I am a Big Villain

Chapter 43: The Phoenix Man who Destroyed the Bridge After Crossing the River 7

Chapter 43: The Phoenix Man who Destroyed the Bridge After Crossing the River 7

Gouzi48Gouzirefers to an ugly child or a dog in spoken language, a kind of name indicating intimacy, and the elderly in the countryside believe that children with ugly names are easy to support, Eldest Sister is here.

As soon as Yan Chu got off the bus, he heard Eldest Sisters voice. Looking along the direction of it, he saw Eldest Sister and Second Sister, who had been waiting there early.

The Yan familys genes were pretty good. This year, Yan Zhaodi was 28 years old, yet she looked like a young girl in her 23-24.

She did not dress up too much. She had long hair tied in a low ponytail, a simple navy blue cotton-padded jacket, black cotton pants, and warm cotton shoes. He was afraid he had lost sight of the other. However, Yan Zhaodis figure was excellent. Even though she was dealing with the restaurant every day and bringing up children, her white skin, chest, slender waist, and long legs were no worse than those of the girls in the city.

Yan Laidi was more dressed up than her elder sister. She will be 26 this year. Unlike her elder sister Yan, whose heavy burden of her family was on her shoulders when her parents died, she grew up without a chance to be young. She was used to saving in those years, and now, she could not change it.

Today, to pick up her brother, Yan Laidi wore her new mature red woolen coat and small black leather boots. Her hair was bleached and dyed. In fact, this match did not truly suit her age. It seemed too mature. However, in small counties and cities, this was unquestionably the most fashionable configuration. Besides, she was gorgeous. In a short time, many people secretly looked at her.

Whatd you buy? Two rather heavy big boxes.

Yan Zhaodi saw her brother dragging a large box and quickly rushed to help him. Yan Laidi also took the small bag that his brother took. Anyway, he was about to get in the car, and Yan Chu did not stop them.

The suitcase and bag filled with lighter things, and the indeed heavy suitcase containing some supplements was still in his hands.

Today, to pick up her younger brother, Yan Laidi operated a sedan car at home. This car was not expensive, and it cost around 30,000 Yuan. It was bought by her man for his wifes convenience to pick up her son, who went to kindergarten. He was afraid that his son would be hot in summer and cold in winter. Therefore, Yan Laidi chiefly went to get a driving license. There were not many people buying cars in the county. They got home smoothly without passing many red lights.

After elder sister Yan married, the siblings of the Yan family lived together in Li Xunzis house. Their house was a private house with five floors. A small restaurant opened on the bottom floor, and the upper four floors did not rent out. All of them were autonomous. After elder sister Yan married into the Li family, they sorted out the rooms on the second floor for Yan Laidi and Yan Chu to live in. After Yan Laidi married, the second floor was Yan Chus alone.


Before Yan Chu entered, the twins of dragon and phoenix that Eldest Sister gave birth greeted them, and one of them began to act coquettishly, holding one of their uncles leg.

Li Duojun was the older brother, and Li Duomei was the younger sister of the twins of dragon and phoenix. After hearing these names, it could get known how strong Li Xunzis desire to improve his gene was.

The two children were also like his prayer, similar to Yan Zhaodi everywhere, only resemble his nose, which was the only place presentable of his whole face and was very good.

The twins were already ten years old this year. When Yan Chu went to university, they happened to be in their first grade of elementary school. They had no impression of their uncle before. They only knew that the uncle, who went to university, would bring them gifts every time he came back and would take them to the amusement park in the city. Apart from their parents, their favorite was the little uncle.

Second Sister, there are clothes and toys I bought for Duojun and Duomei and Jinjin in the bag you took. You and Eldest Sister can divide it later.

Yan Chu said so the two little fellows would not stick to him, but their second aunt.

I dont know how big Jinjin has grown in the past six months. Ive bought a lot of clothes for fear that he could not wear them.

Yan Laidi married a man surnamed Jiang. He named his son Jinjin in the hope that he would be rich in money and treasure. He could think of a life of luxury endlessly. Therefore, it was unending. From the names, he could know that the two brothers-in-law had different temperaments.

The brothers-in-law that his two sisters married for him were the same. Yan Chu preferred Eldest Sisters husband but not particularly like Second Sisters husband. In fact, despite his appearance and physical problems, Li Xunzi had good character. Besides smoking, he did not have any eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling problems, neither such as a large part of men in this remote small county, who had the habit of beating the wife.

When she first married Li Xunzi, Yan Zhaodi was not very proud, but after a long time, especially having a pair of children afterward, she had no other ideas. On the contrary, she felt that marrying Li Xunzi was the most right decision she made at that time.

As for Second Sisters husband, never mind him.

Yan Chu had tried to persuade his Second Sister to divorce more than once, but she seemed to think that such a near widowed marriage was quite good. As long as the other side did not scarce her living expenses and pocket money, and took her son with him, she had a beautiful life.

After all, he could not impose his will on Second Sister. Anyway, he was the highest support for Second Sister now. In the future, if Second Sister wanted, realized, and unwilling to live with her husband, he could also properly arrange people.

Duomei, whatre you foolishly excited for? These toys are for your brother and your cousin to play with.

Yan Zhaodis patriarchal nature was not only reflected in her younger brother, but also her children.

This is a doll. Girls played it. Brother and Jinjin dont like this toy.

Li Duomei was not afraid of her mother. She used to be sad because her mother preferred her older brother, but she realized that her father and uncle liked her more than her older brother, so she was not down.

Mother and Second Aunt liked her brother, Father and Uncle liked her, two to two, it was fair.

Eldest Sister, that was bought incipiently for Duomei.

Yan Chu knew Eldest Sisters temperament, so when he bought clothes for Duomei, he only bought skirts, toys, dolls that girls liked, even stationary. He only bought pink ones that were not suitable for boys. He was afraid that when he did not know, his older sister gave the most beautiful things to Duojun.

When he came to this body, he had already gone to university. He could not change a persons ideology that engraved in ones bones, and he could only subtly use his way to prevent Duomei from becoming the next elder sister Yan.

Fortunately, Li Xunzi did a great job. At home, when Yan Zhaodi bought a new pair of sneakers for their son, he bought a new skirt for their daughter. Anyway, some older brother had, younger sister also had one, never letting her feel that she could not compare with her older brother.

Yan Zhaodi loved their son, and he loved their daughter. If Yan Zhaodi did not want, allowing people to value males and belittled females so that people seriously did not think females less significant than males, which law like that was a despotic rule.

Over time, Yan Zhaodi was too lazy to fight with her husband.

Their daughter was also born by her. She also loved her and not an enemy. Her husband bought some things for their daughter, and she still needed to disturb him in complete confusion. Yan Zhaodi utterly did not understand. What good things did she need to use in her family? When she was a child, her family had left the fine food for her brother, and it was not only her family but also other families. Wasnt it correct to do so?

Li Duomei did not know that her mother was tangled again. She took the beautiful little dress that her uncle bought for herself and looked at the mirror. She had long forgotten what her mother had just said.

Brother-in-law, this is the wine I bought for you.

Li Xunzi was relatively silent in this home in the past. He was a bit flattered when he saw his act, even brought himself a gift.

Buying these good things for me, what a waste of money.

Li Xunzi saw this brand in a TV commercial. It cost three or four hundred for one bottle. Looking at his brother-in-laws suitcase, it contained four or five bottles, which was not a small number.

He did not drink too much, but he was used to drinking a small cup of every meal. Wasnt it said on TV that it could protect the artery?

However, he drank all the wine made by the farmers. He had little energy. It was only 20 Yuan for a small bucket with five catty, which was enough for him to drink for half a month. He had never drunk such a good wine as Yan Chu gave him.

Should you talk? This is Gouzi, who is filial to you, this brother-in-law, yet you blame him for wasting money.

Yan Zhaodi narrowed her eyes and pinched his waist. Li Xunzi shrank his neck. Except for his children, he let her. Who made them, the old husband with a young wife? Yan Zhaodi was 14 years younger than him and looked very beautiful. If he was not kind, he was afraid that his wife would run away.

Yan Chu brought several big boxes, except for his laundry, it was primarily the gifts for two elder sisters. He knew that he would not spend money on Eldest Sister and Second Sister, so he solely bought some clothes and maintenance products that they could use at this age.

These things were all referenced by Meng Xinyin. After knowing that he did not lack money, Meng Xinyin selected maintenance products that were suitable for their age, and the price was not wholly low. So when two elder sisters asked him how much he spent, Yan Chu fooled them. Otherwise, if they knew that such a set of maintenance products cost several thousands of Yuan, it was estimated that they would immediately decline and let him take it back.

The next day Yan Chu returned home, the three siblings went back to their hometown, to their parents grave, telling them the general situation of them, the siblings this year.

On the third day, the elder sister Yan left the business of the shop to her husband. The three siblings went to the market to wipe up Chinese New Years merchandise.

Wrong, wrong.

The three siblings were walking on the road when they stopped by a Daoist. He was erratic. He clutched his fingers and looked at Yan Chu. He shook his head and nodded, which confused Yan Zhaodi.

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