Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 184: Prep For War; Within Demme

Chapter 184: Prep For War; Within Demme

The Giant tree walked off as soon as the sun began to come up. I barely got the chance to talk more or see more of it's outline properly.

The moon still stood in the sky even as the sun came up, but I suppose that might be a result of some supernatural shenanigans taking place here.

The Giant tree left with the little ones as it called them, but made sure to leave the bloated pod plants and the excessively grown out grass. Perhaps as a reminder of the promise I've hastily made to it.

But regardless, the sun is up and the terrifyingly long night out in the open is finally at a close. I can breathe easy now.

All that's left is to collect the unruly duo that ran off and get Demme to see how unscathed Piol isphysically, mentally I'm not so sure, but that's not my problem.

My problem however, is the news that the System is just pull-out rituals and spells out ofsomewhere and handing them to me. I have little to no idea what these spells and rituals mean so when I carry them out, I just expect them to work becausewell because of the system.

I never thought that there would be another player in this awful game of aspiring for Godhood. Perhaps even several as that ritual, the Witherling ritual may only be linked to that one being within the Reais.

And yet, others must be connected to more and more of these rituals I perform.

In hindsight, there have been several hints that it isn't just the System at work here. One would be the fact that the System pulled up a ritual for protection, the ritual that summoned the elven spirits.

They had minds of their own, even though it was more than a bit scrambled, it was proof that the system is really just working with what it has.

In truth, just as Lotar said, the Mark of All isn't some omni-weapon. It's just a tutorial, a highly effective one, one that doesn't mind cutting corners or contacting Daemons within the Reais for their power.

Another problem would be the annoying 'I told you so' face Anselm has been giving me for the past ten minutes.

God he's persistent.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I nod towards the men packing up the tents and stamping out fires.

"Me? I'm basically royalty thanks to you, they can handle it." He smiles, "More importantly, I want to hear you say it."

I roll my eyes and pet Shaco, "Say what? There's nothing left to say."

"You know what I'm talking about, Asher. Say it."

I groan, btu find it ridiculous in the end, "Fine, you were right, I should have listened to you." It doesn't cost me anything but my inflated pride to admit for the umpteenth time since meeting the ghost that he's right.

"Besides, who would have thought that the ritual the System gave me would be sketchy."

Anselm, used to my terms and analogies for the mysterious way I gain more and more power shrugs, "I don't know, maybe you should pick up a book sometime and actually practice some magic, the proper way, the right way."

I scoff, "That'll be a good idea Anselm, if there were any Necromantic spell books out there that is."

"It doesn't have to be Necromancy, does it? It wouldn't hurt to have a little versatility, would it?"

"Versatility is what Kaylin is for, Anselm, beside I think I've got quite a bit on my plate dealing with these guys and establishing the foundations of a Kingdom. The Kingdom I've talked about since the very beginning."

He merely hums at this; I suppose he can appreciate the goal I've set out. The unspoken one as well, retrieving his soul and reviving him like I promised.

"Milord!" Juri runs up to us, trailing behind him is a relieved looking Piol. "

The men have packed up the tents and cleared the camps, we're ready to storm the village."

He says this all with a smile on his face, his eyes glitter with adoration as I have in fact made good on my promise to give, he and his men a story worth telling at the taverns.

I only wonder how exaggerated the events of this night will grow to become the more the story gets told.

I give him a curt nod and thank him, then turn my focus to Piol, "You survived the night, and unscathed too, even more unscathed than I."

He puts on an outraged face, "More unscathed than you?"

I grin and pull on my ripped clothes, where the Werebear dug into me, "Battle scars of a sort."

He blanches, mouth hanging open, "How do you heal?"

"Trade secret my friend." I grin, slapping my hand on his shoulder, "Now, are you ready to get back home and tell all your friends how much better a life they'll lead under my absolute rule?"

While shrinks under my hold he shakes his head, "The Warriors may believe me, but the people still need more than the fact that they'll be free to live their miserable lives."

I frown, "Isn't that enough? Freedom."

He finally gets my hand off and says, "Not without food, a hot meal to invigorate a person." Shaking his head, he gives me a pitiful stare, "Honestly, if you make these roads safe again, the people are just going to leave Demme for somewhere else."

I hum at this, scratching my chin, "Well, there aren't many places to go to anyway, and the ones that are left will be under my control as soon as I can mobilize an army, and in that respect, I'll be conscripting every single person in the current Demme guard, including you Piol."

He pales, "What! What use am I?"

"You're the first to witness my might, Piol, and since you're more civilian than military, you'll be the perfect liaison to the people, you'll tell them exactly why it's best for them to be on my sideyou will be my journalist!"

"J-journalist, what's that?"

Ah right.

I grin and pat his back, "You're going to be my story teller at Demme, Piol, rejoice for I have looked upon you favourably!"

The man looks like he's in the mood to do anything but rejoice. I laugh and Anselm wonders why I torment him so much.

The future is a mix of terrible and bright!

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