High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 155: Stepping onto This Path

Chapter 155: Chapter 155: Stepping onto This Path

Smoke and flames filled Jiang City, especially in Guanshan District, where numerous lakes made it a disaster zone. Within minutes, Li Yuan had taken Li Qianqian and Li Muhua to the Starlight South Lake Community.

The entire community, along with the distant Starry Sky South Lake Community, was exceptionally quiet. Overhead, there were at least a hundred combat drones patrolling visibly, many of them heavy drones... with even more hidden forces.

Li Yuan knew that similar to his own villa, there was a drone and two combat robots stationed there year-round. As one of the top residential areas in Jiang City, its defense forces were also top-notch.

This was just the mechanical protection. The community itself had an unknown number of high-level martial artist and even Source Martial Artists at home.

So, unless the Fish Spirit Tribe's 'commanders' were foolish, they wouldn't attack these two communities after years of probing.

The flying device beneath him was summoned through Li Yuan's L6-level martial hall privileges, and it automatically recognized him.

It quickly landed on the villa's lawn.

"Qianqian, Muhua." Aunt Chen Hui, who had received the news, rushed out of the house immediately.


Li Qianqian and Li Muhua jumped off the aircraft and ran to Chen Hui.

Li Changzhou then walked out of the villa. As a father, he always remained calm and said, "I told you, with Little Yuan there, Qianqian and Muhua would be fine."

"Mom, you don't know, brother was amazing just now. He killed many Fish Spirit Tribe warriors," Li Muhua couldn't help but say. "Especially the last one. The teacher said it was at least level 18, and brother defeated it."

"Level 18?" Chen Hui looked at Li Yuan, concerned.

"A level 18 Fish Spirit Tribe warrior?" Li Changzhou was equally shocked.

Ordinary people might not be very strong, but due to constant national education, special training, and safety drills, they were well aware of the strength of various astral realm creatures.

A level 18 creature, according to national propaganda, required high-level martial artists or a large number of thermal weapons to kill.

Just like the high-level Fish Spirit Tribe warrior that Li Yuan killed.

If Li Yuan hadn't first entangled it and then drones created a 'crossfire net' in the open area, it wouldn't have been so easily killed.

"Uncle, don't listen to Muhua's exaggerations," Li Yuan said. "I only managed to hold it off, and the drone finished it off."

"That's still impressive, Little Yuan... you've truly grown up." Li Changzhou looked at Li Yuan with emotion.

Just half a year into college, Li Yuan's strength had transformed to this level?

Li Changzhou, a graduate of Jiangbei Martial Arts University, understood what this meant.

Of course, over the past six months, Li Yuan occasionally communicated with his uncle and aunt about his current situation, so they weren't too surprised.

Kunlun Martial Arts University was, in their minds, a 'top university.'

A top university's top genius being formidable was very normal.

"Uncle, aunt, you go inside first. I'll head to the underground martial arts room," Li Yuan said.


In a flash, Li Yuan was already tens of meters away, entering the underground martial arts room.

Clang~ The sealed weapon wall slowly descended, revealing various weapons, helmets, armors, boots, and more.

All were practical combat weapons.

"I carry my Source Power combat suit with me, but once activated, it's too conspicuous," Li Yuan thought briefly.

He quickly donned a complete set of 'first-grade superior' battle armor, helmet, and boots.

Even the pants were made of extremely tough special materials that even high-level warriors couldn't tear apart.

In no time, Li Yuan was fully armored, with only half his face exposed.

"This way."

"With full armor, even if I activate the Source Power combat suit, it won't be visible from the outside," Li Yuan thought.

The Source Power combat suit was close-fitting, like a nano-material, activated by Source Power.

Normally, he would use the armor for defense. In critical moments, activating the combat suit would provide dual protection... significantly enhancing Li Yuan's survival ability.

The only drawback was that wearing two layers of armor slightly reduced flexibility.

"If a Fish Spirit Tribe warrior had fourth-grade skills, they wouldn't waste them as cannon fodder, so it shouldn't matter," Li Yuan considered.

He had specifically researched the 'Fish Spirit Astral Realm' in the Starlight Martial Hall's database.

He understood certain conventions.

"Finally." Li Yuan's gaze fell on a black spear.

Made entirely of alloy.

This was a weapon prepared for Li Yuan's life-and-death trials by the Starlight Martial Hall.

It cost 18 million Blue Star coins!

The spearhead and blade were virtually indestructible, capable of easily piercing ordinary steel with a little force, while the metal shaft was extremely flexible, comparable to a wooden spear shaft.

It incorporated some very special natural treasures and minerals, giving it a 'memory' function.

Most importantly, it was a Source weapon, able to bear Source Power infusion.

Ordinary spears would explode if infused with Source Power.

"Black Star!" Li Yuan smiled, having named the spear himself.

The Black Star spear weighed 420 kilograms, an ideal weapon for Li Yuan at this time.


Li Yuan grasped the weapon, and the cold shaft seemed to inject a surge of pride into his heart.

"Black Star."

"Today, you will taste blood," Li Yuan murmured, a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

Whoosh! In a flash, Li Yuan was out of the underground room and back on the ground floor.

In the living room.

The family was stunned to see Li Yuan fully armed, like a warrior heading to battle.

"Little Yuan, what are you doing?" Chen Hui couldn't help but ask.

"Aunt, I'm going to report to the city patrol team," Li Yuan said.

"You're just a freshman; you don't have to go," Chen Hui said anxiously, knowing the policy.

Li Yuan was about to explain.

"Go ahead," Li Changzhou suddenly spoke, with a smile. "Be careful, don't be reckless. Killing aliens is important, but protecting yourself comes first."

"Understood." Li Yuan nodded slightly.

"Hurry up, don't worry about us. The entire Starlight South Lake Community is the safest," Li Changzhou urged.

Chen Hui was about to speak but was stopped by Li Changzhou's look.

"Uncle, aunt, I'm leaving." Li Yuan said no more.

Every second he delayed meant more casualties from the Fish Spirit Tribe's chaos.


Li Yuan rushed out of the house, leaped onto the hovering aircraft, and quickly flew away.

Inside the villa.

"How can you..." Chen Hui began to say, but her voice trailed off.

Li Changzhou held her hand, just smiling.

Chen Hui understood most of it.

"Ever since Little Yuan got into Kunlun Martial Arts University and fully embarked on this path, this day was bound to come," Li Changzhou said softly. "We both knew it, didn't we?"

"I understand." Chen Hui's eyes reddened. "It's just, it came too soon."

"He's still just a child, only 18 for a few months," Chen Hui's voice choked.

To her, Li Yuan had only grown up recently.

Li Changzhou was silent for a moment, then sighed, "But he's already a martial artist."


"Mom, Dad, look at this." Li Qianqian pointed to the 'Astral Realm Channel' playing on the screen in the distance.

"The Fish Spirit Tide has suddenly erupted in Jiangbei Province, and Jiang City is a major attack zone," the host's voice was somber, even with a hint of a choke. "Currently, it is estimated that over 24,000 people have died... with at least 10,000 Fish Spirit Tribe warriors involved... The casualties are severe, but our martial artists, our fighters."

"They are fighting hard."

"Here are some of the combat videos we just received, all of which just happened."


The screen changed, showing a young man in black charging against the flow of people, killing many Fish Spirit Tribe warriors with a short sword... "According to our sources, this powerful warrior is Li Yuan, a freshman at Kunlun Martial Arts University and a genius martial artist of our human race," the host said excitedly. "He alone has killed at least 20 Fish Spirit Tribe warriors, saving hundreds of lives..."


"He can fight a level 19 Fish Spirit Tribe warrior and, with the help of the mechanical corps, eventually killed it... Li Yuan! He is only 18 years old and already has such strength, truly one of our nation's top geniuses," the host said passionately. "I've heard that he came from a poor background and received a lot of support, even being awarded the 'Young Hero' title in high school."

"Now, he is still a teenager!"

"But he is also a hero!"


In front of the screen.

"What?" Li Changzhou was shocked.

"Little Yuan? Qianqian, was this the battle your brother just experienced?" Chen Hui asked, full of fear, her heart trembling.

"Yes." Li Qianqian nodded.


It wasn't just Li Changzhou's family; countless people across the country were paying attention to the 'Fish Spirit Tide' in Jiang City, a major disaster.

And as the video aired on the program, many people remembered Li Yuan's name.

Of course, the program didn't just feature Li Yuan; it also showed combat videos of many powerful martial artists... most of which had just happened, some even live battles.


In Jiang City's provincial TV station.

"The casualties are severe, and the battle is ongoing," said a middle-aged man with glasses. "We now need heroes to boost the morale of all citizens."

"To inspire the passion in many hearts."

"Keep broadcasting."

"Call on more martial artists to stand up and fight," the middle-aged man said. "Only then can we clear this disaster faster."

"Especially focus on martial arts geniuses like Li Yuan."


"We are not on the front lines, but we are another battlefield," the middle-aged man's voice was solemn.

"Yes." Many staff members responded tensely, each with a surge of passion.

They wanted to contribute.



Li Yuan wasn't aware he was on a video program. He sat in the aircraft, quickly arriving at a 'report point' outside the Starlight South Lake Community.

Many people were already there.

"Another one is here."

"We have enough, ten people now." Many shouted loudly.

Whoosh! Li Yuan jumped down.

"It's Li Yuan."

"Li Yuan." Many recognized Li Yuan, surprised. Most of those present were Starlight Martial Hall martial artists, many of whom had seen or heard of Li Yuan, the 'A-level contract' genius.

"Great! Li Yuan."

The warrior in charge of the point looked pleased, "You will be the captain of this temporary ten-man team."

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