Hero of Darkness

Chapter 854 The Results



A ground-shattering and ear-deafening explosion occurred, the energy revealed from the center of this explosion was akin to a nuclear explosion that was powerful enough to pulverize everything in 30 kilometers radius in the blink of an eye.

However, before the energy could damage anything at all, it was sucked inside a glowing blue cloud-like structure with a golden orb devouring everything like a black hole.

[Congratulations to the host for becoming a 5th stage saint!] the system suddenly notified Kahn as he was meditating inside the Hall of Sentience.

The creation of an ancient civilization kept inside the Chamber of Exaltation had not only aided him to rank up but also quickly absorbed all the expelled energy, rendering this breakthrough harmless and undetectable to anyone in the outside real world.

The reason behind this sudden rank-up being that after crossing the 4th stage saint rank, Kahn no longer needed any cores of monsters or other saints to level up and thus could rank up to the next stage efficiently.

[Following are the Statistics of the host :

Name : Kahn Salvatore (Host)

Titles : Hero of Darkness, Apostle of War Deity, Apostle of Blacksmithing.

Species : Human

Job : All for One

Rank : Fifth Stage Saint Rank

Level : 604

Strength : 392994

Agility : 385029

Dexterity : 311351

Defense : 305698

Mana : 413947

World Energy Reserve Capacity : 51.8%]

Kahn revealed a content smile after going through his stats.

As for all his list of abilities… A certain being was too lazy to go through and write all of them at the moment.



[Congratulations to the host!

Space Law infusion rate : 51%

The host is now eligible to create the Second Form of the Dimensional Domain.

Effectiveness of all abilities and skills increased by 20%

All elemental spells and formations will have additional 10% effectiveness and attack damage output.

The Magic Formations and Barriers cast by the host will have 20% more effectiveness and activation time.

All unique battle modes such as Asura Mode, Shura Mode and Berserk God Mode will have 20% extended time respectively.] reported the system.

However… The notifications didn't stop just here.

[Synthesis Divine Ability time has decreased by 10% and Ability Absorption Divine Ability has now 30% less time required.] it iterated in the usual lifeless tone.

"Good. It was about time I started yielding the results."

A more stoic and manly voice resounded as Kahn stood up.

The current Kahn now looked different than before.

His body had undergone a transformation in terms of appearance, build, muscle weight, width and overall composition.

He was no longer just a handsome face with a shredded and lean build. But now… He looked like a mature and full-grown person in his prime years.

Kahn's jaw became a bit broader and his shiny black hair touched his shoulders and all the body parts screamed masculinity to the point his veins also became visible.

Through consistent training and workout regime along with all his other fields he was practicing and mastering… Kahn had become a completely different individual.

Even in terms of aura he emanated and his stature gave an imposing aura that no one would dare to defy. Even his big arms, biceps, broader back and firm legs could be noticed through his attire.

His countenance would seem less appealing to women but would definitely represent an Alpha to the other males regardless of their species.

Kahn was no longer a young adult but a Man.


"I'm 29 years old now. Soon, I will become 30… the age when I killed myself during the previous life." he spoke to himself and recounted his gains in the past 10 months since he came to the Beast Empire.

"System, tell me my rank as a Magician, Enchanter and Blacksmithing class." he commanded.

[The host is currently at Scholar Saint Rank in both Magician and Enchanter classes.

The host has mastered 10 Saint Rank and 3 Legendary Rank spells.

The host has mastered 5 Legendary Rank and 1 Ancient Rank magic formation.

The host has become a Master Saint in Blacksmithing by creating 3 Legendary Rank weapons and 1 Legendary Rank shield.] reported the system.

"Ah, great. Now it only leaves the Alchemist class. But then there's also the 3rd enlightenment in the Space Law that I must attain if I'm to create the 2nd form of my Dimensional Domain." spoke Kahn and left the Hall of Sentience.

In the past 8 months, Kahn learned a plethora of astonishing skills, combat techniques, spells, weapon mastery, and magic formations from both Vildred and Romulus.

They were also done with teaching him their respective techniques that Kahn previously needed to become eligible to learn back then.

As for the Divine Weapon, Amaterasu… Kahn had successfully managed to transition 10% of his soul essence using the Reminiscence of Eternal Flame technique given to him by the divine weapon.

As a warrior… Kahn now also learned, unlocking terrifying skills and achieved Saint Rank in Spear, Shield, Battleaxe, Warhammer, Giantsword, Halberd and finally… the Gauntlets.

It had been more than 10 months since Kahn arrived in the Nadur Empire and entered Romulus' tutelage.

He did nothing else other than train tirelessly while learning everything he could from the Heavenly King.

Thanks to the Chamber of Exaltation… Vildred Xyvsor Gown Ivrar Mortelix aka the Dragon Emperor and the Sage of Preservation also managed to impart all his knowledge to Kahn and teach him everything as his mentor.

Although Kahn was still nowhere close to his mentor's level… He had a firm foundation with immense potential that would make everyone envy him.

Moreover, like the Apostle of Slaughter promised, he taught everything he knew to Kahn and using his doppelgangers, Kahn achieved 100% mastery in all of them as time went by.

Finally… Kahn bridged the gap between himself and all the other summoned Heroes/Heroines, who had the full support of empires and excellent teachers behind them.

The current him was no longer a prey. In every sense…

Kahn was now a Powerhouse and a Predator.







[[Author : I have plans for everything. But I'm using the timeskip as a medium to show progress. Otherwise, this training montage alone will be stretched too long and there would be no story progression.

As for what additional abilities, skills and combat techniques Kahn learned and what Vildred and Romulus taught him will be explained soon in the upcoming chapters.

So all in all…

End of Training Mini-arc.]]

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