I am a Big Villain

Chapter 39: The Phoenix Man who Destroyed the Bridge After Crossing the River 3

Chapter 39: The Phoenix Man who Destroyed the Bridge After Crossing the River 3

The original self could intersect with Meng Xinyin, and the essence originated from a very clich hero saving beauty.

At that time, Meng Xinyin was unlucky to encounter a robbery, and the original self happened to pass by. He recognized that she was their school department flower. With some unspeakable purpose, he rushed out to save her, and because he suddenly pulled at the robbers knife, he had a broad cut on his arm.

It was just a skin injury, but the original self was very good at bluffing and was the template-type Prince Charming. With the aura of standing up in danger, Meng Xinyin, whose heart had never moved, immediately liked him.

Because of the original selfs injury, Meng Xinyin took him to the hospital to take care of him. In a few days, they soon established a relationship.

Why in many TV dramas and movies, rich women always attracted by nouveau riche men, and the president always put White Formica46White Formicarefer to the fair-skinned, rich, beautiful women fiancees aside away and turned to fall in love with the confused and slow civilian women? It was because of the different living environments. In a short time, they would be confused by another world depicted by each other.

In particular, he was quite smart. He never tried to conceal his family situation in front of Meng Xinyin. In his description, he did not agree with the two marriages of his elder sisters. He knew that this was their sacrifice, and he worked hard to repay them.

Meng Xinyins parents were great philanthropists. She did not think that birth could represent anything. But because the original self in front of the simple Meng Xinyin showed that he was born in an unfortunate family and had a hard-working character, it made her think he was a very reliable man.

All contradictions broke out after he married Meng Xinyin.

The original selfs two older sisters loved him very much, which meant that they would have a lot of pickiness about their future sister-in-law. Meng Xinyins assortment of cosmetics, as well as a lot of high-priced bags, were unreasonable to both sisters.

This sister-in-law had not learned to do the manual labor and would not serve the man that was their younger brother. Several times, the two sisters came to visit their younger brother in Jnsh and saw the scenes of their younger brother cutting fruit and pouring tea for his younger wife.

What made the two sisters angry was that the sister-in-law gave birth to a daughter for their younger brother, saying that their parents love should be unique and exclusive, and unwilling to give birth again. This fact made them feel like cutting short the incense of the Yan family, which made the contradiction between them, the Yan sisters, and their sister-in-law, irreconcilable.

After all, Meng Xinyin was still a young lady. Before that, she forbore because she liked the original self, which did not mean that she could give up herself for him and let go of her dignity to meet the unreasonable demands of his two older sisters.

It was only natural that the contradiction arose between sisters-in-law and the married couple. At that time, when she had just given birth to a daughter, she not only had to bear the criticism of two sisters-in-law but also found sensitively that her beloved husband seemed to betray her.

At that time, Meng Xinyin just finished giving birth to a child, and the two sisters-in-law made noise when she did not agree to have a second pregnancy. The original self got viewed as somebody who was caught between two opposing parties. He utterly used business as an excuse to reduce the time to go home. At this time, Jiang Moli took advantage of the situation.

As a college student funded by Yu Qiuyue, and Meng Xinyins good friend, Jiang Moli successfully entered Yu Qiuyues company after graduation without a hitch.

At that time, the original self, as Yu Qiuyues son-in-law, worked in the companys technical department. At the same company, he had more contacts with Jiang Moli.

On the one hand, the wife had an immense change in body shape after giving birth to a child. On the other hand, she was young and tender, having a similar origin to him. She adored him and looked up to his woman. The original self inevitably made unforgivable mistakes. After being drunk, he had a relationship with Jiang Moli and photographed intimate photos and videos.

Jiang Moli did not like the original self. What she desired was his identity as Meng Xinyins husband, who he had represented. Sleeping with him gave Jiang Moli a different sense of satisfaction.

When the child of the original self and Meng Xinyin was not yet one year old, Yu Qiuyue and Meng Guohua sent a batch of supplies to a remote small village under an established practice. Unfortunately, the mountain collapsed, and the car they were in, buried under it.

Meng Xinyin suffered a tremendous blow. At that time, her best friend appeared in front of her with intimate photos of her and her husband, accompanied by the prenatal examination report of four months pregnancy, the original selfs child.

Meng Xinyin almost collapsed, but she remembered that she still had her daughter. No matter what, she could not fall. For the first time, she tolerated the grief and notified her parents lawyer to let him draw up a divorce agreement.

The day after Jiang Moli met Meng Xinyin, Meng Xinyin fell from the third floor of her villa. The cause of her death was suicide. Everyone said that she could not accept her parents death, so she chose to escape. Even the original self also thought so.

He grieved for a while. As Meng Xinyins husband, he accepted all the properties of the Meng family. The wealth was even higher than he imagined. At this time, Jiang Moli appeared in front of him again, with the prenatal examination report as before. She told him that she was pregnant with a boy.

The original self and Jiang Moli got the certificate, but they did not have a banquet. After all, Jiang Molis real identity was Meng Xinyins best friend. It was not appropriate for them to get married after how short the other partys death.

Jiang Moli was sent abroad by the original self. She picked up again after several years of giving birth. When he went to the airport to pick them up, mother and child, the original self had a car accident. The driver was thoroughly responsible for drunk driving. In the car, there were he and Meng Xinyins five years old daughter. Because he wanted his daughter to cultivate her feelings earlier with her younger brother, the original self also brought her along with him.

As the original selfs widow, Jiang Moli and her son accepted the enormous wealth originally belonging to the Meng family. Everything that Meng Xinyin had before belonged to her.

This world was about a nouveau riche couple, Jiang Moli and Song Kun, who were both donated students by Meng Guohua and his wife in their early years. Song Kun studied law and successfully entered Yu Qiuyues company after graduation. The last phone call before Meng Xinyin committed suicide was for him.

In this world, Jiang Moli and Song Kun were a couple praised by everyone. They were devoted to charity and supported many impoverished students. The Likun Group, which was managed jointly by the couple, was reckoned to be one of the very best in Tianjin.

Everyone forgot that the Likun Group belonged to another family a lengthy time ago.

The wisher of this mission was that Yan Chu did not expect it at first. The wisher was the original selfs eldest sister and second sister. Although they hated Meng Xinyin, that sister-in-law, they never wanted to let her die, and never thought that their younger brother they taught would do so many wrong things, or even paid with his own life for this.

Yan Zhaodi made a wish that her younger brother would be able to compensate Meng Xinyin for the debt of the previous life and take good care of her future young niece. She hoped that this time, her younger brother could stop them from contradicting with their sister-in-law.

Yan Laidi made a wish to make Jiang Moli and Song Kun get their due retribution because the death of Meng Xinyin, her younger brother, and niece would never be an accident. Maybe the early death of Meng Guohua and Yu Qiuyue also had their handwriting.

Still two wishers, Yan Chu felt that the number of system convulsions seemed to be higher.

However, compared with the previous world, the difficulty of this world was much milder. The most troublesome thing, the two older sisters and Meng Xinyin, had long, deeply rooted in their concepts of Three Views47Three Viewsgenerally refer to the view of career, work, and achievements. Principally, in how to change the elder sisters critical attitude towards Meng Xinyin, this sister-in-law, and how to accept that their younger brother would only have one daughter in the future, which was more difficult.

You order first. Ill go to Linji Soup Pot next door and order Yinyin, a pot of dark chicken soup.

Yan Chu remembered that Meng Xinyin had a cold constitution, and her face was deathly pale with pain every time she had a menstrual period. He calculated the days, and her menstrual period was coming soon. Today, she went out dressed up and wore little clothes. She must be feeling quite cold. She should drink some nourishing chicken soup to mend her body.

Your Yan Chu indeed puts you on the top of his heart, let me, this single dog, feel envy.

Jiang Moli looked at Yan Chus back, and quipped at Meng Xinyin, and watched her bow her head shyly. There was a hint of jealousy and disdain in Jiang Molis eyes.

If it was not for the money of the Meng family, how could Yan Chu fawn on her like a dog? True love, give me a break.

That man was of the same kind as her.

Waiter, Id like to have a portion of boiled fish, a portion of sour soup with fat beef, a garlic fried meat, three pieces of grilled lamb chops, and then

Moli, its too much. The three of us cant eat that much.

Meng Xinyin looked at Jiang Moli, who ordered so many dishes in one breath, and thought that it was Yan Chus treat today. For his wallets sake, she quickly stopped Jiang Moli.

Another portion of the chopped bell pepper fish head and vinegar sautd three silks, en, also three bowls of white rice. The drink is coconut juice. First, three glasses. Remember to warm them up.

Jiang Moli handed the menu to the waiter, then turned to Meng Xinyin and said.

If a man is willing to spend money for a woman, it means that he attaches importance to her. Looking at you and Yan Chu together later, the days have passed to go back, how could you have met in the canteen before? Listen to my advice. If Yan Chu changes his face when he pays later, it means that this man is not worth your liking.

Jiang Molis words seemed to be sincere. In fact, according to her understanding of Yan Chu, that man was subtle. He would never let Meng Xinyin, this golden girlfriend, have a grudge for him because of the food money. This money, he inevitably gave it straightforwardly.

With the foreshadowing of her words, Meng Xinyin, while trusting this who she trusted absolutely, was more engrossed in the fishnet named love weaved by Yan Chu, that poor, sick at heart ghost. It was a double win.

Moli, Ill go to the bathroom.

Her words made Meng Xinyin did not know whether to pay attention to it or not. After the waiter left, she took her bag and walked out of the small private room.

Jiang Moli curled her mouth, where she could not see it. She had to take a bag when she went to the toilet. She was afraid that she could not steal. But that bag was indeed Chanels limited edition. She truly wanted to carry it once.

The world was so unfair. Why could some people effortlessly get what you wanted?

After leaving the private room, Meng Xinyin did not go to the bathroom but went directly to the front desk to pay for the things they ordered.

The meal price of Dingxiangyuan was not low. There were seven dishes, plus rice drinks, totaling more than 400 Yuan. Meng Xinyin knew that Yan Chu never needed his two older sisters to pay for his living expenses. On the contrary, every time he got a scholarship, in addition to tuition fees, the rest would be returned under the pretext of buying gifts for his nephews and nieces.

His living expenses were basically earned by taking some jobs by himself, which made Meng Xinyin admire him very much. After all, she was still a sponger raised by her parents.

More than four hundred Yuan was little money in Meng Xinyins eyes, but it was not necessarily true for Yan Chu. She heard Yan Chus roommate say that he was reluctant to eat well in his bedroom during the day. All the money he saved spent on inviting her to have a small stir fry in the canteen. All of a sudden, four hundred Yuan ceased to exist. In the following days, Yan Chu would have to eat white rice with salted vegetables.

She paid for everything, put the receipt in the bag, and then turned back to the private room.

Why is it so late? Because someone had paid for it earlier and waited for Meng Xinyin for a prolonged time, Jiang Moli was very bored alone.

Not long after Meng Xinyin returned, Yan Chu also came back with a bowl of packed dark chicken soup, still steaming. He lifted open the lid of the soup cover and heated the chrysanthemum tea in hot water with the spoon provided by the restaurant. Afterward, he handed it to Meng Xinyin.

Pretend, continue to pretend.

Jiang Moli observed and rolled her eyes in her mind.

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