I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 175 [Event] [Enigma Red Dungeon] [35] Caishen

New Discord Link in Synopsis as well: https://discord.gg/WsDS9Tse


"It's been a while, Reinhart Eginfer."

Jayden's eyes widened in disbelief as he locked gazes with the man standing before him. A wave of fear washed over his entire being, causing his body to tremble involuntarily. The haunting voice of the man resonated in his ears, a voice that carried the weight of unspeakable tragedy—the same voice that had ruthlessly snuffed out the lives of his beloved family, right before his very eyes.

As the realization dawned upon her, Elona's voice faltered, barely above a whisper. "That emblem... it's the unmistakable mark of Caishen," she muttered, her eyes fixated on the crimson skull insignia adorning their assailants' garments. Swiftly unsheathing her sword, she wasted no time in alerting the group. "Prepare yourselves, everyone! We're facing enemies!"

In response to Elona's urgent warning, weapons were drawn in unison as the group braced themselves for the impending confrontation. 

"J-Jayden…" Milleia, having already heard Jayden's heart-wrenching account of his past, instinctively pieced together the unfolding events. It was an inevitable clash, a reckoning that had been set into motion when Jayden unveiled his Familiar at the Familiar Club.

A bitter resolve etched across his face, Jayden clenched his teeth, his magical energy surging uncontrollably, leaking into the atmosphere. The man leading the opposing force appeared unperturbed by the tremendous pressure emanating from Jayden's unbridled mana, moving forward with deliberate, measured steps. "Ah, Reinhart, you finally recognize me. I hold a high rank within Caishen, successfully completing over a thousand missions flawlessly. However, there was one singular failure—one time I faltered. It was the mission to assassinate you, Reinhart. That peculiar blue entity intervened, snatching you from my grasp. It's a blemish I am eager to rectify, which is why, when 'they' informed us of your whereabouts, I willingly volunteered to finish what I had started."

A desperate plea escaped Jayden's lips as electric blue lightning crackled and surged around his entire form. "Zeus, lend me your strength," he muttered, seeking guidance and bolstering his resolve.

[ϟExercise patience, young one. Do not allow your anger to dictate your actions.ϟ]

The leader's eyes narrowed beneath his concealing mask, a sinister satisfaction gleaming within them, witnessing Jayden's growing power with each passing second. "Curiously enough, that enigmatic creature that appeared also whisked away your younger brother, didn't she? Josua, was it?" he inquired, his question met with Jayden's resolute silence. "Ah, so he's likely still breathing, then. Where might he be-"

Before the leader could finish his sentence, Jayden vanished in a blinding trail of lightning, his sword arcing through the air with lethal intent.

"Jayden!" Milleia cried out in alarm, her mana channeling forth in a desperate attempt to aid him, but—

With remarkable agility, the leader sidestepped Jayden's blade effortlessly, countering with a devastating punch that sent Jayden hurtling toward one of his comrades, crashing into them with force.

"Deal with the rest. Eliminate them all," the leader commanded his five subordinates, who nodded in grim understanding, fanning out to engage their assigned targets.

"Stay behind me, everyone!" Elona's voice rang out, a mixture of determination and concern, as she brandished her sword, positioning herself as a barrier between her vulnerable comrades and their formidable adversaries.

But even before the opposing forces could advance upon Elona, a swift, rushing sound filled the air, accompanied by five flashes of vibrant green light.


The concussive impact sent all five assailants hurtling several meters away, their bodies careening past their astonished leader.

"Well, well," the leader murmured, his eyes widening ever so slightly behind his mask as he beheld ten arrows hurtling towards him with tremendous speed. Swiftly wielding his sword, he deflected the first arrow, yet as it connected with his blade, a fierce gust of wind sliced through his flesh, eliciting a gasp of pain. Blood trickled from his wounds, staining his clothing. Undeterred, he focused his attention on the remaining nine arrows, utilizing his formidable mana to nimbly evade each incoming projectile.

Upon impact with the ground, every arrow that was evaded detonated with a deafening explosion, propelling dust and rocks into the air, obscuring the battlefield.

Recognizing the distinctive attack and its accompanying mana signature, a radiant smile graced Elona's face as she turned to face the source. "Myra!" Standing there, a vision of ethereal grace, Miranda nocked another arrow on her bowstring, her tangerine eyes gleaming with unwavering focus. Arrows of wind materialized with breathtaking precision, each shot released with lethal intent.

Despite his attempts to close the distance, the leader found himself thwarted by the relentless onslaught of arrows. Every object they made contact with detonated, creating a cascading shockwave.

"Elona, take the others and seek shelter behind me," Miranda commanded, her voice cutting through the chaos as she continued her relentless barrage of arrows.

Elona nodded, swiftly guiding her panicking comrades to safety, their trust placed firmly in Miranda's formidable prowess.

"AHHHHHH!" Suddenly, a piercing cry resounded through the air, drawing their attention to a radiant blue glow enveloping Jayden's prone form. A torrent of lightning poured down on him destroying the ground around him—-burning the grasses and the ground.

Jayden's hair slowly stood on end, transforming into a spiky, light blue mane, illuminated by an otherworldly glow.

[ϟYes, that's it, boy. Awaken my Legacy and reveal it to the world.ϟ]I think you should take a look at

As the radiant blue light subsided, Jayden fixed his intense gaze upon the leader. With a crackling surge of power, his body blurred, leaving behind a trail of lightning, and in an instant, he materialized beside his foe.

The leader anticipated the movement, swiftly swinging his sword toward Jayden's neck. Yet, with a fluid grace, Jayden evaded the deadly blade, countering with a forceful punch.



The leader's mask shattered into fragments, and with a thunderous crash, his body collided with the ground, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Stomping the ground once more, Jayden propelled himself forward with breathtaking speed, leaving scorched earth and disintegrating grass in his wake. Closing in on his target, he raised his leg and delivered a powerful kick.

The man crossed his arms in a desperate attempt to shield himself, but the sheer impact caused the ground beneath him to rupture.

"Argh!" he groaned, his body convulsing as lightning surged through him, temporarily paralyzing his muscles.


Unyielding, Jayden continued his relentless assault, his fists pummeling the leader without any signs of fatigue. With each thunderous blow, shockwaves reverberated through the surroundings.

"Amazing..." Milleia murmured, her mouth agape in awe at the sheer display of power unleashed by Jayden. While she was aware of his formidable strength, she had never witnessed him reaching such heights. In his awakened state, he seemed to embody the prowess of the late 5th Ascension or even the 6th Ascension. What was more astonishing was the nature of Jayden's lightning—it possessed an uncanny ability to progressively weaken his opponent with each electrifying strike.

"Milleia! Watch out!" Elona's voice rang out, a warning filled with urgency.

Startled, Milleia swiftly turned around to face an assailant, a man poised to strike her abdomen with a deadly sword. In the nick of time, a gust of wind accompanied by a swift arrow sent the attacker hurtling away, saving Milleia from harm.

"Thank you!" Milleia expressed her gratitude to Miranda, her voice laced with relief, before hastily regrouping with the others.

Meanwhile, the remaining five assassins had regained their composure, swiftly encircling Miranda, Elona, Milleia, and the remaining students.

"Take down the one with the green hair first," one of the men muttered, and his cohorts nodded in agreement.

"Milleia Sophren, protect them," Miranda commanded, her eyes fixed on Elona.

"I will aid you, Myra!" Elona declared, a mix of determination and readiness evident in her voice.

Initially conflicted, Miranda hesitated to expose Elona to danger, but ultimately conceded. "Very well, but stay close to me and refrain from reckless actions. These foes are trained to kill."

"Of course!" Elona affirmed, her resolve unwavering.

Exploiting the distraction caused by their exchange, one of the assassins seized the opportunity, swinging his sword at Miranda. Yet, with a deft movement, she evaded the blade but the man wasn't over as he swung again his sword in a piercing motion toward Miranda's heart.


As Elona's scream caught in her throat, Miranda swiftly propelled herself behind the man, employing the taut string of her bow to constrict his throat. Desperate hands clawed at the slim yet resilient cord, but their efforts proved futile.

"Ah!" Another assailant lunged towards her, wielding twin daggers with lethal intent.

Without a trace of hesitation, Miranda's tangerine eyes remained unflinching as she deftly dispatched the first man, severing his neck with a swift slice of her string. She gracefully sidestepped the oncoming daggers, her movements akin to a dancer's, and unleashed a retaliatory strike. With chilling precision, an arrow was released at point-blank range, impaling the man's stomach and sealing his fate.

"Krah!" A spray of blood splattered across Miranda's resilient leather armor, bearing witness to her lethal accuracy.

"Only three remain now."

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