Hero of Darkness

Chapter 839 Pride And Foundation

Vildred revealed a pleased smile as Kahn offered his head. 

This was probably the most bizzare thing he had done in this new life and also the most absurd offering one could present to someone who was to become their master. 

The royal dragon on the other end seemed ecstatic as if this was something within his expectations. 

"What a narcissistic and arrogant bastard." he spoke as he gazed at Kahn's floating head in front of him. 

"Worthy to become my pupil! Ha ha ha!!" his loud voice resounded inside this ancient rank formation called the Shadow Realm that isolated their entire existence from the outside. 

A yellow rune suddenly appeared on Kahn's forehead and disappeared the next moment. 

"The Oath of Pride is established. You're now officially my First Disciple." declared Vildred. 

He had no doubt in Kahn's conviction when he said that the most prized possession which he was proud of being none other than his intelligence. 

As for why Kahn said so?... 

Even though Kahn was extremely lucky as a chosen Hero and had the opportunity to select his own divine abilities… 

He didn't just become a 4th stage saint solely because of them. 

Whether becoming an entrepreneur, running a business empire, being the sovereign of Verlassen and a mercenary guild… None of it was achieved with solely his Divine abilities. 

And even the battles with legendary and mythical rank monsters along with the Hero's Party members as well as Hero of Fire were won only because Kahn formed strategies and used whatever assets, plans and abilities he had to come out as the final victor. 

Recently, all the effort he put in Blacksmithing skills and now Harnessing as well as Conceptualization were also achieved by his intelligence which grasped them quickly which practicing them for months without sleep or eating anything. 

Others would've gone mad in his place but Kahn kept persevering until he succeeded no matter what he price he had to pay or torture he had to suffer to mastering them in order to become strong. 

This was why he claimed his intelligence as the only thing he was proud of. 

A sage like Vildred who had fought and seen many powerful people including chosen heroes has his insight about Kahn so he had already figured out this to be the undeniable truth. 

Hence, the dragon emperor did not dwell or counteract Kahn's statement and accepted him as his disciple in mere moments. 

He sent back Kahn's head back to its place as the latter's body reattached quickly. 

"For us Dragons… Pride is one thing that is common among all of us. 

And when you try to enter someone's tutelage, it is demanded that you let go of your pride. 

It's not disregarding their identity but showing their conviction. 

That you can let go of your pride to receive your master's teachings and wisdom." explained Vildred, the Sage of Preservation. 

Kahn nodded and bowed in respect. 

"Tell me your views on mana and world energy. Be detailed this time." he spoke. 

Kahn then revealed his opinion based on his experience on both earth and vantrea. 

Just like on Earth, where atoms created matter, magic was the binding force that was present along with these atoms. But given the amount of magic that was present in this world and its density present in nature itself.. It was completely negligible. 

Since the external force itself was so dense, many living creatures didn't even feel any magic present inside their own bodies. And because of that, a very small amount of inhabitants in this world could use magic. 

Let it be a magician or a swordsman, all of them had to use magic as a form of medium to perform their skills & abilities. But only the ones who had the affinity towards mana, a condensed form of magical energy, could efficiently use them. And by either utilizing mana ores or monster cores, they could raise their levels and then raise their affinity, physical strength and compatibility with the mana itself. 

Even if you belonged to a physical class job or had physical traits that made you strong, mana was the main driving force behind it which made your physique far stronger than someone without any access to mana ever could. 

And that's why those who could use and manipulate it were like powerhouses more than those who couldn't. Even a beginner fighter class was stronger than 10 beings of their species and race. And the key difference was mana which made it possible. 

This law also applied to monsters, other magical creatures and beings in the world. Just that they didn't go through some test but rather lived it as if it didn't matter. 

For them, rising in levels and rank meant an increase in physical growth and abilities. And the higher the rank, the more evolved creatures they would be. 

In Vantrea, you must have the core knowledge and understanding of the type of element you were using to cast a spell. For example, if you wanted to cast a water-related spell, you must study and understand the mana signature of these elements. Just like how DNA inside every human differentiated them from others of their species. 

Then use that knowledge to adjust and manipulate the mana you had access to for matching the properties of these elements. After your mastery over mana manipulation over that element increased, you could ingrain the same composition in a spell. 

So that way, as long as you have enough understanding and experience of a particular element, you could cast spells related to it and then increase your mastery. 

But since Kahn's foundation itself was non-existent when it came to magic and knowledge of mana manipulation... All the magical skills he had by absorbing others were like a house of cards. Easy to break with a small breeze.

Due to his levels and rank, they were far more deadly to many people he faced till now. 

And this was the main reason why Solomon had completely suppressed him during their fight just with 4 different types of elemental attacks. Compared to the elven mage's spells, the ones Kahn could use were like a sheet of paper facing a bullet. 

If someone like him was on Kahn's levels… Without the divine abilities and the other life saving skills he had; solely based on their knowledge and mastery as magicians… 

Kahn was still a juvenile. 


He then shared the list of abilities with Vildred through the system, the ones he got from the elf that he previously used to study magic back in Rathna, the capital of Rakos Empire. 

[Elemental Fusion (A Rank) (Passive) : 

Allows the host to create elemental mana orbs and use them as a source for Elemental spells and long-range attacks.


Elemental Transformation (S Rank) (Passive) :

Allows the host to transform the form of the elemental spells to another element. 

Casting time for magic spells reduced by 35%


Space Haste (A Rank) (Active) : 

Allows the host to use space magic to travel to 1 kilometer space in any direction. 

The host is required to study and comprehend this ability.] replied the system in Vildred's mind.

"Idiot! That's the biggest and most damaging shortcut I've ever seen." shouted Vildred in exasperation. 

"So you just use them without unlocking them by yourself because you absorbed all those skills and abilities using your divine abilities. 

You should have at least used that bloodline. 

By now, you would at least be at Semi-Saint Magician." berated the royal dragon. 


I have zero control over any of the bloodlines I have since they're not my own. 

Even when I use their effects during battle, the system automatically activates them for me. 

I never had a chance to learn how to use them in the first place." he explained. 


Vildred sighed and spoke in a helpless voice. 

"Bloodlines and their effects are something that comes naturally. 

You don't have to focus on them. 

Well… You're a broken individual already since you are already a saint. 

But that's also a good thing for our current situation." he said in a rhroighful tone. 

"I won't have to wait for you to become a saint first, so I'll get to the first and most important criteria." he iterated solemnly. 

"What is it?" asked Kahn curiously. 

"Isn't that obvious?... 

It's Enlightenment." he stated calmly. 

"What you learned from that Elf's books is indeed correct. 

However, that knowledge omitted one crucial factor. 

There is a certain degree of knowledge and enlightenment required to increase control over world energy and mana no matter which magical class it is. 

Only then you can become a Saint for a magical class job." explained the lightning dragon. 

"A Summoner must make a breakthrough in his or her field of summoning magic and the creatures they created or forms of attacks they summoned from the environment. 

An Enchanter must receive enlightenment in casting magic formations and rune magic and using them to summon attacks or reinforcement of their own skills and spells. 

A Magician or Sorceress must use the world energy to convert them into elements at will from the surrounding world itself and then use them as base to cast their spells and skills. 

In all three cases, you need to receive enlightenment first to move forward as you progress in your rank.

Otherwise…" he revealed a crucial factor that Kahn had no idea about. 

"Your soul will extinguish."

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