High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 138: The Day of the Final Battle

Chapter 138: Chapter 138: The Day of the Final Battle

In the underground martial arts room, at 8 a.m., Li Yuan hadn't entered the virtual network yet. He was on a video call with Lin Lanyue.

"Up so early?" Li Yuan laughed. "You guys aren't competing, so classes shouldn't be canceled, right? Don't you have general education classes in the morning?"

Every martial arts university offers general education classes, teaching knowledge about history, humanities, astral races, technology, and weaponry.

"Did you forget the time while practicing your spear? It's 1 p.m. here," Lin Lanyue smiled, dressed in white casual wear today.

"Forgot," Li Yuan chuckled, shaking his head.

There's a time difference between the Lantis continent and China.

"So, do you think you can beat Tantai Feng?" Lin Lanyue asked with a smile.

"Your video was very helpful," Li Yuan nodded. "But, based on what my teacher said about his strength... I have at most a thirty percent chance of winning."

"Thirty percent?" Lin Lanyue's eyes brightened. "That's already quite high."

"You should remember, when we started our third year of high school, you had just reached the third stage of skills, and he was already at the fourth stage."

"In our generation, he's always been far ahead on the Blue Star Youth Rankings, absolutely first."

"In just one year, you've nearly caught up to his skill level. It's already incredible," Lin Lanyue said.

"Still a bit short," Li Yuan smiled.

"In the end, victory or defeat is decided in battle. No one will laugh at you if you lose. Who knows, you might win? The real pressure is on Tantai Feng," Lin Lanyue encouraged. "Get online; the match is about to start."



After ending the video call with Lin Lanyue, Li Yuan glanced at his Divine Palace panel.

Life Level: 13.9 (First Stage)

Strength: 7629 kg

Speed: 41.3 m/s

Mental Power: 23.0

Spiritual Awakening: 25% (Current limit 25%, physical fitness not strong enough to withstand spiritual guidance)

Skill Realm: Spear Technique (Stage Four, 83%), Movement Technique (Stage Four, 73%), Fist Technique (Stage Four, 83%)

"Stage Four, 83% in spear technique."

"In two days, my spear technique has improved by a full 3%," Li Yuan thought. "My control over my body has become more precise, allowing me to mobilize the tiniest force."

Such progress in spear technique is terrifying.

"The concept of the stars, after the battle with Kimura Tatsuo, I've grasped a bit of it. If I had more time, my spear technique would definitely be stronger. Unfortunately, there's no more time," Li Yuan pondered.

"According to my teacher, he's just one step away from understanding the concept of 'Flowing Light,' so his skill level should be higher than mine."

"Let's fight."

"As long as he hasn't reached the mental profundity, I have hope to hold my ground," Li Yuan's eyes glimmered. "If I can hold, there's a chance of victory."

He closed his eyes and stood still for a full minute, calming his mind completely.

Then, he logged into the virtual network and entered the Star Combat Network.

... Battle Space.

Although it was still twenty minutes before the start of the fourth round, the viewing platform was already packed with tens of thousands of people.

"Shua!" Li Yuan appeared out of thin air, realizing that he wasn't on the viewing platform but in the 'preparation area' close to the battle arena.

A single seat for each competitor.

"Li Yuan!"

"Li Yuan is here."

"Li Yuan." Within seconds of Li Yuan's appearance, the viewing platform behind him erupted in cheers.

At the beginning of the second round, students from various martial arts universities in China didn't know who Li Yuan was. But by the start of the fourth round, Li Yuan had gained considerable fame.

Most students acknowledged that among the top sixteen competitors from China, Tantai Ffeng was the strongest, followed by Li Yuan, Yu Ming, and Guan Ying.

"Senior Brother! Win the championship."

"Go Li Yuan."

"Number one!" The students from Kunlun Martial Arts University were the most excited. Their viewing seats were right behind Li Yuan, not far away.

With a glance, Li Yuan spotted many familiar faces, such as Qiu Jing, Gu Qianghan, and Dong Haifeng, all seated in the audience.

"Li Yuan."

"Li Yuan, you finally came." Two voices sounded nearby.

"Yang Hong, Wu Luo? You both made it to the top sixteen?" Li Yuan looked at the two familiar faces in surprise.

So, Kunlun Martial Arts University had three people in the top sixteen? That's a high proportion.

Yang Hong and Wu Luo were stunned.

"Really, Li Yuan?" Wu Luo couldn't help but say, "Are we that insignificant? We're top sixteen, after all."

"My mistake," Li Yuan explained with a smile. "I've been practicing my spear since the end of the second round two days ago, so I didn't pay attention to who made it to the top sixteen in yesterday's match."

Li Yuan truly didn't know.

Top sixteen? Is that strong?

"Oh, I see," Wu Luo realized Li Yuan wasn't targeting them and laughed. "Then let me introduce the others."

"That one is Li Jiao from Eastern Sea Martial Arts University," Wu Luo smiled. "She's good at..."


As Wu Luo, Li Yuan, and Yang Hong chatted, the other top sixteen contestants appeared one after another.

Meanwhile, in several areas of the viewing platform, some very quiet and low-key students appeared.

"Gong Mi, you're here too?" A burly white youth with a full beard and blue eyes smiled handsomely.

"Salvatore, you came too," the ordinary-looking young man in black replied with a smile.

Gong Mi!

From a small country in the East Alliance, but with top-notch talent, his skill level was comparable to Tantai Feng's.

The three of them were recognized as the top three geniuses of this generation at Starlight University.


"Sister, look, Scarlett is here," Wu Dongdong pointed at an inconspicuous black youth not far away.


Lin Lanyue nodded with a smile. "With Tantai Feng, Li Yuan, Gaurav, and a few other top experts participating in the ten-school freshman competition, it's almost a preview of the global martial arts competition in February next year. Naturally, many people are interested in watching."


In a higher viewing area, where the teachers gathered to watch.

"Old Tie, you came too?"

"You didn't come to the ten-school freshman competition in previous years."

"This year's competition is special, so I came to see."

"Indeed, the quality is much higher this year." As it was the final day, the number of teachers watching the match far exceeded the previous two days.

There were over four hundred of them.

Every teacher was at least an advanced Source Martial Artist, and many were top-tier Origin Martial Artists.

Although the teachers belonged to different schools, many had close personal relationships and rarely met due to the vast distances.

Today was a rare event, gathering so many powerful Source Martial Artists in one place.


Time passed.

Perhaps due to the build-up and promotion over the past two days.

As the match time approached, the number of spectators in the viewing seats quickly exceeded 600,000, approaching 700,000, a new high for the ten-school freshman competition.

After all, this was an internal competition, not open to the general public.

Finally, it was 8:30 a.m.

"After three days of competition, our ten-school freshman battle has finally reached the day of the finals." The burly host appeared above the battle arena, his voice full of excitement. "Today's audience numbers have reached a ten-year high, with an astonishing 640,000."

"I believe today's sixteen martial arts geniuses from different schools will undoubtedly present a series of spectacular battles for everyone." The burly host's voice echoed throughout the battle space.

As the music started, the atmosphere on-site became more intense.


"The first match of the top sixteen to the top eight begins now." The burly host's voice boomed. "First, from Japan Martial Arts University, 'Ohno Satoshi.'"


A young man from Japan, standing at 1.7 meters tall with an ordinary face and wielding dual swords, appeared on the stage.

"Ohno Satoshi!"

"Ohno Satoshi." Nearly ten thousand japanese students cheered excitedly.

Ohno Satoshi, a skilled warrior from Japan, emerged as a strong contender after Kimura Tatsuo, advancing to the top sixteen in the third round yesterday.

"The other contestant is a martial arts genius from Starlight Martial Arts University—Tantai Feng!" The burly host's voice grew even more enthusiastic.

"Tanta Feng!"

"Tantai Feng!"

"Tantai Feng!" The entire viewing platform erupted with deafening cheers, echoing through the battle arena.

Not only did tens of thousands of students from China cheer, but many spectators from other countries also shouted Tantai Feng's name.

Why? Because strength represents everything.

Tantai Feng's dominance in the cage match and his confident forfeit in the second round easily garnered admiration from many students.


Tantai Feng was also transported to the stage, holding dual swords. He glanced sideways at Ohno Satoshi and closed his eyes, seemingly indifferent.

"Baka," Ohno Satoshi cursed inwardly. "He didn't even bring a shield. He's underestimating me."

Most of the top sixteen contenders are highly valued martial arts geniuses in their schools and naturally gather intelligence on their opponents.


Below the stage.

"Such arrogance," Yang Hong muttered. "Li Yuan, Wu Luo, Tantai Feng's sideways glance is kind of cool."

"Yes, it's cool, but quite annoying. I suggest not imitating it," Li Yuan laughed.

He suddenly understood why Tian Dazhuang disliked Tantai Feng.

Watching someone act cool and being unable to beat them would irritate anyone.


On stage, as the final ten-second countdown ended, Tantai Feng and Ohno Satoshi instantly engaged in battle.

It truly was instant.


Ohno Satoshi immediately charged at Tantai Feng, both wielding dual swords.

But in just one exchange.

Tantai Feng's swords whistled through the air, and in just a few clashes of blades, a dazzling flash cut across Ohno Satoshi's head.


Tantai Feng stood on the stage, still slightly tilting his head, his face cold and indifferent, exuding confidence.

"That should be cool enough," Tantai Feng thought.


The entire viewing platform fell silent for a moment after witnessing the battle. Losing in one exchange?

He was one of the top sixteen after all.

But only for a moment.

"Tantai Feng!" The next second, the vast viewing platform erupted in a wave of excited cheers.

Only the tens of thousands of japanese spectators looked at each other, speechless.

They knew Ohno Satoshi would likely lose, but who expected such a miserable defeat?


"So strong!"

"Such fast swords!" The experts could see the intricacies.

The faces of more than a dozen close-up contestants changed.


"The second match," the burly host's eyes seemed to light up, "Let's welcome Gaurav from the Indian Martial Arts University."


"From Kunlun Martial Arts University of China, the martial arts genius—Li Yuan!"

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