High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 129: October, Finally Mastering the Five Star Techniques

Chapter 129: Chapter 129: October, Finally Mastering the Five Star Techniques

In the depths of the Kunlun Martial University's villa area under the jurisdiction of the Sixth Institute, the environment was serene. Only a few large villas dotted the landscape, with a lake nearby. This area, located on the outskirts of the university, was peaceful. It was September, and as the sun set, the small lake shimmered beautifully, creating a picturesque scene.

"Did you say that Li Yuan endured the pain of 'The Withering of a Hundred Marrows' all by himself the second time?" Dean Hai, dressed in blue, sat leisurely on the grass beside the villa, wearing sunglasses and fishing. A sunshade umbrella shielded him from the sunlight. Beside him, someone continually prepared fresh fruit and replaced the gradually warming drinks on the table.

"Yes," Li Yang stood respectfully in the sunlight. "His willpower seems to have improved significantly compared to last month."

"Not bad," Dean Hai took a sip of his cold drink. "What is his physical fitness level now?"

"Approximately 13.4," Li Yang replied.

"His improvement is slower than I expected, but still acceptable," Dean Hai said calmly. "At this rate, he might not be able to participate in the next practical assessment."

"Dean, you are right," Li Yang nodded. "The next practical assessment is scheduled for the end of February next year. By then, his physical fitness will likely reach level 15, making the assessment meaningless for him."

The purpose of the practical assessments was to temper students and let them experience life-and-death pressure. However, if a student had high-level techniques and a physical fitness level of over 15, they would dominate the fifth assessment base, defeating the purpose of the test. Higher-level assessments were challenging to conduct due to the difficulty in capturing and controlling high-level alien species. Additionally, warriors above level 15 played significant roles in many areas, making real combat more appropriate than assessments.

"Very well. If he progresses quickly and reaches level 15 ahead of schedule, he can go to the 'Bright Ruin Astral Realm' for his first life-and-death trial in January. If his progress is slower, he can go in March," Dean Hai said calmly.

"Next January or March? Isn't that too soon for a life-and-death trial?" Li Yang was taken aback. "Dean Hai, he's still in his first year. Shouldn't we wait until he's stronger?"

"The Bright Ruin Astral Realm is teeming with beasts, and we only have observation points there. If he goes in at level 15, it might be too dangerous," Li Yang explained. Unlike controlled practical assessments, trials in astral realms like the Bright Ruin Astral Realm were true frontier explorations, with little room for rescue if danger arose.

"The Bright Ruin Astral Realm is only a level-one astral realm. Initial surveys show that it has few native second-level life forms and moderate danger," Dean Hai said calmly. "There's indeed danger, but that's precisely what will temper him. If he grows up in a greenhouse, when will he mature?"

"Li Yuan is different from other students," Li Yang protested. "Most students go for trials because they can't progress..."

"He's not different," Dean Hai interrupted, glancing at Li Yang. "I understand your point. Li Yuan could continue training steadily and reach level 20 or even higher."

Li Yang nodded instinctively. Most students went for life-and-death trials at level 15 due to hitting bottlenecks and slow progress. Without the stimulus of such trials, breaking through to the fourth stage was nearly impossible.

"But my perspective differs from yours," Dean Hai said, looking at Li Yang. "Making him a source warrior is not my goal."

"I want him to become a flying warrior. For that, he needs to create his own technique. The higher his skill level and the younger he is, the higher his success rate," Dean Hai explained. "He is special. To become a flying warrior, he must achieve the sixth level of skill. If he trains steadily, he might reach the 'subtle mind' state next year."

"And then?"

"From the fourth to the fifth stage, without external stimuli, normal training won't ensure timely breakthroughs," Dean Hai asked rhetorically.

Li Yang shook his head, unable to respond. Advancing in martial arts became increasingly difficult. Reaching the fourth stage trapped most warriors. At Kunlun Martial University, every student had been a top performer in their youth, but extending the timeline to twenty or thirty years post-graduation, only about 40% would become source warriors. Reaching the 'subtle mind' level and breaking into the fifth stage was a significant bottleneck.

Reaching the fifth stage with high-level cultivation methods allowed smooth progression to a level-29 source warrior, a major figure in society. Currently, Kunlun Martial University had some students at the 'subtle mind' level, but none had reached the fifth stage.

"Advancing from a level-29 source warrior to a level-30 flying warrior is an even greater hurdle," Dean Hai said. "Achieving the fifth stage is necessary for becoming a flying warrior. The greater the potential and physical strength, the harder the breakthrough."

"Take Yu Jinghe, who has surpassed the 'unity of man and nature' stage and entered the sixth stage, beginning to understand techniques. Yet, he remains a level-29 source warrior," Dean Hai explained calmly. "You yourself are at the fifth stage of skill, aren't you?"

Li Yang was speechless. He understood this well.

"Continuous protection and worry-free training might let Li Yuan safely reach levels 20 or even 25," Dean Hai continued. "But without the pressure of life and death, his mind won't truly grow, and his comprehension won't transform."

"Like Fang Hai, who was incredibly talented. But being too extraordinary, the Starlight Martial Hall didn't want to risk him, fearing his death. And now? Becoming a flying warrior is impressive, but does it honor his initial talent?"

"Unrefined jade cannot become an artifact."

"I have high hopes for Li Yuan. I want him to advance boldly while maintaining his sharpness and vitality," Dean Hai said. "Do you have any objections?"

Li Yang shook his head vigorously. "No, not at all."

Dean Hai's reasoning was sound.

"Don't worry. Life-and-death trials are staged. After a period of trial, he will return to the school to train peacefully for a while. The combination of both will yield the best results," Dean Hai said gently.

"Understood," Li Yang nodded.


In the distance, the float on the lake suddenly jumped.

"Fish on!" Dean Hai smiled, quickly lifting his rod. A small fish was caught.


Unaware of Dean Hai and Li Yang's plans for his next stage of training, Li Yuan remained fully immersed in his training.

Occasionally, he would contact his family.

"Really? Qianqian and Muhua have been transferred to the martial arts academy's affiliated middle school? Are they okay with it?" Li Yuan asked his uncle, Li Changzhou, on a video call. "Oh? They agreed? Alright, Uncle, it's your decision."

Every three to five days, Li Yuan would contact his family. It was one of his few ways to relax his mind. Then, he would plunge back into his training.

"With the help of 'The Withering of a Hundred Marrows,' my absorption rate of the High Source Spirit Springs is incredible," Li Yuan marveled. "I've used nine portions throughout August."

Nine portions meant 9 million Blue Star Coins! Aside from the four portions provided by the school, Li Yuan purchased five portions with his own money.

"In September, I might need ten portions," Li Yuan thought. This rate of resource consumption was terrifying. However, the results were equally astounding.

Normally, the rate of improvement slows as warriors progress, at least in terms of life level. But for Li Yuan, it was the opposite. Since reaching the entry level, his life level had been accelerating.


"Li Yuan, your physical fitness is improving too quickly," Jiang Lun, his practical training teacher, was the most surprised. He trained Li Yuan every three days and could clearly sense the difference each time. Li Yuan's speed and strength showed noticeable improvement with each session. This rate of transformation was unheard of.

"Teacher, that's why I'm a genius," Li Yuan grinned. "Come on, Teacher, don't leave until I've had enough today."

"You rascal," Jiang Lun laughed.


"Teacher Jiang," Li Yang approached Jiang Lun privately.

"Dean Li," Jiang Lun responded respectfully. Although he appeared gentle, he was wild at heart and knew who could be provoked and who couldn't.

"Regarding Li Yuan's rapid improvement in physical fitness, do not let this information leak out," Li Yang said sternly. "The highest levels of the school have plans for him, and this is a direct order from Dean Hai."

"Understood," Jiang Lun nodded. He had already begun to fill in the gaps with his imagination.

Besides Jiang Lun, two other ordinary source warriors who often trained with Li Yuan were also instructed by Li Yang to keep quiet.


While Li Yuan trained diligently, the freshmen at Kunlun Martial University were also adapting to the university's training rhythm, immersing themselves in their cultivation. Students like Gu Qianghan and An Nong were making significant progress over time.

Before a general course one day,

"Yuan Ge, my skills have reached the mid-third stage," Gu Qianghan said excitedly. "And my physical fitness reached level 10.0 yesterday."

"Congratulations," Li Yuan smiled.

Gu Qianghan's progress was impressive among the freshmen at Kunlun Martial University. Especially in physical fitness, he was among the top tier. However, considering his family background, it seemed a bit slow.

"By the way."

"Yuan Ge, my sister asked about you a few days ago," Gu Qianghan suddenly said.

"Your sister?" Li Yuan was momentarily confused. Lin Lanyue? They hadn't been in contact for several months.

"How is she at Starry Sky University?" Li Yuan asked with a smile.

Starry Sky University was far away on the Lantis continent in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, quite far from China.

"My big brother is a teacher there, so she's fine," Gu Qianghan shrugged.

Li Yuan realized that Gu Qianghan's "big brother" was probably Brother Lin.

"Her physical fitness is almost level 13, and her skills have reached the mid-fourth stage. She's progressing very quickly. If they were to fight, Wu Dongdong might not be her match now," Gu Qianghan said with a sigh, then smiled. "But still, she can't keep up with you, Yuan Ge."

Wu Dongdong also enrolled at Starry Sky University.

"Lin Lanyue is almost level 13 and mid-fourth stage?" Li Yuan was astonished.

Such an incredible rate of progress.

Her physical fitness was understandable. In April, Lin Lanyue had just entered the ranks. Given her talent and resources, increasing by more than two levels in nearly six months was plausible. But her skills?

Li Yuan clearly remembered that before the college entrance exam, Lin Lanyue had just broken through to the fourth stage. Her perfect score in the martial arts test confirmed that. Yet, in just a few months, she had advanced to the mid-fourth stage?

"Indeed, never underestimate anyone," Li Yuan thought, genuinely happy for his friend's progress.


Time passed, and September ended, ushering in October. The weather cooled down.

Universities had a four-day holiday in October, but martial arts universities had only two days off. Li Yuan rarely took a break with Gu Qianghan and others, taking a flight to Fengjing, the capital of Longxi Province, for a day of relaxation.

"Got to follow Uncle's advice. After three months of intense training, an occasional day of relaxation isn't bad," Li Yuan thought. "Training requires a balance of effort and rest."

On October 2nd, Li Yuan returned to Kunlun Martial University early.

In his villa's underground martial arts room,

"Star Illumination," Li Yuan immersed himself in spear training, engaging in a frenzied battle with a level-21 practical trainer. Li Yuan mainly attacked while the trainer defended.

Breaking Dawn Pierces the Clouds, Galaxy Cascade, Meteor Descends... each killing move of the Starry Spear Technique, ingrained in Li Yuan after countless repetitions, was now being executed continuously.


"Clang! Clang!" The practical trainer wielded dual shields, deflecting Li Yuan's every strike with lightning speed. Although his skill level was not as high as Li Yuan's, his superior physical fitness allowed him to easily block Li Yuan's attacks.

"Twelve consecutive strikes." Li Yuan exploded with energy, his blood seemingly boiling.

Swish, swish, swish!

The spear lights surged like waves, each strike faster than the last, creating a blur of spear shadows.

Too fast.

If faced with the former '14.1-level Rock Desert Clan leader,' Li Yuan would now defeat him in one move.

In a blink of an eye, twelve consecutive strikes reached their peak, and Li Yuan's spirit also reached its zenith. At this moment, he was extremely exhilarated.

"Kill!" Li Yuan's final strike burst out, feeling utterly smooth. Without any hesitation, his spear whirled, forming a sky full of spear shadows.

Each spear shadow seemed real.

Yet each also seemed illusory.

In an instant, the spear shadows numbered over forty, momentarily blinding the practical trainer.

The Fifth Style of the Starry Spear Technique—Stars Battle in the Wild!

"[Your spear technique level has increased from 73% to 78% in the fourth stage.]"

"[Your fist technique level has increased from 75% to 79% in the fourth stage.]" Two consecutive prompts from the Divine Palace panel flashed.

After two months of rigorous training, Li Yuan finally performed the Fifth Style of the Star Spear Technique perfectly today!


The only real and terrifying spear shadow shot through the air like lightning, penetrating the shields' defenses and hitting the practical trainer's chest.

The tremendous impact force of over ten thousand kilograms made the trainer instinctively step back to dissipate the force.

They instinctively stopped.


Trainer Peng sincerely praised, "Li Yuan, this spear strike was far more powerful than before. I couldn't even block it."

"Brother Peng, you're joking," Li Yuan smiled. "That's because you didn't fully unleash your strength. Even if my spear was faster, could it outpace you?"

A level-21 source warrior could unleash over 120,000 kilograms of force. With source power, their bodies were harder than steel. First-level warriors and second-level source warriors were not even in the same league.

"Physical fitness is secondary. It can always be improved. Skill is fundamental," Trainer Peng said with a sigh. "Li Yuan, your spear technique is likely close to the 'subtle mind' stage."

Li Yuan smiled slightly, glancing at his Divine Palace panel.

[Life Level: 13.8 (First Level)]

Fist Power: 7329 kilograms

Speed: 40.9 meters/second

Mental Power: 22.9 levels

Spiritual Awakening Level: 25% (Current limit 25%, physical fitness not strong enough to endure spiritual guidance)

Skill Level: Spear Technique (78% in the fourth stage), Body Technique (69% in the fourth stage), Fist Technique (79% in the fourth stage)

[Note: Spiritual Awakening Level will gradually receive spiritual guidance at 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and 125%.]


"Having comprehended all five styles of the Starry Spear Technique, I need only to continue training to gradually reach 90% in the fourth stage," Li Yuan realized.

Although his spear technique was only at 78%, Li Yuan knew he was getting closer to the 'subtle mind' stage.

"At 13.8 life level, I'll reach 14 in at most half a month," Li Yuan looked forward to it.

At 10 p.m., after sending the practical trainer away, Li Yuan continued training in the martial arts room.


Li Yuan's smart bracelet vibrated. He looked down.

"Hmm? School notification?" Li Yuan clicked the notification, and a holographic screen appeared, showing the detailed contents.

"Invitation to the Ten Schools New Student Battle (Virtual Battle)," Li Yuan read aloud. "I am to participate as one of Kunlun Martial University's 'seed players'?"

"Direct entry into the second round?"

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