Hero of Darkness

Chapter 898 Time To Bargain

Atreus stood before Harambe of the Kong Tribe, the Shadow Disciple of the Heavenly King of Water, Kaida. The opponent was donning a brown and blue armor with a golden staff in his hand.

With a shameless grin, the wolfkin asked...

"How many bananas will it take for you to forfeit this match?"

"Do I look like a monkey to you?" he retorted. Harambe's irritation was palpable.

In a benign tone, Atreus offered, "I will provide you with a free supply for the next year if you accept."

"Ha ha ha!" he mocked. Harambe scoffed at this foolish proposition, laughing derisively.

But Atreus was not deterred. 

He raised the stakes, "How about 5 years?"

"Nonsense! Do you think I'm a fool to fall for something like that?!" bellowed Harambe, incensed at being treated like a wildlife gorilla for the first time.

Undeterred, Atreus pushed even further. 

"10 years!" he spoke with conviction.


Harambe faltered, his movement coming to a halt as he gulped, clearly taken aback.

The arena fell silent as billions of people watched in flabbergasted disbelief.

"Is he seriously considering it?!" a foxkin in the audience exclaimed.

The Heavenly King of Water facepalmed himself in exasperation at this turn of events.

"What kind of childish shenanigan is this? Just start the match!" he shouted, his frustration visible as this was the last thing he expected to happen in this arena.


In the next moment, the combatants were transported to a battlefield crafted from a world of multicolored glass and high-grade crystals. 

Harambe glared at Atreus, still incredulous at the audacity of his proposition.


As the battle commenced, both warriors summoned their weapons but this time, Atreus finally revealed the true strength of his Legendary Rank weapon aka Beowolf, crafted from the body of a dragon.

As the two opponents faced each other, the tension in the arena was palpable. The spectators held their breaths in anticipation, wondering what would happen next.

The top powers of the Beast Empire on the other hand, quickly recognized the weapon and marveled at its quality. 

"How the hell did he get his hands on a Mythical Rank dragon's corpse?" exclaimed the Empress.

"Even though it's only a weapon made from a Lesser Dragon's body, the craftsmanship is simply too extraordinary, as if a Master Saint Blacksmith made it." remarked the Heavenly King of Metal, awed by the weapon's impeccable quality.


As the two combatants clashed, their weapons struck with a force that shook the very foundations of the battlefield. Sparks flew as their weapons met, illuminating the battlefield with a dazzling array of colors.

Harambe proved to be a formidable opponent, matching Atreus blow for blow.

Harambe, determined to turn the tide of the battle, summoned ten massive stavess that were at least two kilometers in length. The staves attacked Atreus from multiple directions at once, creating a barrage of strikes that threatened to overwhelm him.

However, Atreus was not one to be caught off guard. He summoned dozens of Azure Dragon Gauntlets, each identical to his weapon, to defend himself from the onslaught of staves.



The two combatants exchanged blows, the sound of metal striking wood echoing throughout the glass realm.

Despite Atreus's skill and the formidable nature of his weapons, he found it difficult to gain the upper hand against Harambe. As a wood elemental saint, Harambe was able to regrow his staves with hand signs, making it challenging for Atreus to deal lasting damage.

Undeterred, Atreus continued to dodge and weave, using the realm of glass constructs to hide and launch counterattacks. His agility proved to be a valuable asset, allowing him to evade Harambe's strikes and land devastating blows of his own.

As the battle raged on, the two combatants fought with all their might as their figures flashed across this pocket dimension, their weapons striking with such force that the glass realm trembled beneath their feet.

The spectators watched in awe as the two warriors clashed, unsure which of them would emerge victorious.

Right then, Atreus started flying away and hid within a vast expanse of glass and crystals.

Harambe was puzzled.

"What the hell are you doing?!

We're both 5th-stage saints! I can sense you even from 50 kilometers away, you idiot!" he exclaimed as Atreus tried to hide across this realm by flying at supersonic speed.

"You sure about that?"

But the very next moment, his aura completely disappeared.

Even the audience couldn't sense or feel him while everyone struggled to locate him.

"There!" a saint in the audience saw a blue flash.


Atreus appeared right above Harambe, ready to launch a lethal fist attack.


Atreus appeared above Harambe, his fist poised to deliver a devastating blow. But before he could strike, Harambe raised his staff to block the attack.


With a thunderous bang, Atreus's fist collided with the staff, unleashing a shockwave that sent ripples throughout the glass realm. Despite the incredible strength of the attack, Harambe managed to absorb the shock, his staff glowing with a green aura as it absorbed the impact.

Atreus was momentarily stunned, his attack having failed to land.

Harambe saw his opportunity and launched a counterattack, swinging his staff with incredible speed and precision. Atreus barely had time to react, dodging the strike with a lightning-fast movement that left the audience gasping in awe.

The two warriors continued to trade blows, their attacks coming faster and faster as the battle raged on. With each passing moment, it seemed as though the arena would shatter under the force of their strikes.

Finally, with a final burst of energy, Atreus managed to gain the upper hand. With a swift movement, he dodged one of Harambe's strikes and landed a powerful blow to the side of his opponent's head. Harambe stumbled, dazed by the force of the attack.

Atreus saw his opportunity and launched a flurry of strikes, his fists striking with incredible speed and precision. Harambe tried to defend himself, but it was no use.

An hour passed as their battle continued with both sides launching and evading devastating attacks that could easily kill each other in a deathmatch.

Once again, Atreus used the same strategy to hide in the glass realm and attack from above.

And just like last time, he was stopped by Harambe.

"Your attack failed." spoke the wood elemental staff warrior.

"Did it?" asked Atreus with a smug grin.


However, the moment Harambe blocked Atreus's attack, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He doubled over, coughing up blood as the realization dawned on him...

Atreus hadn't been aiming for him at all.

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