I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 73 - A Blossoming Style of Insults

Chapter 73: A Blossoming Style of Insults

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Lingchen’s mouth curled into a cold smile.

He had not immediately launched his assault, but instead tagged Shi Lei, [Shi Lei, what weapon do you like to use the most when shooting action scenes?]

Shi Lei frowned but smiled all the same. This kid had finally accepted defeat, and was prepared to kiss up to him!

He replied haughtily, [I like the sword! The sword is the king of all weapons, the symbol of nobility. I wish I could travel back in time to be a swordsman!]

[That’s Master Shi for you, full of confidence!]

His reply had immediately drawn the praise of the fans.

[That makes sense.] Ye Lingchen lifted his hands and tapped away at the keyboard.

[An assh*le lasts a lifetime, a scumbag pig can be resolved with the slash of a knife. There are so many weapons in China that you could learn from, but you chose to learn the sword; You didn’t learn the high swords, only the low swords; Of all the low swords you chose the drunken sword. There is the steel sword to learn but you chose the silver sword! You trained yourself to be the best drunken silver sword in the martial arts world! Finally, you are the best swordsman in the world.] 1

At first glance, this sentence had no problems with it, it even sounded like he was praising Shi Lei.

However, when one read the entire thing in detail, the spammers very quickly read out the insinuation within, the focus was on the word “scum”!

This kind of insult and style had never before been seen on the internet, and the replies below it immediately exploded!

[Holy sh*t, what a showoff!]

[Y finally speaks, and when he does he flaunts it!]

[Hahaha, forgive me, I only got it after 3 tries, scumbag, bottomfeeder, pervert, ultimate traitor, perfidious person. Impressive, truly impressive!]

[I never thought that Y could have such skill when dragging someone, a man of culture! Hahaha, he’s so impressive!]


Ye Lingchen continued to type, [You intend to be a swordsman? Congratulations, now you are.]

[Hahaha, not bad, he really is a lowlife, how low, how low...]

Shi Lei was so angry his face flushed crimson, he sat in front of the computer, his hands trembling as he typed, [Aren’t you being too uncouth? How could you insult me in public like that! I am a man of culture!]

[Master Shi is right!]

[That a person with such low morals could join the entertainment industry is truly a shame to everyone in it!]

Ye Lingchen replied neutrally, [Have I insulted anyone? I was only using the word sword, I never intended to pay you mind. In any case, I don’t make a point to engage with dumb c*nts, because they only know how to drag your intellect to their level, and then beat you by way of experience!]

[Amazing, another amazing sentence! I’ve learned something!]

[I can’t, I need to take notes. In the future my mom will never need to worry about me being unable to out-insult someone.]

[Hahaha, he’s right, a dumb c*nt does have a wealth of experience, we need to stay away.]

Ye Lingchen did not stop typing, [Master Shi, forgive my bluntness, but in life, you’re a waste of air, in death a waste of land, at home a waste of money 1 [3]. Your dad should have just held it in, why didn’t he shoot you out onto a wall?]

[ In life you’re a waste of air, in death a waste of land, at home a waste of money, this is some really good stuff]

[Here is a master, a true master!]

[Why didn’t he shoot you out onto a wall? Hahaha, I can’t take it anymore, are you trying to make me die from laughter?]

Shi Lei was demolished by the insults. He sat in front of his computer, his face alternating between white and green, his hands trembling. He had no idea what to say.

[F*ck, dumb c*nt!]

[Y, your mouth is too vile, you base beast!]

[No morals! Get out of the entertainment industry!]

[Assh*le, dumb*ss!]

Going up against Ye Lingchen, Shi Lei had gone silent. His fans were fuming but lacked the vocabulary to respond adequately, and every insult they threw out paled in comparison to Ye Lingchen’s.

Even Y’s fans were dumbfounded, they were unable to do anything despite wanting to help. They viewed Ye Lingchen as a deity of some kind.


Xiao Feifei finally could no longer help but laugh out loud, “Lingchen, you’re too amazing. Are you thinking of starting a new style of insult, the blossoming style?”

Ye Lingchen waved nonchalantly, speaking in a humble tone, “I’m just a normal guy, 3rd best in the world.”

Xiao Feifei laughed with demure.

[Y, why don’t you reveal your face? Is it because you’re too ugly, and don’t dare to meet people?] Shi Lei had stewed for half a day, and in a flash of inspiration, finally replied.

His words were of good quality, whether or not Y chose to reveal his face or not, Shi Lei had won.

You want to be mysterious, I’ll force you to reveal yourself!

[Hahaha, ugly c*nt!]

[Well said, Master Shi! Y must be an ugly freak!]

[He doesn’t even want to reveal his face, how ugly must he be?]

[Y, do you dare to reveal your face for us to see?]

However, Ye Lingchen smiled as he typed, [I wouldn’t worry about how I look, Master Shi, do you know why your mother cried when she gave birth to you?]


Friendly spammers immediately replied with gusto.

[Because she thought that she had thrown away her son, and was raising the placenta instead.]

Shi Lei’s face immediately turned purple, and his entire body trembled with rage. His lungs felt like they were about to burst.

Even his fans were shocked. Many could not help but laugh, as they defected over to Ye Lingchen’s side.

Insults were very common, but they had never seen someone insult another with such elegance and sophistication. It felt like the insults had ascended to another dimension entirely.

[Lost the son, and raised a placenta?]

[How did he even think of such an insult, Y is just too good!]

[Ahahahaha! Savage! This is just too savage!]

Ye Lingchen’s every word could be said to be the epitome of insults, nobody had ever done it the way he had before. His fan count kept rising.

Ye Lingchen’s fans rode on his coattails, and followed up mercilessly, slaughtering the other side.

Shi Lei still retaliated in defiance, but he simply was not Ye Lingchen’s match, and nearly died from rage.

Ye Lingchen alone sat immovable on the Diaoyu Islands 1, flaunting his power, and unceasingly threw insults until his opponent had nothing left to give.

Finally, Shi Lei’s fans could barely raise a defense. Even those fellows who specialized in wading into the furor and insulting people had been insulted to the point that their faces were pale. They held their breaths and made like an ostrich.

One man held out against ten thousand!

While other people were still stuck at calling someone a dumb c*nt, Ye Lingchen was already able to insult someone to the point that not even their mothers would recognize them,

A good number of people had even been insulted until they doubted themselves, and wept in contemplation of themselves.

When the dust finally settled, Ye Lingchen was the complete victor.

Regardless of whose side one was on, or if they were just an audience, everyone was shocked!

Insults at the very outset were of a very base nature, and everyone had opined that it would be impossible to figure out who had won or lost, as nobody would be willing to back down. Usually, it was a back and forth affair, a race to the bottom.

For the first time, there appeared someone who could use insults and attacks to cow the other side.

This was even more exhilarating than watching a Wu Xia movie. This kind of c*nt-like attitude, made people admire him.

He truly was a god, leaving countless people wide-eyed. They looked as though they had been exposed to a whole new era, an era where insults carried no profanities.

Until Shi Lei was insulted on Weibo to the point where he had lost all joy, would Ye Lingchen be happy enough to stop? Just because a tiger didn’t appear threatening, you shouldn’t treat it like a sick cat.

He took some time to check the system, what was a popularity score of only 30,000 had now rocketed up to 63,567!

Hot d*mn!

Even insults could increase one’s popularity!

It would appear that enterprises were not distinguished by nobility, As long as you were good at it, it would make one stand out all the same.

I truly am talented, Ye Lingchen thought to himself.

In the future when he had some free time he should go on Weibo and insult people. That would be like a popularity ATM.

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