His Dearest Wife

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Two young girls stepped into the restaurant on the third floor of the magnificent seven star hotel.

As there is no reservation, the seats for two people are relatively partial, but they are also very quiet.

After calling the waiter to come and order, Zhang Sisi's eyes and eyebrows were a little happy, and the whole person had a more beautiful beauty.

The waiter stood by and looked at him. He was fascinated. When Zhang Sisi blinked at him, his face turned red.

Miss Lin doesn't have Zhang Sisi's attention. She looks at the menu seriously. Most of it is in English. Zhang Sisi's English is not as good as hers, so she leaves the work of ordering to Miss Lin.

Miss Lin's English is OK, and it's easy to read the menu. In order to save money for her friends, what she ordered is not very expensive.

"Miss, let's drink some more bars, red wine!" Zhang Sisi suddenly grabbed the menu she handed away and said with a smile.

Lin Xiangxiang blinked: "I don't drink!"

"Why not? At least have a drink Zhang Sisi said with an unhappy face.

Miss Lin covered her lips with a smile and whispered in her ear: "I'm preparing for pregnancy!"

"Ah So fast, that's OK! " After hearing this, Zhang Sisi was very surprised and gave the menu to the waiter.

Miss Lin Xiaolian bitterly: "in fact, I don't want to have a baby so soon. It's Feng Yu who is in a hurry."

Zhang Sisi looked at her with envy and jealousy. The more he looked, the more sad he was. He complained: "Miss, how can you be so happy? Feng Yuchang is handsome and nice to you now. He has to give birth to a child with you, which shows that he really loves you. I envy you so much. When can I have someone like you who hurts and loves me and who gives birth to a child with me? "

Lin Xiangxiang looked at her sad heroine's play and laughed: "think, what are you anxious about? Your career has just started, and it will certainly develop better and better in the future."

"Miss, there's a saying that it's better to marry than to do well. I'll struggle all my life, and it won't be as good as you for a year." Zhang Sisi thought of this, and some unwilling, but look at Miss Lin is her good friend's sake, this just didn't show unwilling.

"Well, let's have dinner first and talk about you in the cast." Miss Lin doesn't want to stimulate her any more.

"Don't talk, I want to talk about Leng Yaochen, miss, I always feel that Leng Yaochen doesn't like me very much." Zhang Sisi is not interested in work, but in men.

Lin Miss slightly stiff, quickly took the cup to drink water, guilty comfort friend: "think, you don't think much, you haven't met him, wait for you to meet, you can make a conclusion not too late."

Miss Lin's idea is very simple. Miss Si is a cheerful girl who is loved by everyone. She is long and good-looking. Maybe Leng Yaochen will like her.

"But when can I see him? I'm looking forward to it! I heard that he is more handsome than the magazine photo, isn't he? " Zhang Sisi was eager to see Leng Yaochen now. He was more anxious and anxious, and he was still a little nervous.

"It's not so exaggerated. It's just a man." Lin Xiangxiang now thinks that Feng Yu is the most handsome. Although Leng Yaochen is also handsome, it does not conform to her aesthetic standards.

Zhang Sisi sighed and sighed. Suddenly, she looked at a window beside her.

"Miss, look, look, is that your husband Feng Yu?" Lin Xiangxiang is distracted by Leng Yaochen's thoughts, but she is pushed by her friend. She follows her fingers and sees a familiar figure sitting on a chair in a luxurious box behind two glass windows.

"Yes, it's him!" It's a coincidence that Miss Lin has a meal and meets Feng Yu here.

However, in the afternoon, he did send a text message, saying that there was a dinner party in the evening. I didn't expect to run into him here.

Zhang Sisi looked there with great interest to see if Leng Yaochen would be there.

But obviously, Leng Yaochen is not here!

"A woman is going to attack your husband. Come and see!" Zhang Sisi is sitting right in front of the window. As long as she works hard, she can see all the pictures clearly.

As soon as Lin missed him, he turned around and saw a beautiful girl holding a wine bottle, standing beside Feng Yu to fill him with wine. However, at this time, the girl's hand trembled, and the wine in the glass filled out and dropped a lot, all of which fell on Feng Yu's trousers. The girl quickly took the paper towel and squatted down.

Miss Lin only felt a scalp explosion, an inexplicable fire on the head.

"Bitch, it's obviously intentional. This kind of trick that people are tired of playing is still playing!" Zhang Sisi also saw it and immediately yelled.

Miss Lin looked there and saw the girl squatting beside Feng Yu's legs. She didn't know whether she was really wiping wine or doing something else.

Fortunately, just two seconds later, Feng Yu asked her to get up and leave, while he stood up and walked out the door.

Lin Xiangxiang suddenly became curious and said to Zhang Sisi, "I'll go and have a look! I'll be right back. "Zhang Sisi despised her a little: "go, be careful not to let people hook away your husband."

Miss Lin, with a dry smile, is she afraid?


Lin Miss aiming at a direction, secretly follow up, see Feng Yu Shen step toward the direction of the elevator.

Lin Xiangxiang thought in her heart whether Feng Yu was going to change clothes in his room before he was ready to go, so she was ready to follow him and give him a surprise.

After Feng Yu's elevator was closed, she took another one to go up.

Thinking about meeting for a while, would Feng Yu be surprised at her appearance?

Inexplicably, some nervous, Miss Lin still secretly follow, when see Feng Yu ready to brush the door, suddenly, another door of the hotel opened, a charming girl, suddenly hugged Feng Yu behind.

Feng Yu is stunned, but Lin Xiang, who is not far away, is as stiff as ice.

She continued to watch, only Feng Yu turned to see the girl, her face showed a faint smile, and then invited the girl into his exclusive room.

Lin missed that the whole person was stunned. There was a strange fire burning in her heart. She wanted to knock on the door angrily to see what they were doing inside.

However, her legs at the moment you are something to ban solid, unable to move, like a sculpture.

"Feng Yu, how can you do this to me?" The position of the heart, like a sharp stab, Lin Miss pain trembling all over.

Suddenly regret why to die to keep up, if not, she may not see the scene, may not feel uncomfortable, continue to be like a fool, he cheated.

The mobile phone suddenly rang. She looked down. It was Zhang Sisi. She must have let her down to eat.

The closed door cut off her sight. Lin Xiang turned around in agony. When she got to the elevator, she felt like she was severely whipped. She was so angry that she ran directly to the closed door.

She wanted to see what he had done to her.

When she angrily went to the door, her raised hand froze again.

Miss Lin, you have to think clearly. If you knock on this door, everything in front of you may disappear.

Work, the beautiful family atmosphere, husband, vanity, all will no longer belong to you.

"Kowtow, kowtow!" When all the thoughts in the brain after a circle, Miss Lin's decision, or a look.

No, no, it's better than being fooled by this man. She hates cajoling, because it's under the guise of love. That's irredeemable.

As if because he didn't knock hard enough, Lin longed for the door to be opened from inside.

It was the girl just now. She looked at Miss Lin strangely, and then asked her indifferently, "who are you looking for?"

Miss Lin stretched a small face, also ignore her inquiry, just hate to push the door open, hurried toward the bedroom.

The door of the bedroom is lightly covered. She raises her foot and kicks it open. Feng Yu, who is taking off her trousers to half, is obviously shocked by this foot. When she raises her eyes, she sees Lin Xiangxiang coming in angrily. Jun's face is stiff.

"What are you doing here?" Feng Yu quickly picked up his trousers, picked up the belt and prepared to fasten it.

Lin Xiangxiang looked at him with such a disheveled look, and her heart was even more twisted. She red eyes, angrily pointed to his face and yelled: "Feng Yu, you are a complete jerk, a liar. Have you brought other women here to open a house, and have you considered my feelings? If you can't do it wholeheartedly, don't say that you like my disgusting words. In the future, let me hear you cheat me hypocritically. I won't let you go, liar! Asshole! Don't make me sick

Feng Yu listens to her to cover a face to scold angrily, handsome face is taut live, afterwards, some depressed.

At the moment, the girl standing at the door also has a strange expression on her face.

Miss Lin turned her head and saw the girl. She bit her teeth and went to the door.

But, she just walked to the door, to open the door to go out, behind the girl suddenly said: "so you are my sister-in-law ah."

Miss Lin heart high resentment fire, suddenly because the girl's words to ice, she suddenly turned around, strange looking at the girl: "what do you call me?"

"Sister Tang, oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself just now. My name is Feng Yuyang. Feng Yu is my uncle's son. Of course I should call you sister Tang." Feng Yuyang suddenly couldn't help laughing. When he saw Feng Yu's face, he recalled what Lin Xiangxiang had just scolded. He didn't expect that his cousin married such a hot tempered wife. As soon as he opened his mouth, he pointed to his face and scolded him. What's more, he didn't pay attention to him at all Feng Yuyang was shocked. From childhood to adulthood, she had never seen anyone dare to point at his cousin's face and scold him so harshly.

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