His Dearest Wife

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

Of course, Lin Xiangxiang couldn't explain why he blushed. He had to be ridiculed by Feng Yu.

"It's so hard to come out to dinner with me?" Feng Yu awkwardly understood the meaning of her blush, because along the way, he was also secretly observing her expression. He only felt that she was absent-minded, which made Feng Yu extremely uncomfortable.

Lin Miss Mou color a panic, quickly explained: "I'm not uncomfortable, maybe you open the air conditioner is too big, I'm a little hot."

Feng Yu snorted, but still reached out and turned down the air conditioner. Jun's face was still gloomy and tense.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere was so stiff that Lin Xiangxiang was in a hurry. Thinking that he would have to ask for help from his grandfather later, Lin Xiangxiang secretly complained.

But the thin lips of the man's Micro pursed, showing his anger at the moment, she is not good to provoke him.

I can only keep silence.

Pei family!

Pei Dongming and his wife Chi minlan are just about to have dinner. The old lady of the Pei family is called out from the Buddhist hall by the servant. The old lady is 70 years old, but she is still in good spirits. She walks into the restaurant with a crutch. Chi minlan stands up quickly and says with a smile: "Mom, I made a pot of seafood soup specially for you today. I'll give you a bowl. You should pay first."

"No need!" Mrs. Pei's face sank. She was full of resentment towards Chi minlan's daughter-in-law.

Let's not say that I've been married to the Pei family for more than 20 years and I can't even have a son. This is tantamount to breaking the Pei family's roots. It's unfilial.

But what made Mrs. Pei even more angry was that the daughter-in-law gave birth to two daughters, one missing and the other stolen. It was a crime. The old lady went directly to Buddhism and recited sutras behind closed doors every day.

Chi minlan looks at Pei Dongming wrongly. Pei Dongming pats her shoulder to comfort her.

"Mom, you didn't eat anything at noon. You can eat as much as you like. Min LAN is also kind." Pei Dongming came forward to comfort his mother.

The old lady began to wipe her tears as she sat on the head seat. She cried as she wiped her tears: "what is the evil that our Pei family has done? How can I have the face to meet your father and ancestors underground when our descendants are withered to such a degree? I just have no face to meet them now that I am alive."

Pei Dongming's mood also changed. He sighed: "Mom, you've read this repeatedly for several years. If you don't read it twice, it's important for your health."

"Dongming, when on earth can you get my granddaughter back? Give me a definite word. If I can't wake up one day, I'll be shocked. " The more the old lady cried, the more sad she was.

"Mom, how can you curse yourself? How unlucky." Pei Dongming looked at his mother so sad, and his face was very sad.

But the old lady couldn't accept her sadness and said, "I heard that Feng's son married a girl from another family. How can he do that? Dongming, you need to get Jiaxin back. She's the real lady of Feng's family. Do you understand? "

"I understand, mom, if you don't say it, I'm looking for it, but Jiaxin is stubborn. If she wants to avoid us sincerely, where can we find her?" Pei Dongming's face turned green when he thought of his only daughter.

Chi minlan lowered her head and didn't dare to say a word. Although she was criticized by the old lady, she believed that her daughter-in-law would become a mother-in-law one day. When the old lady left, who in the Pei family would dare to show her the color?

If her husband is elected the next president, she, as the first lady, will have to trample on others.

"I'll make you useless!" The old lady hit Pei Dongming's leg with a crutch in her hand and gritted her teeth: "I asked you to give me a grandson. What did you do? There's a chicken that doesn't lay eggs every day... "

Chi minlan's face turned pale on the spot. He raised his head and glared at the old lady.

Pei Dongming was also shocked. He didn't know what the old lady was stimulated by today. He was so angry.

"Mom, don't say a word. It's not easy for minlan to run a family. If you really want grandchildren, aren't there any boys in the second brother's family? The Pei family's roots won't break. You can rest assured. " Pei Dongming's kind advice.

"Your brother is your brother's, and I'm talking about you!" The old lady's face is full of hatred. Many years ago, she secretly let her son go out to find a child. But she doesn't know what's wrong with her son. She only lives with Chi minlan, a woman. The bigger the official is, the less her heart will be. Don't drive her crazy.

Just as the restaurant was making a lot of noise, suddenly, a servant called out: "Miss Is it really you? "

"My God, old lady, the first lady is back." Another servant exclaimed.

As soon as the farce in the restaurant stopped, the old lady stood up with her son's help and looked at the door with tears.

Pei Jiaxin walked in with a smile on her face. Seeing her family, she shrugged and said, "grandma, mom and Dad, I'm back!"

The old lady wrung her son's arm. Pei Dongming was unprepared and let out a cry.

"It turns out I'm not dreaming. It's really my Jiaxin back." As soon as the old lady threw her crutch, she ran to Pei Jiaxin and hugged her granddaughter: "Jiaxin, you are an unfilial granddaughter. You almost made her angry. How dare you come back?"Chi minlan was also very surprised and couldn't slow down for a long time.

"Pa!" At this time, Pei Dongming walked over and slapped his daughter in the face: "do you know how much you hurt our hearts by doing this?"

Pei Jiaxin didn't expect that her father, who had loved her since childhood, would beat herself and was stunned on the spot.

The old lady also instantly returned to her senses and pushed Pei Dongming away: "what are you doing beating her for? The child finally came back and let you beat away again. I don't want to kill you."

"Mom, it's you who have spoiled her since childhood. She has no elders and is willful and reckless." Although Pei Dongming is happy, he is more distressed.

"Just a daughter, who can't be used to her? If you have the ability to get my little granddaughter back, I'll forgive you for not having a grandson for me. " The old lady gasped and scolded.

Pei Dongming's expression was stiff, and he looked like he had been slapped. He said with a pale look: "it's only 20 years since then. I don't know if the child is still alive. If she is alive, I will continue to look for her. I must get her back."

Chi minlan covers her lips and cries. Thinking of the grievance and pain she suffered when she was pregnant with her little daughter, she feels heartbroken.

That winter, the weather was very cold. She didn't know whether she was pregnant with a boy or a girl. For fear of being blamed by the old lady, she secretly went to a remote small county town to have a baby. The sanitary environment there was poor. She almost had massive bleeding on the day of giving birth to her baby. The doctor gave her hemostasis operation. The child was put in the next ward. Who knows, when she woke up, she was killed Told the child disappeared, her whole person like falling into the icehouse, fainted on the spot.

Later, I woke up in a trance, sometimes good and sometimes bad, and almost died several times, but I was rescued.

Time has the function of smoothing the pain, but the pain buried in the heart can never be erased.

Pei Dongming went over, put his arms around her shaking shoulders and comforted: "don't cry. It's my fault. I didn't take good care of your mother and daughter."

At that time, Pei Dongming was just a small mayor. He was transferred to other places to work. The Pei family was dominated by an old lady. Chi minlan was not well born, but had a strong personality. He didn't want to be blamed, so he secretly went to other places to have children.

Pei Jiaxin covers her beaten cheek and looks at the deep sadness on her parents' face. She is somewhat lost.

From small to large, although she is the apple of the Pei family's eye, has not received any injury, but has one kind of injury, actually invisible, lets her suffer the blow.

The lost sister has always been the flesh of her parents. No matter how she behaves and how hard she tries to be excellent, she is always more important than the lost sister. That's why she wants to leave this family and wander alone. She wants everyone in this family to know that losing her is more painful than losing the sister she lost since childhood.

"Dad, mom, I'm wrong. I shouldn't be willful or sneak out." Pei Jiaxin shed tears and admitted her mistake.

As soon as the old lady saw her tears, she quickly comforted her: "don't cry, don't cry, Jiaxin, just come back, grandma can rest assured."

Chi minlan came over and said, "don't leave quietly in the future. We are really worried about you."

"I won't. I'll always be with you. I won't go anywhere." Pei Jiaxin put her hand around her mother's neck and said with firm eyes.

Because of this departure, she missed her marriage with Feng Yu. This is the biggest loss. How much more can she lose?

The beautiful body of the car reflected the bustling red lights. Feng Yu had already made a decision to take her to Western food, and reserved a place, wine and flowers.

Park the car in a high-end western restaurant downstairs, Feng Yu pushes the door to get off, Lin Xiangxiang also quickly follow.

Two small hands uneasily pinched the handbag, beautiful eyes flashing, looking at the elegant figure of the man walking to the second floor, she followed closely.

Feng Yu suddenly stops on the stairs. Lin Xiang bumps into his back unprepared. His nose hurts slightly and looks up at him in surprise: "how can I stop?"

Don't wake her up, too much.

"Forget to ask you, what's your favorite flower?" Feng Yu looked down at her with thin lips and light voice.

Miss Lin was surprised, a pair of beautiful eyes blinked hard, and finally gave a dry smile: "I'm more vulgar, I like roses."

"What color?" Feng Yu's thin lips were slightly pulled. It was really vulgar, but the vulgarity was lovely, which was in line with his heart.

"All colors are beautiful." Miss Lin replied stupidly.

Feng Yu then turned around and continued to walk upstairs, but Lin's missing heart jumped up again.

Why did you suddenly ask her such a question? Is Is he ready to send her flowers?

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