High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 159: Joining Forces! Kill!

Chapter 159: Chapter 159: Joining Forces! Kill!

As a consummate fourth-grade master, Li Yuan's grasp of the battlefield situation was undeniably exquisite.

This thrust, filled with fury, was launched precisely when the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior was weary from battling Xu Bo.


Xu Bo seemed to have anticipated this. He moved his body, blocking the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior's line of sight for a moment before swiftly dodging to the side. Li Yuan's spear tip narrowly brushed past Xu Bo's body, appearing incredibly perilous.

Swift! Ferocious!


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior's face changed dramatically. It swung its sword horizontally, forcing Xu Bo to retreat, while another sword slashed down angrily, trying to block Li Yuan's spear.

After all, it was a second-tier warrior with much greater strength and speed than Li Yuan. Its pure reaction speed was astonishing.


The sword light swept past the spear, clashing with it. The terrifying force caused Li Yuan's spear to deviate, slicing through the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior's arm and creating a visible tear.

"Such tough skin."

Li Yuan immediately felt the resilience of the opponent's body. It was absolutely more solid than steel. Similar wounds had been inflicted on the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior many times by Xu Bo, but this one from Li Yuan was more severe.


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior roared angrily, slashing down with its sword.


Li Yuan slid his foot, dodging the terrifying strike like a ghost, and rushed past the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior, his spear whistling as it returned.

A return thrust!!

Li Yuan's spear was too fast, completely beyond the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior's expectation. It couldn't dodge at all.


The spear tip pierced into its body like lightning, going nearly ten centimeters deep before being stopped by the tough muscles, depleting the spear's momentum.

At the same time, the impact from the spear caused the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior to stagger.

"Get lost!"

The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior roared, shouting in a language Li Yuan couldn't understand. In the next moment, it slashed back with its sword, severely wounded.


Li Yuan had just managed to pull his spear out of the opponent's muscle when he saw the angry slash coming at him. He could only block with his spear hastily.

In terms of skill, the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior was far inferior to Li Yuan. The gap was significant.

However, no matter how skilled, there was an ultimate limit to improvement, and it all depended on speed and strength as the basis for combat.

Undoubtedly, the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior's strength and speed were enough to bridge this gap, completely suppressing Li Yuan.


The giant sword struck Li Yuan's spear, the terrifying force bending the spear instantly, then directly hitting Li Yuan's chest.


Li Yuan flew backward like a meteor, landing in a distant forest. The terrifying force pierced through his energy armor, impacting his entire body, causing his blood to churn uncontrollably.


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior tightened its muscles to stop the bleeding, then leaped towards Li Yuan, intending to finish him off.

It sensed that although the newly arrived human warrior had exquisite spear skills, his strength and speed were much weaker. His vitality was certainly much lower.



Several spear shadows whistled past, forcing the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior to stop.

It was Xu Bo. He had been attacking continuously, but due to his limited skill, he couldn't grasp the timing as well as Li Yuan.

"Li Yuan! It's Li Yuan!"

Xu Bo was extremely anxious: "How is he?"

He recognized the powerful human martial artist who came to their aid as his most outstanding student, Li Yuan. The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior's angry slash had made him worry. A second-tier warrior's furious strike could directly kill a martial artist below the 18th level.

However, Xu Bo had no time to check Li Yuan's condition. He could only continue fighting the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior, giving Li Yuan time to recover.



Like a gale, the surrounding air exploded.


A black figure darted out of the darkness, a gleam piercing the night sky, aimed at the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior's head.

It was Li Yuan's spear!


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior seemed to have anticipated this, turning around and slashing angrily. With a loud bang, Li Yuan's spear intersected.

The terrifying force cracked the ground, sending countless fragments flying.


The stones couldn't affect the three combatants.


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior glared at Li Yuan in shock and anger, finding it unbelievable that its frontal slash hadn't harmed this weak human martial artist.

"Li Yuan?"

Xu Bo was both surprised and delighted: "Just now?"

He was incredibly shocked.

"Teacher, I'm fine, not dead yet."

Li Yuan responded, blood faintly dripping from his mouth.

Actually, Li Yuan, with his acute senses, noticed that his body was lightly injured from the frontal impact, especially the chest area where countless capillaries had burst, and some muscles were torn.


With the energy infusion into his battle suit, Li Yuan's defense had increased significantly, allowing him to barely withstand it.

Plus, with his superior skills, he adjusted his landing posture mid-air to minimize the damage.

Otherwise, he would have been severely injured or even killed.



Li Yuan and Xu Bo moved simultaneously. After observing their previous exchanges, they roughly understood each other's abilities and made a coordinated choice.


Xu Bo charged from the front, his spear thrusting like lightning.


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior roared, swinging its twin swords angrily.

At the same time, Li Yuan flashed from the other side, his spear creating countless shadows.

Starry Spear Technique: 'Galactic Cascade'!

One spear thrust after another, continuous and terrifying.

"This spear technique."

The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior gritted its teeth, trying to fend off Li Yuan's attacks while attempting to replicate the previous time it sent Li Yuan flying.


After the first round of combat, Li Yuan knew he couldn't withstand a direct hit from a second-tier warrior, so he avoided direct clashes, retreating as soon as his spear touched the fierce sword.

"My role is to assist and distract the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior, giving the teacher opportunities."

Li Yuan remained calm, his battle intent soaring.


"Kill! Kill! Before my energy is exhausted, I must kill it."

"Otherwise, if I die, Li Yuan alone won't be able to handle it."

Xu Bo was equally desperate, his eyes burning with intense battle intent: "This might be the last battle of my life."

"I must kill it! Must!"

Xu Bo entered a unique state.

If he had only been delaying time before, Li Yuan's arrival gave him real hope of killing the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior.


Li Yuan's previous near-death had frightened him, driving him to complete madness.

At this moment.

Both Xu Bo and Li Yuan were attacking with all their might. Their spear shadows whistled, attacking from two directions.

The pressure on the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior surged unprecedentedly.

Its head, eyes, neck, chest, lower body, and legs were all under attack.

At this moment, its large size became a weakness.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Their weapons clashed, sending shockwaves in all directions. The battle reached its peak intensity.


"Too strong?"

"Li Yuan and Xu Bo are both this strong?"

In the distance, Instructor Xing was stunned: "I heard from the hall master before that Xu Bo's peak strength wasn't much weaker than his. I didn't believe it, but now I see it's true. Despite being injured for so many years, he's still this strong?"

"And Li Yuan, he can join a battle at this level? He could defeat me in a few moves now."

Instructor Xing was shaken.



"Li Yuan?"

Fang Longhu and the others were equally shocked. They knew Li Yuan was strong, but not this strong.

He could join a battle at the source warrior level?

He's only how old?


"A genius."

Fang Longhu was the most shaken: "A year ago, I could suppress him with just ten percent of my strength."

"Now? He could defeat me in one move."


On the school playground, the three figures were fighting fiercely.


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior roared. In a short time, it had sustained more than a dozen injuries.

Although each wound was minor, they added up, severely affecting it.

The most significant impact was from Li Yuan's earlier thrust into its waist, greatly hindering its swordsmanship.

The waist was crucial for transferring power to the limbs.

The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior realized it had no chance of winning against the two human warriors.

Moreover, over two minutes had passed since its appearance.

With so much time gone by.

"Human reinforcements must be arriving soon."

The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior thought.

It didn't want to fight to the death.

Under the mother fish's command, once they advanced from the first tier to the second tier in the human world, they were to avoid fighting to the death and strive to achieve greater impact.


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior roared, slashing its war blade furiously, forcing Li Yuan to retreat instantly.


Then, with a sudden burst of speed, it dashed towards Nanye Lake. The lake would be its domain, and once it reached the water, evading the human warriors' pursuit would become much easier.

"It's trying to escape."

"Li Yuan, stop it! We can't let it get away; it's a huge threat," Xu Bo shouted angrily, darting towards the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior like lightning.


At that moment, Xu Bo disregarded everything, burning his life force potential, fully activating his star meridian, significantly increasing his speed.

The long spear flashed continuously as Xu Bo and the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior engaged in a terrifying head-on confrontation, neither side retreating, with Xu Bo blocking its path.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

Li Yuan, equally calm, followed swiftly, attacking the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior with all his might.

Direct thrusts! Furious slashes! Backhand thrusts! Li Yuan unleashed his spear technique to its peak, creating a myriad of spear shadows.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The most crucial burst came from Xu Bo. His spear was now so fast that the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior was somewhat overwhelmed and had fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

"Something's wrong."

"This one using fire source power is a true source martial artist! But why didn't he unleash his power earlier? If he had, I would've been killed already," the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior thought incredulously.

It desperately wanted to escape, but faced with the frenzied Xu Bo and the assisting Li Yuan, it couldn't break free.


After another lightning-fast clash, Xu Bo suddenly advanced, lifting his spear high and slashing down furiously. The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior could only raise its twin blades to block, staggering backward under the tremendous force.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Li Yuan's spear whistled, the continuous spear technique rolling like a torrent of stars, becoming increasingly terrifying, leaving more wounds on the warrior's body.

The numerous gaping wounds further worsened its condition.


"Faster! Stronger!" Li Yuan's eyes locked onto the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior, relentlessly executing his starry spear technique.

In this life-and-death battle, he vaguely gained more insights into his spear technique.

With each clash.

The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior kept retreating, now utterly panicked, sensing death approaching.



Xu Bo's spear flashed like lightning, piercing through the gap between the twin blades, deeply stabbing into its chest, sinking into the muscle, causing blood to splatter everywhere.


A pale yellow spear light flashed, slicing across the second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior's neck, causing a massive spray of blood.


The second-tier Fish Spirit Warrior staggered back, feeling its life force rapidly draining away, its life swiftly coming to an end.

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