I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 203 [Final Event] [Closing Ceremony] [3] Edward And Myra

I found myself in the old man's office at the academy, feeling a bit strange since he rarely stepped foot inside the place despite being the headmaster. I couldn't help but comment on it.

"Did you call me, old man?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you thinking of something insulting?" he retorted.

"No. Stop assuming I'm always in a sour mood, old man," I replied, shaking my head.

He brought up the incident at the birthday party. "I heard what happened at the birthday party."

"Are you going to ask me to hand over Trinity Nihil too? Because my answer would still be no."

The old man, Geoffrey, chuckled in response. "No need. I think it's best if the sword remains in your hands. Hallows of Eden are sacred objects, but they also attract some unsavory characters."

Speaking of unsavory characters, I couldn't help but mention his brother, the Pope, who seemed to have his eyes on my sword as well.

"Again with that," Geoffrey narrowed his eyes. "My brother has been loyal to Eden from the beginning."

"Which makes him even more dangerous. I warned you, old man, but you keep brushing off my words. Don't act surprised when things between you two turn into a big drama."

Geoffrey's expression twitched at my harsh words.

"At the very least, keep an eye on him. And if you have any compassion, try to keep him away from Maria and Seraphina. Oh, and while you're at it, find some way to keep him from getting too close to Helen too."

"Helen...? She's my brother's adopted daughter, you brat," Geoffrey was taken aback.

"Having a daughter at his age is pretty cringe anyway, so do something about it," I shrugged.

Helen was still on the good side for now, but with the Third Game starting in a year, anything could happen in that time.

"Alright, I'll keep an eye on him," he reluctantly agreed.

One less thing to worry about during my absence.

"One more thing, old man. You're still indebted to me for saving your granddaughters, remember?" I said with a grin.

"Yes, but we don't shamelessly mention such things," he replied, slightly annoyed.

I shrugged again. "I just hope you'll stand by my side if things get dangerous for me today or in the coming days."

He remained silent for a moment before nodding with a smile. "Yes, you're quite annoying, but my granddaughters care about you, and I can't remain indifferent towards you anymore."

His words left me a little speechless and slightly embarrassed. That shitty grandfather should take some notes from this old man.

"I'm reassured then," I said, turning to leave.

"He is indeed interesting, Geoffrey."

"Huh?" I turned back around to see an elderly woman with white hair next to the old man. It was the same woman I saw at the banquet with my grandfather. She was Melfina, the headmaster of the Trinity Eden Academy in Sancta Vedelia.

"I can see the same cheeky way of handling things in him as her and Christina," she chuckled. "But he is completely different from Connor…"

Melfina Indi Zestella.

The Headmaster of the Trinity Academy.

But she was also Celes' grandmother, the Leading/Cover Heroine of the Second Game.

"Hey, Nihil boy, are you interested in joining the Trinity Eden Academy?" Melfina asked with a smile.

I'm indeed interested.

But before that…

Who is Nihil boy?! 

[<Your new nickname?>]

'I don't need one!'

"I'm planning to join it next year, so yeah. I would be grateful if you could keep a seat for me," I replied.

"Excellent!" Melfina seemed shocked and caught off guard by my immediate positive answer, and she clapped her hands.

"What?! You're leaving my academy?!" The old man didn't seem pleased at all.

"Yes, old man. I'm tired of this Kingdom and this Academy, so I'm leaving."

"If you can't handle this Academy, you'll never be able to handle the Trinity Eden Academy, brat. These people have been raised believing they're superior to everyone else. They also have a stronger constitution thanks to the Holy Tree of Eden."

"I know, but..." I grinned at him and waved my hand dismissively. "I don't care."


"Is that why you came? Robbing my best students?" Geoffrey glared at Melfina.

"Of course not, but I'm interested in a few ones-"

"Forget that idea. Only that twisted brat is willing to go to that place..." Geoffrey dissed her.

"Don't be so angry, Geoffrey. I think this can bring a good omen to Sancta Vedelia. Connor died, and the ambiance is a little tense. The next year should be a delightful one."

"Because the Prophetess should appear soon, isn't it?" Geoffrey asked.

"Indeed, she is among a few talented girls from my Academy. I'm certain."

"Whatever. You'll have to convince Thomen and Belle first. They'll never let Edward go to Sancta Vedelia. This is, without a doubt, the most dangerous place for him."

"Another reason for me to bring Edward there," Melfina winked.


I've warned the old man for my safety and about the Pope, that's good.

Melfina also seemed eager to see me next year in the Trinity Academy, that's perfect.

I just have to convince Aunt Belle to let me go…

The last time I spoke about that she glared at me enough to get chills.

She seemed to really not want to let me go there.

Honestly I was also apprehensive about this place.

I was supposed to die there after all.

"Sigh…this will be the last time I step inside this Academy huh…" I muttered as I looked up at the building. 

"Oh." As I looked up, I spotted Miranda speaking with Lea and Tyler on the upper floor.

As I walked towards them, I couldn't help but notice how close Lea and Tyler were. "Those two are always together now, it can't be more obvious," I remarked.

"Edward?" Miranda turned around, looking surprised to see me.

"Oh, buddy!" Tyler approached me for a hug, but I playfully dodged him. "Come on, dude!"

"Keep the hugs for her," I said, nodding towards Lea, whose face turned bright red.

"I already hugged her plenty of t-"


"Ugh..." Lea dragged the groaning Tyler away.

"Are you happy for them?" I asked, noticing Miranda's joyful expression as she looked at Lea and Tyler.

"Oh, yes," Miranda beamed. "It was complicated with Lea's parents, as Tyler is a commoner, but upon understanding that Tyler was Jayden's close friend, they accepted."

"They should have just engaged her to Jayden. I'm sure he would have agreed immediately."

"Hey!" Miranda playfully punched my arm at my words. "Not her."

"Where's Loid? Haven't seen him in a while?" I asked, suddenly remembering that troublesome guy.

Miranda glared at me in response. "Since your fight against him, he's been training every day like a madman. I don't think he wants to see you again."

"Thank God, I don't want to see him either," I said, patting my heart dramatically.

"Hmph." Miranda huffed and started to walk away.

But I couldn't let her leave just yet. I grabbed her arm gently. "My bad."

"Your bad for what?" Miranda asked, turning around.

I stepped closer to her, looking into her tangerine eyes. "You don't know why?"

"No." Miranda's voice wavered slightly, but she didn't back away.

I ran my fingers through Miranda's beautiful dark green hair and smiled. "For making your life tough."

She stared at me, seemingly lost for words.

"Am I forgiven, Myra?" I asked, gently stroking her cheeks.

Miranda shuddered at my touch, and her cheeks flushed. "I-I..."

I leaned closer, my head nearing her neck, her minty scent filling my senses.


Miranda closed her eyes tightly, and I felt her whole body heating up.


"Ah!" I quickly pulled away as Elona's voice interrupted us.

"E-Elona? What's up?" I scratched my cheek, trying to compose myself and calm my racing emotions.

"Myra?" Elona glanced behind me.

Miranda was walking away.

"What happened?"

"Nothing," I replied.

"Really?" Elona tilted her head with a grin.

I smiled and ruffled her hair playfully. "Nothing, stupid sister."


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