Hollow Ascension

Chapter 11: Brewing Unrest

Chapter 11: Brewing Unrest

The early morning light seeped through the cracks in the guildhall's heavy curtains, casting faint beams across the stone floor. Kael stood near the entrance, his eyes scanning the room, which was gradually filling with adventurers of all ranks. Despite the early hour, the atmosphere was taut, heavy with unspoken tension.

This is it, he thought. The point of no return. He had spent days fanning the flames of dissent, guiding the frustrations of the guild's lower ranks toward a breaking point. Now, he could feel the simmering unrest, the anger coiling like a serpent ready to strike.

Kael moved quietly through the hall, keeping to the periphery, his expression carefully neutral. It was crucial that he continued to play his part—the unassuming, weak adventurer just trying to fit in. This facade would keep him in the shadows while the events he had set into motion unfolded in front of him.

As he approached the mission board, he saw a small group of bronze-ranked adventurers gathered near the tables, their heads bent together in hushed conversation. At the center of the group was the scarred woman, her expression fierce and determined. Beside her was Finn, his gaze flickering nervously around the room as he listened to their heated discussion.

"It's time," the scarred woman said, her voice low but forceful. "We've been talking long enough. We can't keep letting the guild push us around while we risk our lives out there."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the group, a mix of anger and fear visible in their eyes. Kael watched from a distance, his heart pounding with anticipation. He had planted the seeds of rebellion, and now, they were beginning to sprout.

Finn glanced around, his eyes catching sight of Kael. For a moment, their gazes locked, and Kael offered a small, almost imperceptible nod. Finn's lips tightened, and he turned back to the group, his expression hardening.

"They won't listen to us if we don't do something to make them," Finn said, his voice steadier than Kael had heard before. "We need to go to Garreth and demand changes. We can't keep running missions while they sit back and hoard the supplies."

Kael felt a surge of satisfaction. Yes, that's it. Push forward. The confrontation they were planning would be the final spark to ignite the conflict he needed. With Garreth's authority challenged openly, the guild's fragile balance would begin to crumble.

"We should do it now," the scarred woman urged. "Before they can brush us aside again."

The group nodded, their resolve solidifying. Kael stepped back, blending into the crowd as they moved toward the hall's center. His heart beat steadily in his chest, not from fear, but from a cold anticipation. This was the moment he had been orchestrating, and now, he would watch it unfold.

Garreth Stoneclaw, the guild master, stood near the front of the hall, conversing with a silver-ranked adventurer. His presence exuded authority, a figure who commanded respect through both strength and reputation. Kael had seen this before in other powerful figures—men who believed their control was absolute, that their authority could not be questioned. Today, Garreth was about to face a harsh reality.

"Garreth!" The scarred woman's voice rang out, loud enough to silence the hum of conversation in the hall. Heads turned as the group of bronze-ranked adventurers approached, their expressions set with grim determination.

Garreth looked up, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What is this?" he demanded, his voice calm but carrying an edge. "Why are you interrupting?"

The woman took a step forward, her chin held high. "We're here to demand change," she declared. "The lower ranks are tired of being sent on dangerous missions without adequate supplies or support. The outposts are understocked, and meanwhile, the nobles in the guild hoard resources."

Murmurs spread through the hall as adventurers turned to watch, some with surprise, others with dawning interest. Kael stood at the edge of the crowd, his eyes fixed on Garreth's face. He saw the brief flash of anger, quickly masked by a stern expression.

"You speak out of turn," Garreth said coldly, his voice cutting through the growing noise. "The guild has always allocated resources as needed. If you are dissatisfied, perhaps you should look to your own performance rather than blaming others."

Finn stepped forward, his fists clenched at his sides. "It's not about performance!" he shouted, his voice carrying the raw frustration of the lower ranks. "It's about fairness! The nobles control everything while the rest of us are left to scrape by. We're risking our lives out there, and we deserve better!"

The hall fell silent. Garreth's eyes flicked across the crowd, taking in the faces of the adventurers. Kael could see the tension in his posture, the struggle to maintain authority in the face of open defiance.

"You think you know better than the leadership?" Garreth growled, his tone turning harsh. "You think you can dictate how the guild operates? You overstep your bounds, boy."

Kael felt the electricity in the air, the charged silence as everyone waited for the confrontation to explode. His pulse quickened, and he watched intently, ready to exploit whatever came next.

"We're not dictating," the scarred woman interjected, her voice steady despite the danger. "We're demanding change. If the guild refuses to listen, then it has failed its members."

Garreth's face darkened, his eyes blazing with anger. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could speak, another voice cut through the tension.

"She's right." The words came from an unexpected source—a silver-ranked adventurer who had been observing from the sidelines. He stepped forward, his expression troubled. "We've seen the reports from the outposts. They're struggling out there while we have supplies stocked up here. Something needs to change."

A ripple of shock ran through the hall. Kael's eyes widened slightly. Unexpected, but useful, he thought. This was the crack he needed, a division in the ranks that would push the guild closer to chaos.

Garreth turned his gaze to the silver-ranked adventurer, his jaw tightening. "This is not your place to question the guild's decisions," he snapped. "We allocate resources as necessary for the survival of all."

"But it's not working!" Finn shot back. "If the lower ranks keep getting sent out under-equipped, we're going to keep losing people. You can't ignore that anymore."

The room erupted into noise, adventurers arguing, shouting, taking sides. Some defended Garreth's authority, while others voiced their agreement with the dissenters. The hall had become a battleground of words, the unity of the guild fracturing before Kael's eyes.

[Contract Progress: 100% - Guild in Disarray]

The System's presence flooded Kael's mind, a cold whisper echoing with satisfaction. [Contract Complete: Stealth Ability Unlocked.]

Kael felt a surge of power wash over him, a tingling sensation that settled into his skin, his muscles, his very being. It was as if he had gained a new sense, an awareness of how to move unseen, unheard. The Stealth Ability. He suppressed the urge to smile, keeping his face a mask of concern as he watched the conflict unfold.

Garreth raised his hands, his voice booming over the clamor. "Enough!" he roared. "This is not the place for rebellion. Return to your stations, all of you. The guild will not be swayed by baseless accusations."

The adventurers hesitated, some backing down while others glared defiantly. Kael watched carefully, noting who aligned with whom, who remained silent, and who showed fear. This was the moment where alliances would form, where the lines would be drawn for the battles to come.

He stepped back into the shadows, the corners of the hall where no one would notice him. His heart raced, but his expression remained calm. He had done it. The guild was now a fractured entity, its members divided by distrust and anger. The System's contract had been fulfilled, and he had gained his first real power in this world.

Now, he thought, his eyes gleaming with a cold light. Now, we begin the true game.

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