Hero of Darkness

Chapter 903 Lineage And History

After Kahn, also known as Atreus, emerged unexpectedly and executed a decisive finishing move on his opponent, Hōō Basan, the latter lay unconscious on the battlefield, unable to comprehend how he had been outsmarted.

Hōō Basan wondered why Kahn had chosen this particular approach instead of relying solely on brute strength to defeat him.

Little did he know that Kahn had purposely revealed his doppelgangers to the audience.

While the replicas endured the onslaught of attacks, it was the real Kahn who bore the true brunt of the battle. The duplicates, being merely comparable to a 3rd stage saint and not a genuine 5th stage saint, would inevitably be destroyed.

Thus, Kahn willingly subjected himself to the punishing blows.

Yet, this was nothing new to him. Under the guidance of Vildred and Romulus, Kahn had already experienced death countless times—over a million, to be exact.

At this stage of his training, even the most excruciating torture was a mere stroll through the park for Kahn, and he had grown accustomed to the agonizing pain.

That's precisely why he allowed Hōō Basan to wear him down.

Clearly aware of the vulnerabilities of the Shaman class, Kahn devised a strategy to make his victory even more astonishing. Sensing the perfect moment, he swiftly swapped positions with his cosmic replica when Hōō Basan launched the devastating Dharma Seal attack.

Seizing the opportunity when his opponent's confidence was at its peak, Kahn concluded the match with remarkable finesse.


A collective gasp reverberated throughout the arena and the entire Beast Empire, leaving people utterly stunned to their very cores. Even the Heavenly Kings and the Empress couldn't escape the grip of astonishment.

Meanwhile, a proud smile adorned Romulus' face, for he had anticipated this very outcome all along.

"When given an illusion of a certain victory, even the most admirable warriors make the mistake of dropping their weapons." spoke the Heavenly King of Fire, his voice echoing through the arena and also the entire empire through the broadcasting screens.

Finally, billions of people grasped the truth behind the spectacle that unfolded before their eyes. From the initial clash to the climactic conclusion, Atreus fearlessly confronted his adversary, while the shadow disciple of the Kun Peng tribe cunningly concealed himself within an illusion barrier.

Throughout the relentless onslaught of devastating attacks, spectators believed Atreus was inevitably marching towards his own demise. And when Hōō Basan depleted his reserves of world energy and unleashed his most dreaded technique to bring the match to a close, the audience accepted it as the ultimate outcome.

Little did they know that their assumptions couldn't have been more misguided.

'Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.'

This was precisely the strategy Kahn used in this entire match.

Kahn's strategy throughout the entire match revolved around meticulously crafting an illusion of struggle and resistance. He skillfully manipulated the situation, allowing his opponent to bring him to the brink of defeat. And just when his adversary let their guard down, confident in their assumed victory, Kahn literally finished the match with a thunderbolt.

The individuals who had fervently desired Kahn's defeat and reveled in the anticipation of his downfall were now rendered speechless and bewildered. Their hearts sank as they struggled to come to terms with the stark reality that unfolded before them. Accepting the truth that contradicted their hopes and expectations proved to be an arduous task, leaving them in a state of disbelief.


Both combatants were summoned back from the pocket dimension and a group of healers and druids ran toward the unconscious Hōō.

[Man, if this wasn't a competition… Oliver would've liked his abilities and bloodlines.] spoke Kahn to himself and quietly entered his pavilion.

In response to Romulus' command, Kahn took his place beside his master on the throne, exuding an air of pride and confidence. Seated regally, he cast a gaze upon the onlookers, displaying an undeniable sense of self-assurance, seemingly indifferent to their very presence.

Billions of people clenched their teeth, their faces contorted with venomous expressions as they perceived Atreus' cold and dismissive demeanor as a direct affront to their pride. It was a harsh reality that unfolded before their eyes—a world where the weak often played the victim, conveniently shifting blame to others, while the masses reveled in witnessing the downfall of those who had rightfully achieved their success through their own strength and abilities.

The narrative of justice and chivalry had become a tool wielded by the weak to mask their animosity towards individuals of power and authority. However, Atreus, known as Kahn, remained unfazed by these perceptions. He had learned not to foolishly assume that the weak and impoverished were always virtuous individuals deserving of sympathy.


As Kahn quietly recuperated, both physically and mentally, the next match among the remaining contenders commenced.

Four hours later, he stepped back into the arena, realizing that this could potentially be his final qualifying match. A victory here would secure his position as a finalist, considering his undefeated streak throughout the competition.

Facing him now was Sobek Slytherin, the Shadow Disciple hailing from the Basilisk Tribe.

Draped in resplendent golden and emerald armor, the descendant of the godbeast Basilisk exuded an air of pride as he stood confidently before Atreus. His piercing green and yellow eyes radiated an unmistakable aura of danger and hostility.

Sobek, with a head reminiscent of an ancient serpent species, made no effort to conceal his enmity. To him, this battle held profound significance—it was a matter of pride for his entire tribe. Atreus, being a warrior of the Fenrirborne Tribe, stood as the opposing force that challenged the honor and legacy of the Basilisk Tribe.

Through the annals of history, the Dragons and Basilisks had perpetually been embroiled in conflict. However, there existed an exception to this animosity— an anomaly that prevented them from engaging in warfare.

That exception was the Godbeast Fenrir and his descendants, who remarkably managed to pose a threat to both species.

Kahn, upon learning this revelation from Romulus before the commencement of the match, found himself astounded by the truth.

Among all the mighty Godbeasts and even the Royal Dragons, Fenrir stood as a unique enigma. Not only did it possess size and physical strength comparable to its counterparts, but it also possessed a distinctive characteristic bestowed by its bloodline. This rare trait allowed the Godbeast to absorb and purify the bloodlines of others, setting it apart from the rest.

One of the most extraordinary abilities possessed by the Godbeast Fenrir was known as the World Devourer.

This awe-inspiring power allowed Fenrir to consume, engulf, and literally devour everything in its path, akin to a formidable black hole. According to ancient legends, during the immemorial era when primordial species roamed the lands of Vantrea, the Fenrir of that time devoured several hundred thousand kilometers of land and sea, causing a cataclysmic event of immense proportions.

To halt the reshaping of the world, a coalition consisting of the First Walkers, Elder Dragons, and an Archangel had to unite forces and ultimately slay the formidable creature.

The records of antiquity revealed that as a consequence of Fenrir's rampage, at least half of Vantrea's topography underwent drastic changes, leading to the formation of new continents. These continents, in present times, are known as Empires, each now ruled by different species.

It was due to the potent abilities of Fenrir, particularly its capability to kill and absorb the abilities and bloodlines of other beings, that both Dragons and Basilisks harbored a deep reluctance to confront the Godbeast. The Fenrir had the power to even vanquish these mighty creatures and assimilate their powers, further enhancing its own strength.

Even Kahn's divine ability, Ability Absorption, drew inspiration from Fenrir's World Devourer ability. However, even now, Kahn's power paled in comparison, only managing to reach half the magnitude of the original Godbeast's immense might.


In the present moment...

As Kahn reconciled with his current situation, he resolved to embrace the role bestowed upon him as the representative of the Fenrirborne Tribe. Understanding the gravity of the upcoming battle, he decided to adapt to the circumstances and act accordingly.

Sobek, exuding a grim aura, broke the silence, his voice laced with warning.

"Surrender. I cannot guarantee your survival in our impending clash."

With a hint of sarcasm, Atreus retorted...

"How amusing. Every time when someone uttered those words to me... They ended up dying instead."

Both warriors were keenly aware of the importance of not yielding an inch, be it in physical combat or the psychological warfare that unfolded between them. They refused to grant their opponent any advantage, striving to maintain an equal footing on all fronts.

Despite Kahn not being a direct member of the Fenrirborne Tribe and possessing the bloodline of the Godbeast Fenrir solely through Skoll and Hati, the Mythical Rank descendants of the divine beings, he found himself inescapably burdened with the responsibility that came with his fake identity.

The significance of his role extended far beyond his personal identity. It encompassed the legacy and heritage of the Fenrirborne Tribe, tying him to a lineage that demanded his participation and representation.

The weight of this Lineage and the History it carried rested heavily on his shoulders, leaving him with no choice but to bear the responsibility and fulfill his role with utmost determination.

And thus began…

The Battle of True Descendants.

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