How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 930 - 931 Humans

Chapter 930: Chapter 931 Humans

"Surprise... Do you really know what surprise means?"

When he first heard that he wanted to surprise himself, Huo Gu was very worried. If he didn't fully understand the meaning of surprise, he was afraid that there would be no joy at that time, only surprise.

[Hmm, of course I know.]

[Anyway, you are right to come with me.]

Full of confidence, it has got real news from the sustainable side and has found the solar system and the earth.

With Huo Gu, he tore open a wormhole directly in the void and crossed the scale of millions of light years in an in an inn'ssult of an hour.

Huo Gu observed the external environment through his observation organs and did not see anything that could surprise or scare him. While he was relieved, he couldn't help asking.

"...So where is the surprise?"

[Huh? Can't you recognize Huo Gu? This is the solar system.

"Oh, the solar system... huh? Solar system?! You said this is the solar system!"

Huo Gu was stunned and then enhanced the power of the radar wave. The radar wave swept the whole star system in dozens of minutes, allowing Huo Gu to get accurate celestial environmental data.

"One, two, three... seven, eight... The first four are solid planets, and the last four are gaseous planets... There is one satellite in the third orbit, two planets in the fourth orbit, and 79 planets in the fifth orbit..."

Huo Gu proofread the details one by one for fear of making mistakes and omissions.

No wonder it is this reaction, because it is afraid that it will admit it wrong.

He quietly waited for Huo Gu to confirm it in person.

It was not until Huo Gu completely determined that the current star system was the solar system that he delivered the information.

[Hee hee, I'm asking them to find here forever.]

[I know you have been hoping to come back again.]

"Ming, take me to the earth to have a look."


Huo Gu had expected this reaction for a long time. When he opened the other end of the wormhole early in the morning, it was not far from the planet in the third orbit, but only about half a light minute.

The superluminal displacement, carrying Hogu, arrived near the third orbit planet in a few seconds.

"I didn't receive any radio information, and I didn't see any electronic equipment floating in orbit, or the space station or space city..."

"Is human beings extinct?"

[Extinction? No, they are still there, and they have been specially investigated.]

[However, I don't think you will want to see it.]

"Texit me to have a look."

Subsequently, the strange star hub dropped a sphere on the surface of the earth, which drew a red lotus track and fell freely to the surface.

At 60 kilometers from the ground, the sphere flattened into a plane and began to slow down.

Finally, Huo Gu, who was in a human posture, and Maoqiu, who was in the posture of Maoqiu, arrived safely to the ground.

"The temperature is very high. Now I know that it is early morning, the temperature can reach 23 degrees, and the temperature may rise to 40 to 50 degrees at noon."

[I don't know when Hogu left the earth, but the probe I found was launched from 100 million years ago, and the sun expanded 1% from that time.]

"1%? No wonder..."

Huo Gu was relieved, but at the same time, recalling the answer just now, he felt incredible. 100 million years later, human beings have achieved nothing and have never been extinct?

"You said before that 100 million years have passed and human beings still exist on earth, so where are they? I didn't see any traces of the city at high altitude.

Huo Gu looked around. At this moment, they were in a prairie. In the distance, there were all kinds of species that Hogu had never seen before, some like cows and some like horses.

There are no beasts nearby. They should have been scared away by the movement of their landing.

The hairy body floated up and gave Huo Gu a radio message reply.

[City is a thing of the past for human beings.]

[Now they don't live on the ground, but underground.]

After saying that, the strange star hub in orbit operated, and the terrible position directly tore the earth near Huogu. A dark creature was restrained by its position and pulled up from the ground floor.

The creature struggled in panic and shouted in horror.

Huo Gu looked at this dark creature. Like human beings, it has one head of limbs, five fingers and scarce hair.

However, it is too far-fetched to say that this is a human.

There are no ears on both sides. I can only see two small pimples in the ear. In addition to the eyelashes, there is some hair in the genitals.

Huo Gu's fingers became sharp and pierced into the body of this dark creature, taking biological samples to read genes.

There are 22 pairs of chromosomes, one less than humans. There are two digestive stomach bags, which can endure hunger for a long time and have the ability to hibernate similar to bears. However, from the perspective of life structure, it is only when it encounters high temperatures that they enter a bear-like hibernation state.

Taking the rhizomes of plants as food, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws are flat and thick, suitable for grinding plants. The vision is seriously degraded, the sense of smell and hearing are abnormally developed, and the cocoons of the palm of the hands are very thick. No matter how the formation is excavated, the damage is very small, and the biological self-healing is completely repairable.

It can be seen that this is a creature that looks like an apes, but is more successful than the apes in Hogu's memory.

However, it seems that human beings can't get along with it.

"You don't want to tell me that this is human, do you?"

Huo Gu asked, and then answered.

[Human beings can classify Australopithecus, capable people and upright people into the category of 'humans', so this species should also be included in the category of human beings.]

"In the human category? Explain it in detail."

[They are a race that evolved from human beings.]

[Eternal has specially investigated. In the 100 million years after the launch of the probe, human beings have experienced a lot. The productivity explosion brought about by the development of science and technology, set foot in the universe, built a wheeled space station and wheeled colonial spacecraft on a large scale, and then formed a space fleet to fight an interstellar battle across the light year...]

[After the colonial spacecraft sailed far, there was no communication. Human beings on the earth experienced internal disputes again and again. Fortunately, they were all saved, but they were defeated by time and greed.]

[In pursuit of interests, merchants sell problematic goods, especially food. Human larvae or pregnant women undergo aberration after taking it. The genes of these deformed children are further enlarged over time, and human beings have gradually evolved into different Intelligent species.

[Different intelligent species could not harmen with each other, so an internal war broke out...]

"So, all this was caused by the war?"

[No, it is caused by peace.]

[Human beings did not fall into war, but fell into peace.]

[With the explosion of productivity and the progress of society to harmony, such technology has satisfied most of human desires. Many human beings do not know how to live because of their low desires, and they have become accustomed to seeking shortsights...]

[Human beings on earth have made countless choices that make this species stand out today, and in the process of evolving into this species, knowledge, enterprising, thinking and other abilities have been abandoned.]

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