. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Philip swiftly rose to his feet.

This development appeared to provide a solution to his persistent struggle with insufficient mana output. While he could gradually address the mana predicament in the presence of the spirit residing in the bathhouse, an elixir offered a much swifter and effective remedy.

“… The Angel’s Tears. Please convey my desire for it. It must be precisely that. I shall settle for nothing less. Otherwise, I simply won’t accept it.”

Felicia arched an eyebrow in response to his unexpected request.

“W-What exactly are they?”

“An invaluable treasure that would alleviate my mana-related predicament… Well, let’s just say it’s something remarkably beneficial.”

Philip swiftly altered his phrasing, intending to express that it would remedy his mana deficiency.

“If things continue like this, enduring all that hardship will have been truly worthwhile.”

On the following day, Philip received an unexpected visit from Altaire. Upon learning that Philip had taken some time off, she promptly made her way to the mansion and handed him a vial of liquid without hesitation.

“Your Highness?”

“Sweetie. You mentioned wanting this, didn’t you? I’m not quite sure how you discovered its presence in the royal palace, but you are aware that consuming this liquid recklessly can be perilous, aren’t you?”

The vial she extended contained a substance known as the ‘Angel’s Tears.’ Encased within an exquisite crystal vial, the liquid emitted a vivid blue luminescence, as if it had been exposed to radiation.

“Indeed, I’m aware. I’ve heard rumors that ingesting it improperly could lead to dire consequences.”

“Exactly. You’ve got it right. When you expressed a desire for this, my cutie informed me, so I procured one from the storage. Treasures that are honored with awards tend to become even more invaluable.”

“So, what purpose does this serve, then…?”

“… Consider it a present, Darling. I’m well aware of your thoughts, your Aura is falling a bit short? When I saw you fighting with my ex-husband, your output was far less than someone of your level.”

“Undoubtedly, you’re remarkably astute.”

Philip nodded in admiration. Altaire offered a playful smile and affectionately patted Philip’s shoulder.

“A swordsman like me can help absorb this substance seamlessly.”

“No need, really…”

Philip fervently protested. His intention had been to seek assistance from Privia. She was essentially a guarantee of success, whereas Altaire couldn’t be fully relied upon.

Having a solid understanding of the ‘Angel’s Tears,’ Philip deemed seeking a mage’s help a far better option.

“… There’s no need to fret. Simply close your eyes and ingest it. I’ll handle the rest. When dealing with mana as potent as this, it’s advisable to have someone guide the flow of mana. You surely don’t intend to consume it as is, do you?”

“Well, no, but…”

Philip’s discomfort was palpable as he spoke.


Dear Readers,

I wanted to take a moment to share some unfortunate news with you. I regret to inform you that there will be a delay in the release of the next chapters of the novel.

Recently, my beloved grandfather passed away, and his loss has deeply affected me and my family. During this difficult time, I need to take a step back to grieve and be with my loved ones. As a result, I won’t be able to meet the previously scheduled release dates for the upcoming chapters.

I want to thank you for your patience and understanding during this trying period.

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