Hero of Darkness

Chapter 821 Time To Rise

Both Romulus and Vildred presented him with a choice of either learning Combat Techniques for various weapons or learning Magic of the highest caliber. Both of these areas were the ones where Kahn was severely lacking even now because in the end, everything he had till now was either because of his divine abilities or his blessings. 

Apart from the Dragon Strike, Kahn hadn't created a single skill by himself. And even that attack skill became possible only because of the other skills Kahn had acquired from different people and monsters which the system filtered and altered for his use. 

"Because of your current shortcomings, you can't skip on studying either of the 3 unless you want to be killed by anyone above 5th stage saint." said Romulus. 

Kahn then responded in a somber voice… 

"My Dimensional Domain came with divine ability. I thought it was perfect as it was." 

Vildred shook his head at Kahn's obliviousness. 

"It can't be helped. You must study and receive more enlightenment in Space Law. 

I can only teach you magic spells, skills, formations and world energy. You have to do the rest by yourself." iterated the dragon emperor. 

As the royal dragon mentioned… There was still the study of Space Law. 

As Romulus stated before… His Dimensional Domain was simply too weak compared to other saints because his mastery and control were below average than a normal 5th-stage saint. 

Hence, there were 3 different sectors Kahn needed to cover up to get rid of his weaknesses and become truly strong. 

"Let me tell you something, child… I'm 360 years old now. 

In here, everyone including my wife and children thinks that I'm a Brawler class fighter. But I have hidden my past even from them. 

Back in the Abyss Empire, I was called the True Battle King in my generation. 

Because I invoked the interests of Mors, the Deity of Slaughter and received his blessings." spoke Romulus while emanating a warrior-like aura. 

"Unlike many powerful saints in the world… I

I can actually practice and use many weapons and I'm not restricted by a class when it comes to any method of 'Slaughtering' my enemies. 

Yet this is also the most obvious part of my identity that can be used to uncover my truth.

That's why I'm hiding as a different person, name and profession. 

Many haven't even seen my real domain that you saw this morning." 

"Magic may not be my forte but I can surely train you in most of the weapons in the world. 

With your blessings from the Great Ancestral Lord Kravel… You have the potential to surpass even me." he iterated but then his gaze turned serious. 

"But that's all there is to it. You only have 'potential'. 

It doesn't mean you actually can. The same is the case for many other heroes with divine abilities.

That's why there are only 6 Heroes in the past 3 thousand who surpassed the native people of the world, including 2 of your predecessors." he revealed another fact about the past. 

"So you will have to divert all of your attention on mastering them till you're with me. 

Also, you can't reveal your domain to anyone either. 

Given the time limit of one year when the Tourney will start… You can only choose one side to train in.

The rest is up to you." said the wolfkin solemnly. 

Next, Rathnaar's voice also resounded in Kahn's mind. 

[Brat, given the situation… I cannot teach you any of my skills either unless you become a 5th stage saint first. 

But what Romulus and Vildred said is indeed true. 

You can no longer put off your training in any of these aspects. Besides… You will be mentored by some of the best Masters in the entire world. 

Vildred was once the Strongest Magician in the world. 

And this Romulus Lykaios is the current Apostle of Slaughter. He is definitely one of the top 10 strongest 7th stage saints in the world because of the title and blessings. 

No matter which side you choose, you will receive great benefits.] declared the Peak Saint. 

Vildred then asked Kahn with a calm demeanor. 

"So which one of the two do you want to train in?" 

Kahn's expression was filled with thoughtfulness as he ran down a few options in his mind. 

Finally after making a decision… he spoke while revealing a shameless grin. 

"Why not both?" 


Both Romulus and Vildred had puzzled expressions on their faces after Kahn's blatant question. 

Kahn then chose to reveal all his 33 Doppelgangers in front of both. 

Including the 7 he left in Zivot Empire, his current capacity was 40 Doppelgangers. 

Kahn had previously omitted this ability because it was one of his life-saving skills where he could switch between the doppelgangers instantly and even fake his death. 

Previously, under the influence of the Domain of Slaughter when facing Romulus, he had simply forgotten to use it since the domain itself broke his psyche and made him unable to think of this ability to survive. 

Vildred also didn't have much knowledge of this ability other than the memory of Kahn leaving some of the doppelgangers in the Zivot Empire. 

But the hidden function such as shared combat skills proficiency, techniques and skills with the original body was something both of them didn't know. 

Kahn then explained how these abilities worked. 

But instead of becoming astonished, Vildred and Romulus said… 

"Do we look like idiots to you?" 

Romulus continued with a disappointed look. 

"You think learning through your doppelgangers will help you become stronger? 

Not in the slightest. 

Whether it's physical skills related to your profession or magic training… You will have to unlock and experience themselves." he spoke with a discontent voice. 

"Maybe that's why you haven't been able to progress further. 

Because you're relying on your doppelgangers more than your own body.

Some things and transformations cannot be skipped and you must undergo these experiences yourself." iterated Vildred while sighing. 

"You must even gain enlightenment and practice yourself first." the wolfkin's voice echoed in the hall. 

After a dozen seconds, Vildred came with a proposition. 

"Let's do one thing…

We both will teach you. You will learn and unlock these skills, abilities, and combat techniques by yourself first like how it's actually supposed to happen instead of just relying on your divine abilities anymore. 

After learning and unlocking them by yourself first… you could leave them to your doppelgangers to increase combat mastery, proficiency and effectiveness later." he revealed his plans. 

"But can you handle it? It will drastically drain you mentally." asked the royal dragon. 

But what both the Fenrirborne and the Royal Dragon didn't know was that in terms of mental fortitude and perseverance when it came to psychological stress and resilience… 

Thanks to his experience in the past 3 years, Kahn was already way ahead than all the other summoned Heroes. 

Finally, an arrangement was agreed upon. 

Romulus and Vildred were going to train Kahn in regards for their respective fields. 

Rathnaar was going to help him increase the strength of his Domain with his past life experience. 

In his spare time, Kahn was to study Space Law on his own when he wasn't training in these two fields. 

And finally after spending more than 4 years inside Vantrea ever since his arrival; under the guidance of 3 of the strongest people in the world… 

Started Kahn's real rise among the True Powerhouses of the world. 

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