Hero of Darkness

Chapter 818 Setting New Background

Amidst the open skies and vast mountainous region, Romulus and Atreus stopped in Aurelius, the heart of Elysium. 

The city itself was a marvel in Kahn's eyes because half of it was standing on a carved half-moon shaped body of the mountain while the region at ground level was bustling with a populace that varied greatly even though he had seen some of them in the other empires he had been to. 

Although Aurelius city was only 8 kilometers in perimeter while two of its fronts were surrounded by seashore… the structure of the city, naval forces, fortresses at the borders and massive warships that protected the sky made it look like an impregnable stronghold. 

But additionally, there were at least 15 to 20 other species he hadn't seen before at all. Also, many flying monsters he had seen so far that filled the sky were new to his sight. 

[[Author : Refer to the Aurelius City Reference Art if you missed it in the previous chapter. 

And I will soon start sharing their reference arts in upcoming chapters for every species. This arc has a lot of species and unique characters.]] 

Soon, hundreds of flying ships akin to saucer-shaped UFOs on earth flew in the sky, and multiple warships made of pure black wood which made them look like metal also approached Romulus and Atreus. 

Both of them stopped on the deck of one of such 500 meters long warships that floated in the sky. 

"Lord Heavenly King, we are ready." spoke the captain of the warship who came to greet Romulus. 

This captain was a brown and grizzly bearkin who knelt in front of Romulus. 

"Alright. It's better that everyone knows it beforehand than somebody spreading unnecessary rumors." spoke the fiery red wolfkin and then the warship proceeded towards the central fortress where their main headquarters was. 

Throughout their short travel, hundreds of demi-humans kept glancing at Atreus, trying to guess his connection with the peak 7th stage saint

[He he he! I will finally have what I have been looking for all these years. 

Someone with blessings from our Ancestral Lord Kravel; If what Argos said was right… 

Then Kahn is the best-suited candidate and the identity I created for him would be the most appropriate for the situation.] thought Romulus. 

Unbeknownst to everyone, beneath his aloof and domineering countenance… Was a mischievous smirk while the 7th stage saint tried his best to cover the greedy and covetous grin from everyone else. 

Finally, they reached an open ground inside a massive red fortress with 5 stories. 

The space where the warship landed in the middle looked no different than a Gladiator Arena. 

Thousands of armored soldiers in battalions, forming lines after lines stood orderly while brandishing their respective weapons.

The official attire and design of the Nadur Empire's military contained many archaic patterns carved on yellow and brown armor sets. 

And in front of them, stood various elderly saint commanders, all of them varying in size and species. 

However, there were 4 different individuals, 3 males and one female, who looked much younger than the others despite being saints themselves. And the strongest two among them were also 4th stage saints just like Atreus aka Kahn. 

All of them had solemn and uneasy faces while a halo of curiosity enshrouded their countenance. 

The only common thing among all 4 of them was that they were white wolfkins. 

Not just them, but everyone present here was curious about Kahn's identity as he fearlessly and carefreely walked behind Romulus. 

Unlike how many would react in such a condition, Kahn wasn't slightly fazed after watching so many powerful people and thousands of soldiers. 


Because he once ruled the Verlassen fiefdom as its Sovereign. The prestige and authority he held was hundreds of times more than this. 

There were times when a few hundred thousand soldiers respectfully bowed in front of him while amassing in a couple of kilometers. 

Compared to his time in the Rakos Empire, this type of welcome was hardly worth mentioning. Hence, Kahn felt zero pressure from thousands of these curious gazes. 

Finally, a wide and tall altar covered under a red carpet came into sight where three throne-like chairs were arranged. 

On one of them, was a beautiful and mesmerizing white wolfkin adorning pristine white and golden noble-is attire. 

Even for someone like Atreus who was originally a human, her appearance was akin to a goddess blessing the world of mortals. 

"That's my wife." said Romulus with a grim voice. 

"And those four… Are my children." he continued in a prideful tone. 

Kahn was suddenly brought back to reality, almost feeling like he nearly got killed by Romulus again. 

Vildred was invisible at this moment and casually walked around. He suddenly spoke in Kahn's mind. 

[They are all very strong. Especially her. 

She's a 5th stage saint herself and I sense an unfamiliar but very strong bloodline from them just like Romulus.] said the royal dragon. 

Kahn's expression also turned vigilant because now he was affirmed of his suspicion. 

Ever since they met Romulus back at the border of the Nadur empire… He felt an indescribable and inconceivable innate connection and familiarity with him. 

And now, he could feel the same from his wife as well. 

[Could it be 'that' bloodline?] suspected Kahn. 

At this moment, some people were gossiping among themselves, wondering if this blue wolfkin brawler warrior was someone related to Romulus. 

When they finally reached the altar, Romulus stood tall and gazed at thousands of people who didn't even bother to breathe loudly in his presence. 

"To everyone present here… I have an important announcement to make." spoke Romulus, his voice resounding in the 8 kilometer radius while reaching everyone's ears who were present in the fortress and lived in Aurelius city. 

"This is Atreus Bellator." he spoke and glanced at the blue wolfkin on his left. 

Beside him, Atreus also stood with a fearless and domineering attitude, his tall and ripped body exuding the aura of a strong and indomitable will. 

"From this day, let it be known to the entire Elysium and Nadur Empire. 

That Atreus Bellator is…" 

Finally, he revealed Atreus' new identity in front of everyone gathered in open grounds, a background he had set beforehand. 

Even Kahn was unaware of what Romulus had planned for him. 

"My Shadow Disciple."

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