Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 590 Understanding one another-2

Chapter 590 Understanding one another-2

" So you are hunting these people? Why? It shouldn't concern you what happens here right?" Hamza asked several question when Steve decided to give him a brief summary of why they were there.

" Honestly it doesn't. I could care less about other people when I lived this life from childhood. Fighting for food, money then the country: I have done it all and couldn't bare to spill more blood but there is one person that I can never turn my back against."

" You are doing it for someone else?" Hamza was surprised to hear him speak freely. He instictly could tell that Steve was being truthful because he was so blunt with his words.

" Yes, my boss. I can't explain it but when I first met him I was in a very dark place. I was fine on the outside and keep on appearances-" Hamza looked confused.

" I mean I was acting fine." Steve clarified," but I had people to take care of, my team and their families. Even though I had nothing to lose, I could never see them being sad because of my mistakes."

Hamza stayed silent looking at Steve looking down while rubbing his thumbs together." But everything changed when I met him. He was only a child no more than eleven years old but the way he carried himself around everyone spoke volume. Unlike my previous boss, he cared for us and even jumped into battles fighting side by side never fearing for his life."

" You are joking again. How can a child fight like that?" Hamza didn't believe him.

" You will know when you met him. He is about the same age as you but I can confidently say that he is stronger than me." Hamza stayed skeptical but still he wanted to hear more.

Steve only smiled, it was normal for strangers to not believe in the 'demon' so he went on to tell few of his first hand accounts during their missions together. He didn't specify any time or location, just raw details about Samuel.

Hamza kept listening to his tall-tales but seeing how enthusiastic he was about it, made him believe there was some truth hidden in these stories.

" After that we flew here hoping to get their location. Even with our capabilities we couldn't pinpoint their location always being one step behind."

" Do you know who they are? If there are more of them I am sure my father could help you. That's more than I can do for....what I did." Hamza knew how naive he was listening to him.

Steve mentioned several things that went right over his head, few of the location and even countries that he had never heard about before. Also because he didn't have a strong grip in Steve's language, he missed most of the hard words.

"... It's fine." Steve didn't know what to say. Hamza sounded genuine in his apology but he couldn't make a judgement without all the facts, especially not without scouting the Black Swans by his own eyes.

It's not because he suspected Hamza but the way he told how he found out about their location sounded suspicious. Even in Verdant foundation where everyone was paid fairly and much above the market standards, few people managed to get swayed by them. Compared to it, Black Swans was a small faction. There might be many spies lurking in their ranks without the leader even knowing or the leader could be one of them. He didn't know it yet.

" I am sorry." Hamza said it again seeing his mixed reaction. He knew what he did was irreversible but he didn't know what else to do.

" I said it's fine kid. I am not thinking about it but if you killed someone we wouldn't be having this conversation. That's why before confronting any enemy, you first have to gather whatever you could about them. If we start shooting blindly, we might have killed you guys and then regretted it later when we would have found out you were only there to make a show." He said seriously.

Hamza nodded, his father often would give the same advice but he never took it to heart but after coming on his solo mission, he got to learn a lot.

" I will remember it."

" Good, we will go out tomorrow to drop you off but more importantly I want to talk to your father. Just help me explain it to him."

With serious stuff out of the way they started talking about benign things again. Since Steve felt most of it was going over the kid's head, he decided to pull out his latest techs. The ipad that was yet to be released to the public and showed him few things.

Hamza was instantly intrigued looking at wide screen phone. He had seen few smartphones but most people still used the brick phone as they were more reliable and few of them were still using radios which was more prevalent in his village.

Seeing their friend talking with Steve casually, his friends came over only to see him fiddle around with the ipad. Steve didn't mind them as they gather to look at strange technology.

" Hey let me see it too?"

" Your hand is blocking the screen!"

" I have never seen such clean photos?"

They talked among themselves when Steve decided to unveil the most desired feature, the Internet! Since they had to be in constant communication with the headquarters, they always carried a portable device capable of connecting to their personal satellite.

Rothschild were able to maintain their dominance because they were always keeping up with new technology. Despite it being slower than normal internet, one could easily search information and even view picture but videos took too long to load.

Steve left them on their own and went around to get his own food before the stand closes. He met up with James who seemed to be waiting for him.

" I already got you a plate. Come with me."

" Are you still mad?" Steve asked walking beside him.

" I don't know. Normally we don't have to deal with this type of things but I can see why you stopped me."

" Wow! I never thought I would hear you admit your mistake?" Steve wrapped his arm around his neck.

" Hey! I never said sorry! I was-"

" Come on! The food is already cold!" James team member beckoned them to join them. Steve saw others gathering around even the injured ones were sitting there while supporting themselves so that their wounds wouldn't open.

" Alright but while we eat I should tell everyone what I found out." Steve sat down and began explaining everything. It was bound to be a long night because after eating they began going over the information that Jane sent coming up with a proper plan.

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