I am a Big Villain

Chapter 46: The Phoenix Man who Destroyed the Bridge After Crossing the River 10

Chapter 46: The Phoenix Man who Destroyed the Bridge After Crossing the River 10

You mean, my daughter had a boyfriend in college?

Yu Qiuyue was 52 this year. Although she was the boss of a large company, she did not have a strong womans temperament. On the contrary, she looked gentle and friendly.

Today, she was wearing a beige business suit, with her hair curled up and a pair of gold-framed glasses, looking at Song Kun sitting in front of her.

Yes, Miss Xinyin isnt young. Its normal to fall in love. Its just her boyfriend-

Song Kuns expression was a little hesitant. It seemed that he had made a difficult decision before letting himself be the humble person who complained.

Yu Qiuyues expression was undeniable. She and her husband, Meng Guohua, were open-minded parents. They had lived abroad for a long time, also fell in love freely during their school days. For them, puppy love was not a big deal. On the contrary, it was a good thing to ensure a relative extent.

Coupled with the fact that her daughter was now studying in college, it was common for them to fall in love without their parents knowledge.

They did not have any special requirements for their daughters other half. After all, they had both money and fame. As long as their daughter liked a kind-hearted Mr. Right, it was enough to be helpful to her.

Speaking of Yu Qiuyue and Meng Guohua, they were indeed unusual people. They donated half of their income every year. They had helped many children who could not study, did not look down upon the invalid children, and also helped many stray cats and dogs. Whenever the disaster happened in any place, the materials they sent were absolutely the first batch to arrive.

But it was this couple who had done so many good deeds, but in the end, their daughter was killed, and the murderer was the child they donated.

On this years school day, I asked for leave to go to my alma mater. At school, I heard many students talking about Miss Xinyin and her boyfriend. They said, ai, I didnt believe it at first. Aunt Yu, I presume you should read it yourself.

Song Kun took out a stack of information from his briefcase.

I can have my present life thanks to the help of Aunt Yu and Uncle Meng. Even though I know that my approach is wrong, I can only do it so that Xinyin wont get cheated.

These days, he asked private detectives to go back to Yan Chus hometown to check the thick stack of information he brought out. For this reason, he also spent the year-end bonus he had just received. He originally planned to invest in the stock market several times first.

Yu Qiuyue frowned. Honestly, she did not know much about Song Kun, the child she supported. After all, she and her husband did not do good things to seek something in return.

Yu Qiuyue was just surprised to learn that the interns recruited by the Legal Affairs Department genuinely had the student she had subsidized in those years. Because of this fate, she occasionally inquired about Song Kuns situation with the head of the Legal Affairs Team and knew that this one was a very cheerful and ambitious child.

Knowing that the student she once sponsored had been admitted to an excellent university and had a good job, Yu Qiuyue was also very happy for him. However, the Legal Affairs Team saw that the chief executive was indeed asking about this intern Song Kun, thinking that he had some relationship with the chief executive, and could not help getting snacks. Every time there was important work, he would always be involved, and any documents to the boss, they would send Song Kun as well.

They were more familiar with each other little by little. Song Kun would call her Aunt Yu affectionately as long as they were not dealing with business affairs.

After listening to his previous short phrase and a pile of thick data, Yu Qiuyue knew that the things recorded above should be related to her daughters boyfriend. Although Song Kun was not very comfortable in his mind, he secretly investigated others affairs. However, as a mother, Yu Qiuyue still took the pile of information and looked through them carefully.

The first information in her eyes was a record of Yan Chus life. His parents died early, so he got raised by a pair of elder sisters and was admitted to the best Tianshui University in China, which could be said he was very determined.

Yu Qiuyue looked at the one-inch photo in the upper right corner of the data and studied the young and inexperienced youth in it. It estimated that it was taken in the third year in high school or just when he entered the University. The young man had handsome facial features, with a little depression and jitter between his eyebrows and eyes. It seemed that he was not a very confident child.

Just looking at the first data, Yu Qiuyue did not think there was any problem. Although the young man was born in the countryside, his parents died early, and his family conditions were worse than most peoples, he could still get into Tianshui University in this environment, which showed that he had some merits.

She looked at the first data and wondered a little bit. Did Song Kun think she was the kind of person who saw peoples family status? So she would object to her daughters liking for the boy named Yan Chu?

She ridiculed in her heart and yet continued to look down.

The next two documents detailed the situation of Yan Chus two elder sisters.

The eldest sister married a lame man who opened a little restaurant for her younger siblings to attend school. The second sister graduated from junior high school without further study. She married a fickle small boss who was 20 years older than herself. The expenses of Yan Chus high school for several years, except for the tuition and living expenses, were all given by this second sister.

Yu Qiuyue frowned when she saw this. She did not look down on the two elder sisters of the Yan family who married such husbands but aimed at Yan Chu. He could accept the money from his two elder sisters marriage so calmly, which made Yu Qiuyue think more about him.

But after all, she was also the boss of a large company. She did not depend on the pieces of paper in front of her to determine a persons character.

As the proverb said that hearing was deceiving, seeing was believing. In fact, sometimes, even what you saw with your own eyes was not necessarily true. But it had to be said that after reading the information Song Kun gave her, she came up with the idea that she must see that youth Yan Chu with her own eyes.

If he did have a problematic characteristic, she would not let her daughter associate with him anyway.

Little Kun, thank you for telling Aunt Yu about this. But I hope you dont spread this information outside, as not to cause unnecessary trouble to the child named Yan Chu when everything is uncertain.

Yu Qiuyue put that pile of materials in her drawer but did not return it to Song Kun. Honestly, whether it was out of kindness or for whatever reason, Yu Qiuyue had some inexplicable ideas about this childs specific delivery of such materials to her.

Aunt Yu, you can rest assured that I wouldnt come to you with these things if it werent for the happiness of Xinyin.

Song Kun unexpectedly answered with an utterly sincere expression.

Upon seeing this, Yu Qiuyue smiled and nodded.

However, Aunt Yu, in addition to this stack of materials, I also want to show you some photos that my male junior schoolmate accidentally took today. After all, you are Xinyins mother. I dont think I can hide this from you.

He turned on his mobile phone, turned to the photo album he had saved, clicked on the large image, and put it on Yu Qiuyues hand.

On the screen, there were ten photos of Jiang Moli and Yan Chu. The shooting angle was brilliant and coherent. It seemed that Jiang Moli handed Yan Chu a box of things. The two people were close together, like kissing in general. After Yan Chu left, Jiang Moli was still standing downstairs in the dormitory of male students. Her cheeks were crimson, and her expression was unclear. She was like a common girl who fell into sweet love.

Song Kun was a little proud. At the beginning of his rebirth, he had speculation, wondering whether Jiang Moli, who died with him on that day, would be lucky to get the chance to be reborn.

These days, like his former self, he called Jiang Moli every day to cultivate feelings with her, but Jiang Molis response was a little cold, often he could not say a few words, so he hung up the phone call.

At that time, Song Kun was sure that Jiang Moli must be reborn.

Based on his understanding of that woman and what she could do in such an opportunity, she obviously would seduce the poor boy to infatuate with her in advance so she could enjoy the immense wealth of the Meng family in a few years.

Thereupon he decided to beat her at her own game by letting people follow her secretly and took pictures of each time she and Yan Chu met.

It was a pity that Yan Chu went back to his hometown early in winter vacation. Until today, he did not get the picture of a private meeting between two people.

Every woman was sensitive to this kind of thing. Yu Qiuyue was not only a woman but also Meng Xinyins mother. She knew Jiang Moli. This girl was not only the receiver of her funding but also her daughters good friend. Yu Qiuyue knew the modern fire-proof, theft-proof, and girlfriend-proof53fire-proof, theft-proof, and girlfriend-proofas the saying goes, no matter how good the relationship between girlfriends is, its better to guard against issues involving boyfriends words on the Internet too, but she never thought that such things would happen to her daughter.

The photos were too ambiguous. Yu Qiuyue could not help but be misunderstood.

Song Kun watched Yu Qiuyues face change a little bit. He was ecstatic, but his face was still calm and cloudy.

I didnt plan to come to find Aunt Yu today, but Xinyin believed that man very much, and didnt listen to my explanation at all. I dare not show her these photos, so Ive to venture to find you, Aunt Yu. I hope you dont dislike my meddlesome.

Song Kun, a 26-year-old youth, smiled shyly: I remembered the help you and Uncle Meng gave me at the beginning, so this time, even if youre angry with me, I wont regret it.

His looks could very be deceiving, with regular features, sharp edges, and a very self-righteous appearance. Besides, his lips were a little thick, and he looked somewhat honest and straightforward when he laughed, which always made people feel that he was an expressly reliable man.

Yu Qiuyues original grudge has lost more than half because of his words. She comforted Song Kun and asked him to delete these photos and not spread them outside, so he went back to work in his department.

Song Kun closed the chairmans office complacently. Last time, Yu Qiuyue and Meng Guohua were able to accept that poor boy as the son-in-law because Meng Xinyins statement made a good impression on them.

Yan Chu once gave up his life to save Meng Xinyin when he did not know the situation. It seemed that at this point, it was a good moral standing and trustworthiness behavior in the married couples eyes.

A child who was willing to save an unfamiliar girl in danger could not be worse to his wife, right?

Because of this, they did not care about Yan Chus family conditions. Besides, Yan Chu always behaved quietly and honestly in front of them. Although he might not have much success, in the eyes of both husband and wife, as long as he was kind to their daughter, it was enough for their daughter to like him.

Yu Qiuyue did not have the idea that someone must inherit her company. When she was too old to participate in company decision-making, and her daughter and son-in-law could not inherit the company, she would hire a professional manager or resold her share to the other directors of the company. This enormous wealth alone would be enough for her children to not worry about eating and drinking for a lifetime.

Children and grandchildren had their blessings. When parents could handle it for a while, could they manage it for a lifetime?

But this time, Song Kun let Yu Qiuyue note Yan Chus critical side first. In this case, he did not believe that Yu Qiuyue could allow her daughter to marry such a selfish, unfaithful man.

He sneered a few times, left the chairmans office, and took the elevator to depart.

Have you heard?

After he left, Yu Qiuyues female secretary and assistant whispered.

Whatd you hear? The little assistant was puzzled by this without-a-head-and-tail sentence.

Legal Assistant Song, the one who just left, is a man with premature ejaculation. He was very tasteless and finished it in seconds. He also kicked the girl out of the hotel room and did not allow the other to rest or take a bath.

The female secretary used to see that Legal Assistant Song would occasionally go in and out of the chairmans office. Besides graduating from a famous university, he was already a legal assistant at a young age. She also had a little interest in him, but after listening to the rumors, she almost spat out her overnight meal.

The premature ejaculation did not matter for her, and that inviting face also did not matter, but he threw the lady away like an inflatable doll after the appointment. This guy must be a tasteless man.


The little assistant just heard the news and covered her mouth in wonder, her eyes full of gossip symbols.

Ill tell you, several young women gathered together, exclaiming from time to time.

Song Kun returned to the office. Previously, because he had not little relationship with the chairman, everyone thought he was a distant relative of the chairman and was very kind to him.

But this time, he always felt that everyone looked at him very strangely.

Male colleagues were mocking him, while female colleagues were disdaining him.

Was this my illusion?

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