I Am A Corrupt Official, Yet They Say I Am A Loyal Minister!

Chapter 425: One Day, One City Falls, Generals of Other Nations Eagerly Seek Battle!

Chapter 425: One Day, One City Falls, Generals of Other Nations Eagerly Seek Battle!

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At this moment, Lin Beifan had already led the Alliances grand army into the heart of the border town. Due to the rapid depletion of the Great Xia Empires main forces, the remaining troops were unable to organize effective resistance. Some fled, some surrendered, and many chose to lay down their arms.

Since they surrendered, Lin Beifan naturally spared their lives. After all, these were all able-bodied young men who could be used for warfare, farming, and labor extremely valuable resources. If it was possible to avoid bloodshed, Lin Beifan was willing to do so. Consequently, the Alliances forces smoothly took control of the border town.

After planning to rest for a day, they would continue their campaign, attacking cities and seizing territories. When Lin Beifan issued this order, the Great Wu Army immediately began to prepare for battle tomorrow.

However, the troops from smaller nations began to misbehave. They bullied the local residents of Great Xia, plundered their wealth and food, and some even contemplated unspeakable acts against innocent women. Their behavior was truly despicable!

Lin Beifan frowned; after all, these were small nations with undisciplined troops. They had not received proper military training or discipline enforcement. As soon as they achieved a little success, they released their inner demons, seeking personal enjoyment.

Lin Beifan already considered this area as part of Great Wus territory, and the local residents as Great Wus citizens. If they caused trouble here and left, the people would hold Great Wu responsible!

So, Lin Beifan loudly commanded, Spread the word, all officers and soldiers of the Alliance, do not disturb the civilians, do not cause trouble, and most certainly do not commit acts of rape and plunder. Those who violate this order will be dealt with according to military law!

Yes, Commander! The order was quickly relayed.

However, generals from various nations approached him with some discontent. Commander, why give such an order?

Weve fought hard to capture this place. Everyone here is a hero. Cant we enjoy ourselves a little?

Yes, after this battle, our soldiers have suffered a lot. We should let them vent their frustrations.

Commander, isnt this why we fight wars in the first place?

These generals were nominally his subordinates, but they were from various countries, so Lin Beifan couldnt lose his temper. He smiled and said, Gentlemen, I understand your thoughts very well! But have you ever considered what adverse effects might arise if we let everyone indulge at this moment?

Whatwhat adverse effects could there be? They were all a bit puzzled.

Influence can be substantial, and the consequences are very serious! Lin Beifan said solemnly. Wolves, only when they are most hungry, will they fiercely fight for food and kill livestock. However, once they are well-fed, they become lazy and wont even move if you stand in front of them. Humans are the same way!

Generals, if you let everyone vent their frustrations and get what they want too easily, indulging in plenty of food and drink, where will their fighting spirit go? If it were you, would you still be willing to fight?

Commander, what you say makes perfect sense! The generals suddenly realized.

So, I intend to keep everyone in a state of hunger, so they cant get what they desire most. They can see but not have it. This will build up their resolve to fight, to attack cities and seize territories, to engage in battle! In this way, wont we be able to conquer more territory and gain more benefits?

Lin Beifan smiled triumphantly and said, At that time, we can enjoy ourselves thoroughly, wont that be splendid?

Everyone enthusiastically agreed.

Commander, youre absolutely right; we must keep them hungry!

Only hunger will unleash great power!

If theyre satisfied, they wont have the will to fight!

Commander, youre wise; weve learned a valuable lesson!

So, generals, when you return, make sure to restrain your troops well! Keep them hungry, and our army will be unstoppable! Lin Beifan added.

The generals thanked Lin Beifan and returned to their troops. The incidents of burning, killing, and plundering did not occur again. Everyone peacefully rested and prepared for the upcoming battle.

(TLN: As if it would be this easy)

After a day of rest, everyone was in high spirits as they marched toward the heartland of Great Xia. It took them a day to reach a city near the border Xia Yan City. This city originally had a population of a million and was considered a relatively prosperous border town. However, since news of the Alliances invasion had spread, over 200,000 people had fled. When news of the border towns fall came yesterday, another 300,000 had escaped. Now, the population was less than 500,000.

The defending garrison inside the city numbered less than 50,000 and was no match for the approaching Alliance army of 2 million.

Standing at the city gates, Lin Beifan shouted loudly, Who is the commander of this city? This king advises you to open the gates and surrender. I may spare your life! Otherwise, when my army enters, you will surely die!

The citys commander was resolute: No way! As the saying goes, we eat the rulers salary and bear the rulers worries! I am an official of the Great Xia, receiving a salary from the court. Naturally, I must serve Great Xia, serve the court! If you want to enter the city, youll have to step over my dead body!

Lin Beifan declared, Very well! Ill grant your wish! Innate experts, enter the city and open the gates to welcome the army!

Yes, Commander! Dozens of Innate experts once again displayed their formidable presence and charged forward.

The 500,000 regular troops of Great Xia couldnt hold out, let alone the garrison of the Xia Yan City.

In less than a moment, the city gates were breached.

Lin Beifan raised his arms and shouted, Generals, follow me into the city!

Charge! The battle cry echoed.

This city quickly changed hands.

After a day of rest, everyone was in high spirits. Lin Beifan led the Alliances grand army to continue advancing towards the heart of Great Xia. Each time, the Innate experts would pave the way, opening the city gates.

The Great Wu Army followed closely, eliminating the citys main forces.

The troops from various countries followed behind, wiping out the remaining resistance within the city. They could capture a city in a single day, and their speed was exceptionally fast.

If it werent for the need to keep moving and rest, they might have advanced even faster. People all over the world were astonished by the speed of their conquest.

Good job, capturing one city a day! In just seven days, theyve taken seven cities and advanced over 200 miles!

This speed is beyond imagination!

It can only be said that the Alliances army is too powerful. With more than 50 Innate experts, 2.5 million soldiers, and Lin Beifan, a military god-like commander, its almost impossible for them to lose!

Great Xia is in a dire situation! Even the princes and grandsons are holed up at home. They might end up fighting on their own doorstep!

At this rate, Great Xia is truly doomed!

People were discussing Great Xias plight with mixed feelings.

Meanwhile, they couldnt help but envy the seven-nation Alliance, led by Great Wu. Because through this military campaign, these seven countries would undoubtedly carve out a piece of meat from Great Xia.

Expansion was imminent.

If it werent for the fact that they didnt share a border with Great Xia, they might have wanted to join in the action and grab a piece of the pie.

At this moment, the victorious seven-nation Alliance was advancing triumphantly towards the eighth city.

Lin Beifan was planning to have the Innate experts clear the way as usual, with the Great Wu Army dealing with the main forces, and the troops from various countries following to swiftly capture the city. However, a general loudly declared, Wait, Commander!

Lin Beifan turned to look, and it was General Liu from the Mo Nation. He smiled and asked, General Liu, whats the matter?

Commander, its like this, General Liu said seriously. Throughout this campaign, your Alliance has been the major force in reducing Great Xias main army, and we from the Mo Nation feel somewhat guilty about it. So, let us, the Mo Nation, take this city!

Lin Beifan nodded and said, I understand.

At this point, the commanders from the Mo Nation began to speak up.

Yes, Commander, let us, the Mo Nation, take charge of this battle!

We, the Mo Nation, want to contribute to the Alliance!

We guarantee a great victory!

They were very enthusiastic because they had to request this battle. According to the allocation rules, the more troops a country deployed, the more territory it could claim. The country with the largest military contribution would have priority in territorial distribution. However, so far, the Great Wu Army had been doing most of the fighting, and they felt like bystanders with limited sacrifices.

How could they secure significant benefits in this situation? Moreover, Great Xia appeared vulnerable now, so it was an opportune moment. These Mo Nation commanders had risen through the ranks based on their military achievements. This was an excellent opportunity to gain fame and prestige by capturing a few cities and humiliating Great Xia.

So, if they didnt act now, when would they?

Lin Beifan pondered for a moment and said, But in doing so, your sacrifices will be significant, and Im reluctant to do that.

Please, Commander, grant our request! The Mo Nation commanders unanimously pleaded.

Seeing the determined expressions of the Mo Nation commanders, Lin Beifan was deeply moved and said loudly, Very well! All of you are outstanding soldiers, and since you insist, I will grant your request! In this battle, you will be the main force, and the other troops will provide support!

The Mo Nations various commanders expressed their gratitude, saying, Thank you, Commander!

As they looked up, they noticed envious and jealous glances from commanders of other countries, which made them feel a sense of pride.

With the Innate experts leading the way, the city gates were quickly opened. General Liu from the Mo Nation raised his sword and excitedly shouted, Sons of the Mo, the city gates are open, follow me in! Its time to make a name for ourselves!

Charge! The Mo Nations troops, high in morale, rushed into the city. Both sides quickly engaged in close combat.

However, the Mo Nations troops were relatively inexperienced, and even when facing the demoralized Great Xia forces, they suffered a casualty ratio of 2:1. In other words, it took two Mo Nation soldiers to claim the life of one Great Xia soldier. Nevertheless, the Mo Nations army remained enthusiastic.

Lin Beifan could only smile and think, As long as youre happy!

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