Hero of Darkness

Chapter 815 Secrets Unveiled

Kahn lay on the ground, perplexed and dumbfounded as soon as Romulus declared that he would be Kahn's new guardian. This was an occurrence he didn't expect to see happening given the fact that the peak 7th stage saint almost killed him 10 times already. 


Just then, Vildred broke free from all the formations that previously caged him and quickly charged towards the saint while casting a tremendously terrifying lightning bolt that was 300 meters long. 


The destructive attack that could raze down an entire town in a single strike shot at Romulus while another protection barrier was cast over Kahn by Vildred. 


A massive and chaotic explosion filled the nearby 3 kilometers of space, shattering the terrain as hundreds of deep crevices formed on the ground from the point of intact. 


Kahn's figure appeared behind the royal dragon as he was teleported by the latter in an instant. 



Kahn took deep breaths as he was still recovering from his grave injuries and waiting for his arm and leg to regrow. 

"What did he mean by those words?" asked Vildred to Kahn as he prepared a protection barrier around them while keeping a vigilant gaze at the explosion. 

Just then, a grim and dreadful voice resounded. 

"Stop interfering in our matters… Dragon." 


The massive cloud of dust from the explosion quickly dispersed as an open palm which took the full brunt of Vildred's spell was revealed. Romulus had stopped the attack with his bare palm, completely unaffected by the lightning bolt. 

The next moment, the wolfkin warrior deactivated his Domain of Slaughter after giving Kahn a hint of how powerful and overwhelming a saint's domain could be. 

Even when the 7th stage saint was using only 10% of his strength inside this domain, Kahn was no different than a complete rookie who was fighting for the first time and almost forgot how to even fight properly. 

In the meantime, the terrain regained its previous appearance. All the mutilated corpses, the rivers of blood and the massive and imposing weapons that stood tall as a building disappeared. The surrounding turned lush green again and apart from the mountains and ground that was destroyed, everything else became just like before. 

"Do you understand your shortcomings boy?" he asked Kahn with a solemn countenance. 

Just then… 

[All of the restrictions on the Host's physical stats, skills, bloodlines and abilities have been lifted!] informed the system. 

And now, Kahn started recovering at a rapid pace and his arm and leg were regenerated in a matter of seconds. 

One after another… Kahn started recovering both in consciousness and body completely and he understood something very clearly. 

Inside Romulus' Domain of Slaughter, he had basically lost his mind and ability to think properly and prepare a plan to counter the saint. 

Otherwise, how could someone like him who was well versed in battle and could use plenty of things to save himself didn't think of the plethora of abilities he could've used? 

"That domain… It was suppressing my ability to think. 

It also made me fear for my life; eventually making me attack without thinking and acting only on impulse." spoke Kahn after he quickly analyzed the situation. 

"Because of which… I stopped thinking rationally and the more beating I got, the more unorganized I became. 

I also lost my composure and reasoning due to fear of death." he said with a gloomy expression. 

Right then… 

"Ha ha ha!! 

Ha ha ha!!" the Heavenly King started laughing loudly. 

"This is the first time someone quickly self-analyzed how badly they lost under the influence of my domain. 

Well done, boy." said Romulus, almost praising Kahn for his quick thinking. 

"You're indeed correct. 

My domain not only suppresses the opponent's body but also breaks their mental fortitude. 

As my enemies lose their will to fight… They turn into nothing but cattle inside a slaughterhouse." he revealed while grinning. 

"However… Don't mistake that you've figured it all out. 

That's barely the surface-level skill of my domain. I didn't even use the other phases of it." he replied with an approving smile. 

[Dammit! Now I remember where I fought someone like him before.] suddenly, Rathnaar spoke in bewilderment as he too recovered from the influence of the domain. 

[This wolfkin… is an Apostle of Mors, the Deity of Slaughter!] he declared in Kahn and Vildred's mind. 

Both of them were rooted on the spot as soon as Rathnaar revealed this. 

[No wonder that domain and his aura felt familiar. 

The Apostle of Mors I fought 1200 years ago was a vampire who had this exact domain.] he iterated in a grim tone. 

[Boy, all of us were very lucky. If he used the full power of his domain… unless you were an 8th stage saint yourself, there's no way you or vildred would've survived.] he informed with an incredulous expression. 

Vildred then calmed himself and asked in a firm voice. 

"What is your true identity? How do you know the boy? And how did you know we were coming here in the first place?" asked the royal dragon while silently preparing a spell to escape if needed. 

"Kahn Salvatore, the 9th Hero of Darkness. 

Once the Sovereign of Verlassen Fiefdom in Rakos Empire and also an accomplished Saint Rank Blacksmith in Vulcan empire.

You were recently hiding inside the Zivot Empire as an elf named Legolas Ragnarsson while masquerading as a Mercenary Guild Leader. 

You also have 3 Divine abilities and 9 blessings from deities. 

6 from our Ancestral Lord Kravel and 3 from Deities of Blacksmithing called Brokkr and Eitri. 

On top of it… You made a soul pact with Rathnaar Whitlock, the legendary Peak Saint and the first emperor of the Rakos empire. 

Am I right?" stated Romulus with a wide grin as he basically gave a memo of Kahn's entire history in Vantrea so far. 

Kahn, Rathnaar and Vildred were simply shaken to their cores. Unable to speak even a word as Romulus revealed all these well-hidden secrets so casually. 

Outmatched! Petrified! 

Kahn had no idea how the wolfkin knew about all of his well-guarded secrets. 

What terrified him the most at this point was an undeniable fact. 

That he was no longer in charge of his own fate. 

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