Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 71: She doesn't make a fuss even if she doesn't eat or drink for a whole day?

Chapter 71: She doesn't make a fuss even if she doesn't eat or drink for a whole day?

Chapter 71 She doesnt make a fuss even if she doesnt eat or drink for a whole day?

She is jealous of Little Sister Min, otherwise why would she speak so strangely?

"You're right."

Su Fu, who turned to leave, heard these small discussions and frowned slightly, "Do you want to have your tongue cut out?"

The maids eyes widened.

Su Fu turned around and said, "If you continue to chew your tongue behind my back, I will cut off your tongue and feed it to the crocodiles."

"Little madman, if you are angry, just come at me, there is no need to embarrass them." Xu Xiaomin stood up and defended the maids very protectively.

What is she angry about?

How can she be angry?

What a joke.

Xu Xiaomin, dont set the pace here, Im not angry.

Youre not angry, why target them?

Xu Xiaomin's words in every line accuse her of harboring resentment towards Shangguan Ling because she failed to accompany her.

Su Fu was happy. She turned around calmly and said, "Why do you think you have the ability to make me angry with you?"

Is it just because she is going to accompany Shangguan Ling?


Xu Xiaomin didn't want to argue with her, smiled slightly, turned and left in the most elegant manner.

The maids were even more angry with Xu Xiaomin. They rolled their eyes at Su Fu and turned around to continue their work.

Soph snorted, it was simply incomprehensible!

C country, capital.

Shangguan Ling learned that the little lunatic had fled again while he was away.



Shangguan Ling rubbed the wine glass with his fingertips, his eyes knowing, "Send the little lunatic back to the yard and put him in solitary confinement."

"Yes, Master, I'll make arrangements right away." Jiang Chuan called and notified the housekeeper in the castle to convey the Master's order.

Having a small drink, Shangguan Ling rested his head lazily on one hand and asked, "Is Xu Xiaomin here?"

Go back to the young master, we will arrive in about two hours.

Raised his hand and glanced at his watch, Shangguan Ling put down his wine glass and stood up.

With a slender body and tall stature, he buttoned his shirt with one hand and said, "Tell her to report directly there and do your best to serve her."

I understand, Master.

Xu Xiaomin came to country C, but what he saw was not Shangguan Ling.

It was the bodyguard he left behind specially, who would tell her the tasks she said needed to be carried out.

Xu Xiaomin secretly clenched his fists and exhaled, "I understand."

She originally thought that after returning from the mission to country C, she would be able to stay in the castle and wait for her with peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, she still cannot do without the fate of being around men.

Thinking that she was about to commit herself to a man again, she thought of the little lunatic far away in the castle.

Why can she climb into the young master's bed, but she can't?

She is a disfigured woman, why? !

After thinking about it, the medicine injected into the little lunatic's body made her balance again.

I want to fight with her, but the little lunatic is still a little green.

Let her run rampant now, one day she will cry.

"stand up!"

Having nightmares at night, Su Fu stayed up at night and only caught up on sleep during the day.

While he was soundly asleep, he was pulled out of bed.

Su Fus eyes were blurry, looking at the battle in front of her, a little confused, You want to rebel?

The maids sneered and dragged her out, "The young master has given an order, and the little madman is in solitary confinement. He is not allowed to come out without the young master's order."

I thought Shangguan Ling didn't care about this matter, but I didn't expect that it was the post-Autumn period that would settle accounts.

Soph was dragged away, and his chaotic head gradually became clearer.

She was dragged into the courtyard and into her bedroom. The maid pushed her hard and closed the door.

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