Hero of Darkness

Chapter 901 Soul Soothing

In a world where mana and world energy governed the forces of magic, the utilization of curses seemed unnecessary and uncommon. Few possessed the capability to wield such dark arts in the first place.

However, as moments ticked by, Kahn experienced an unsettling phenomenon. He felt an inexplicable drain on his strength, as if his very essence was being siphoned away. His once-potent powers became suppressed, their usual might diminished, and even his mental faculties were affected, clouded by an unseen force.

Amidst this disorienting turn of events, a sinister dark fog began to rise, engulfing the entire battlefield. Its presence cast an eerie pall over the once-vibrant arena, shrouding it in an impenetrable darkness. The malevolent haze seemed to seep into every crevice, distorting perception and instilling a sense of foreboding among all who witnessed its arrival.

"Vṛddhi Shappa Sariram!"

"Manas tu si namo!" chanted Hōō in a dialect unknown.

In the midst of the engulfing darkness and the oppressive fog, Kahn's senses were assailed by a cacophony of unsettling whispers. Each voice carried an air of terror and dread, akin to a chorus of tormented spirits speaking simultaneously within his mind.

"I am blinded by the impenetrable fog." Atreus lamented, his words filled with frustration and unease. 

"My senses have been dulled. I can no longer see clearly into the distance, my sense of smell is rendered useless, and even my hearing has been dampened as if I am slowly losing my ability to perceive sound. 

My very body feels weighed down, as if I cannot muster the strength to lift even a finger. 

And all the while, the world around us descends further into darkness." he analyzed the situation

It became evident that these afflictions were the result of the curses cast by their opponent, a manifestation of their malevolence and desire to cripple Atreus in battle. The curses had successfully ensnared both his physical and sensory abilities, leaving him vulnerable and disoriented amidst the gloom.

In this crucial moment, rather than seeking assistance from Rathnaar and Vildred, Kahn made the resolute decision to rely on his own resourcefulness and find a solution unaided.

Closing his eyes, Kahn recognized that his powers as a saint were rendered ineffective in the face of the curses. It was clear that he needed to tap into a different well of strength.

Activating his Waterblade Hurricane technique, Kahn harnessed its power while simultaneously masking his cosmic replicas as water dopplegangers. The duplicates swiftly vanished, relocating to another area within seconds.

Ordinarily, Kahn possessed a vast arsenal of skills, spells, and formations at his disposal to combat such challenges. However, with the eyes of the entire empire upon him, he was constrained from utilizing his full repertoire, let alone tapping into the abilities granted by the Dimensional Law.

Left with nothing but the oppressive fog impeding his senses and physical strength, Kahn delved deep within himself for a solution. 

Curses were vastly different from debuff skills and spells that only temporarily hindered your movements or reduced the range and attack output of your abilities by a small margin. In contrast, curses were incredibly potent and had the power to completely seal off your ability to use specific physical traits and abilities, rendering you utterly helpless in front of the caster.

The devastating effects of a curse were not limited to your physical abilities. It also had the power to penetrate your mind, clouding your thoughts and making it impossible to focus on anything other than the overwhelming feeling of despair and hopelessness.

Once afflicted with a curse, your only hope was to either find a way to dispel it or wait for its effects to wear off over time. However, even the most experienced mages struggled to dispel the most powerful curses, and the process was often time-consuming and resource-intensive.

The effects of a curse could be felt by the victim for days, weeks, or even months, depending on the strength and complexity of the spell. Those who were unlucky enough to be the target of a curse often found themselves living in a constant state of fear, knowing that any misstep could result in a potentially fatal consequence.

It was no wonder that curses were considered one of the most terrifying forms of magic, and few mages dared to delve into this dark and dangerous territory. Even those who specialized in curses were often viewed with suspicion and fear, for their powers had the potential to cause untold destruction and chaos.

In conclusion, curses were not to be taken lightly. Their effects were far-reaching and devastating, and those who were afflicted with them were left with little hope of escape. As such, it was crucial for mages to be wary of the power of curses and to use them only as a last resort, lest they unleash a force that they could not control.

There was nothing but fog and all his senses and physical strength were oppressed so what could Kahn use at this moment?

The answer was simple… 

The Soul of the Enemy.


Kahn's Hunter Domain had undergone a significant evolution over the years as he honed his sensing and tracking abilities throughout his arduous journey. One of the invaluable skills he acquired was the Spiritual Sense, a gift bestowed upon him by Vilgax during his time as the Sovereign of the Verlassen fiefdom in the Rakos Empire.

This remarkable ability granted him the power to perceive the essence of a living being's soul, enabling him to track their very existence. Ordinarily, Spiritual Sense seamlessly integrated with his Hunter Domain skill set. However, with most of his skills rendered ineffective by the curses that now plagued him, Kahn found himself heavily reliant on this particular ability.

With a determined resolve, Kahn closed his eyes, calling upon the depths of his Spiritual Sense. Like a resounding sonar, a wave of ethereal soul essence emanated from him, reaching out across the expansive battlefield, spanning an impressive range of 30 kilometers.

The soul essence swept over the terrain, searching for any trace of life amidst the chaos and destruction. It was as if a metaphysical current flowed through Kahn's being, guiding him towards the presence of his elusive opponent. With every passing moment, he sharpened his focus, honing in on the subtlest vibrations within the realm of souls.

Despite the curses that had gravely impeded his abilities, Kahn's unwavering determination and his reliance on Spiritual Sense fueled his pursuit. The weight of the curses may have restricted his physical and magical prowess, but it had not extinguished the fiery spirit that burned within him.

As the wave of soul essence expanded, the battlefield transformed into a tapestry of ethereal energy, revealing the hidden threads that connected all living beings. Kahn's mind became a conduit of perception, deciphering the intricate patterns of the souls around him.

[There! This guy is very cunning.

He is hiding inside a stealth formation while leaving a fake replica of himself that I would end up attacking in order to break the curses.

In this situation, I would be expending my little world energy and then he would show up to get rid of me very easily.

This battle tactic is very useful to confuse an enemy and finish them off when they least expect it.] spoke Kahn after tracking the real body of his Shaman opponent.

[But that's where he made a mistake. For his disguise to work perfectly and not leave any trace of world energy behind that his opponents could use to track his real location… he is completely defenseless.] he evaluated the situation and formed a plan to win this match.




The battlefield trembled after Hōō Basan, the Shadow Disciple of the Kun Peng Tribe cast more offensive curses to one-shot Atreus in his weakened state.

And right exactly then… Kahn made his move.

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