HP: The Arcane Thief

Chapter 138: Guardian Angel

Chapter 138: Guardian Angel

"You're finally here," said a voice from right beside them, making Martina and Akiko jump in surprise.


Martina was both surprised and relieved to see the guy. Dementors are creatures that have always got on her nerves. Even when she used to watch them in the movies as a kid. Unfortunately, they're very real in this world, and she has had multiple encounters with them too.

The good thing is, Axel has always been present with her every time it has happened, so his presence felt quite reassuring to her.

"Since when have you been here? How's the situation?" Asked Akiko. Both the girls are already aware of his stealth abilities, so no one commented on the tiny jump scare he just gave them, or maybe they were just too embarrassed to mention it.

"I've been here for a while. And it's not looking good. Axel looked at the chaos up ahead as he gave out a detailed analysis of the situation. "Their numbers are increasing, god knows how, and containment is difficult since there are just too many windows, passageways and doors in this damn corridor. Also, these Dementors are kinda powerful. Patronuses don't last long in front of them. The manpower is spread too thin trying to guard each and every exit. A few Dementors might get past them at this rate before they can completely seal this place."

Axel had been doing his usual training when he had noticed that something was wrong when he had seen Auror and Ninja Guardian from all over the castle being called here. He had simply followed to see what the fuss was about. After arriving he was just watching them struggle while eating popcorn.

"What took you so long?" He asked Akiko. "You should have noticed all this earlier," he said, alluding to her secret darkness affinity.

Akiko nodded. "I did. But I can't really do much in this case due to the circumstances. So I've been trying to find Martina," she explained. FInding Axel was as good as impossible, so she thought it would be easier to find Martina. "But no one could tell me where she was "she said, a hint of complaint in her voice.

Akiko's Darkness Affinity could help mediate this situation, using it in public was out of question since it was taboo, just like the Dark Arts. That's why she had decided to find Martina.

Martina looked apologetic. "Actually, I have been inside my laboratory for a few days. I've been working on something new," she explained. The incident at Christmas was a kind of wake up call for her. She been kidnapped from her own home and almost raped. If it wasn't for Axel. she was a goner.

It made her realize that this wasn't a fantasy world. Everything here was very real. She had been taking her life for granted.

She was given such a great opportunity. A life that anyone would kill for, Gifts that anyone would kill for, a family that anyone would kill for. And she had been wasting it all away in simply goofing around and following her hobbies.

Just take Axel for example. Two years ago, she had seen him having difficulties even walking. She had seen him struggle to even cast basic spells properly. And today, he could take her down before she would have the time to blink. That's someone who's properly using everything he has.

Observing Axel made her realize who she could have been, if she sharpened every weapon in her arsenal. And it also made her realize WHY she was still weak. It was because she was scared of her own potential. It was only until she saw Axel did she realize, she could still be who is, even if she is a lot more powerful.

"So, what do we do?" Akiko asked Axel. She seemed to trust in Axel's judgment.

Martina stepped forward at this moment. "Guys, I would like to handle this one alone please," she requested.

Axel studied her, noticing something different about her. A small smirk came to his face. "You're embracing it, huh?"

Martina was surprised at first, but then just sighed. "Am I that easy to figure out?"

"At least to me."

"Only to him," said Akiko, a bit peeved for not knowing what the fuck these two were talking about.

Axel put a hand on her shoulder. "Just let her do her thing."

They watched as Martina took out her staff. The one she uses when handling heavy magic.

First she cast a vision blocking screen around the three of them, making them invisible to others, followed by a silencing charm in order to make sure they wouldn't be noticed when she casts her magic.

Then, she made a wide circular arc with her staff. Powerful magic surged out of her, blowing their hair back due to the sheer amount. She glanced back at Axel with a smile, before facing forward again.


And with that, the world seemed to have turned white. The magical circle she had drawn in the air glowed, before a figure burst out of it.

It was a fully corporeal silhouette of a cloaked warrior, wielding a dagger and a wand in his gloved hands. The sheer light radiating from it was so intense that it illuminated the entire hallway end to end, causing everyone's attention to be focused on it.


"What is that?!"

"Look! The Dementors are backing away!"

Indeed. The Dementors, which could not be stopped even by the numerous patronuses and Jutusus of the Ninjas and Guardians, had stopped advancing, and were instead backing away on their own now.

Martina pointed her staff at the army of Dementors.


Though, the Corporeal Figure seemed to have an attitude of its own. It didn't rush in right way. It looked at Martina with a tilted head, as if still deciding whether to do what she asked. Martina blinked her eyes. "Please?" She added.

The figure shrugged as it began lazily floating towards the Dementors, and then suddenly, it disappeared, reappearing directly in the midst of the cowering dementors. The wand and dagger in his hands flashed, and Dementors were literally cut apart, disappearing from existence.

"Damn…" Axel was awed by the sheer power of the spell. But, for some reason, the corporeal silhouette looked quite familiar to him.

The wizards and ninjas were all left dumbfounded when the Corporeal figure began wiping the Dementors. They had been trying so hard just to hold the Dementors back, and somehow, this corporeal figure simply eradicated the Dementors so easily.

"By Merlin…" squeaked Flitwick.

"How,,, is that even possible?" Murmured Mcgonagall

"Is this a dream?"

They could not believe it. Dementors had been termed as amortal creatures, meaning they couldn't be killed. And yet, here they were, witnessing hundreds of them being wiped right in front of their eyes.

"...What is that spell?" Asked Akiko in fascination. "Is it a patronus?"

Martina shook her head, watching the figure cut apart dementors. "That's not a patronus. That's my Guardian Angel," she said as she looked at Axel with a smile.

Akiko looked at the corporeal figure, and then at Axel, and her eyes widened. Now that she paid more attention, the movements and attitude of the Guardian Angel were awfully similar to a certain someone she knew.

Akiko gripped Martina's hand, looking at her intensely. "Can you please teach me the spell? I'll compensate you appropriately."

Martina was surprised, but then she shook her head, looking sheepish. "Um, sorry, but I can't. It's a custom spell. It'll only work for me. You need to project an… overwhelming feeling of being protected for the spell to manifest," she explained, glancing at Axel.

Like how Patronuses are cast using the positive feelings of happy memories, Martina created this guardian angel using the intense feelings she had felt when Axel had protected from from being kidnapped at Christmas.

But Axel wasn't paying attention. Because right now, he had something else come up, taking his attention entirely. He looked into empty space with furrowed eyebrows.

[Main Quest: Protect Hogwarts]

[Objective: The Dementors were just a distraction. The main attack will be launched from the Forbidden Forest. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to stop the attack and recover the asset Rose Potter alive.]

"Damn it."

Axel sighed. Of course it wasn't that easy.

"What is it?" Asked Akiko, noticing his reaction.

Axel had a troubled expression on his face. "Well, this was just a distraction. The main attack is coming from elsewhere," he told them.

"Where is it?"

"Let's go."

Axel hesitated. He was debating whether to ask for their help. Last time, he knew what they were up against. But this time, very little information was provided. "You guys stay. It would be dangerous," he told them.

Both the girls looked offended at that for some reason.

"Are you trying to be my Grandfather?" Asked Akiko, looking irked. She was really tired of her Grandfather's overprotectiveness. She couldn't handle Axel doing the same.

"I am not letting you go alone," said Martina, looking determined.

None of them even thought of asking for outside help. They didn't want anyone else other than the three of them. As it stood, the three of them were more effective than any other force at Hogwarts due to their specialties. And they couldn't use those specialties in an outsider's presence.

"Sigh... let's go."

Just as they were about to leave, Akiko suddenly let out a muffled groan, as she fell to the floor.

"What the—" Axel quickly caught her before she hit her head.

"Akiko!" Martina was also taken aback, as she panicked a little.

"What happened?!" Asked Axel.

Akiko was panting right now, and her eyes were wide open. "Something terrible. We need to go, Now!" She urged, already running towards the nearest window to jump out.

"Wait! It'll take too long," said Axel, stopping her. He already had the location in his head. "It's still not perfect, but we don't have a choice," he said, offering a hand to each of them as he began concentrating. He was planning on flying there on broom, but if Akiko's senses can be trusted, they don't have time for that.

Akiko and Martina didn't question what Axel was doing. They just grabbed onto his hand, letting him do whatever he was suggesting.

[Occlumency Max]

[Magic Hands]

Axel closed his eyes and entered into a state of extreme concentration.

"[Arcane Travel]"


Martina and Akiko were alarmed as they saw their bodies gradually fading into space.


""Now, get ready. We're about to launch the real attack on your school,"' said Voldemort, as Lockhart began to move.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!" Rose struggled even more, She wished she had her wand with her right now. Or she wished she could do wand magic! But alas, if only it were that easy.

"Your vain attempts amuse me, Rose Potter. So I will satiate your curiosity. Until now, I have only been able to send creatures as tangible as mere Dementors, into your world. But now with your connection, I can do much more! Right now, I am about to send an army of Demogorgons into your world "said Voldemort, laughing evilly.

"Demogorgon?" Rose had never heard the word until now, But it did sound ominous.

Lockhart grinned malevolently. "One Demogorgon is powerful enough to destroy Hogwarts. And earlier this Halloween, we were even able to summon one by paying a huge price. Too bad Dumbledore somehow prevented the catastrophe, But now, using you, we can summon a whole army. Even conquering the whole of Britain won't be difficult now," he explained, preparing the ritual.

Lockhart muttered strange incantations in an unknown language before drawing Rose's blood. Despite her desperate struggle, the ritual was still activated.


Rose's eyes opened wide. But she couldn't see. Her eyes had become pitch black, with no whites. Unknown power surged through her, but it was used by the ritual circle instead, She screamed. Piercing pain cursed through her scar, which was oozing with black luster. Her consciousness faded as her connection with Netherworld was used to activate the magic circle, creating a rift in space.


A direct connection with the Netherworld had been established. One strong enough to transfer much more than just dementors. A huge amount of darkness began pouring out of the black rift that had been created in the ritual circle.

A huge black, skeletal hand emerged, with long, pointy fingers, followed by the rest of the body of the Demogorgon. Instantly, the surrounding vegetation began withering, visible to the naked eyes. Birds, animals, and insects in the vicinity began falling down, their weak mind unable to handle the presence of this entity which could be rated above XXXXX.

Even though he had the powers of Darkness, and a degree of immunity granted by Voldemort, Lockhart still found it difficult to breathe. His knees were shaking.

But, it wasn't enough. Another Demogorgon gradually began emerging right after the first. As soon as the second Demorgon entered, the atmosphere became twice more deadly, the presence of two Demogorgons stacking together. But, even that wasn't enough! Another Demogorgon began emerging from the rift!


Voldemort was exhilarated. Once he has an army of Demogorgons here, even that fossil Dumbledore would be unable to stop him! And this was just the beginning! Now that he had Rose Potter, he might even be able to enter the world himself with enough research. And the main benefit: He now had that woman's daughter as his hostage. She would finally have to come out now!


"No one can stop me now," he proclaimed. An immortal and invincible army, a the way to enter this world, and a way to finally get rid of his sworn enemy Lily Potter. Really, no one could stop him now.

"Think again." At this moment, a voice sounded not far from them.


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