Hero of Darkness

Chapter 804 The Ambush :Part Two

While Oliver took down a warship by himself, a swordsman covered in stark-white armor from head to toe appeared 20 kilometers away. 

In front of this being with bright blue eyes, another warship with hundreds of magic cannons and thousands of people manning it appeared 5 kilometers away in the sky. 

"Attack!!" ordered the captain of the warship and all the cannons charged themselves to attack and pulverize this warrior who seemed to be a legitimate 4th stage saint. 

This was none other than Omega in Moonlight Armor. 

But before the warship could launch its magic cannon beams made of different elements… he quickly unsheathed Raijin, the lightning katana. 


He grabbed the hilt with both hands and made a vertical slashing attack using the curved sword that had blue lightning running its blade. 

However, nothing appeared out of this blade and no attack was released yet the swordsman slowly put it back in its sheath. 


The moment he finished sheathing his sword… 


The entire warship was cut open in half even from this far distance and both parts fell apart. 

Thousands of people screamed in fear as the warship started falling to the ground after Omega used the White Fang Strike skill. 



Both sides exploded after dropping on the ground as the charged mana cannons malfunctioned at the same time… killing more than 10 thousand soldiers and warship personnel in 3 kilometers radius explosion. 

There was no sense of empathy or regret in Omega's eyes; instead, he felt relieved that he finished the job in a single swing, leaving no survivors. 





On the western end of the battlefield, three new figures appeared in the sky. 

A white-haired figure in a black and blue longcoat and battle gear with a pitch-black greatsword on his back stood in the center.

Kahn in his Legolas Ragnarsson persona had decided to watch the aftermath of his decisions. 

"I have taken care of everything. No one can send a distress signal outside of this dome or even get out of here." spoke a mage in white and blue robes with a black and golden scepter that had a blue dragon coiling around it. 

This mage stood with a proud expression on Legolas' side. As for the battle between the soldiers… 

Vildred also showed an unaffected expression as cries for help and terrorizing screams of agony reached his ear. 

Legolas then looked to his left. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked a tall hooded individual in white and green robes. 

"As hard as it may be… I have to do it." responded Aragorn inside the hood on Kahn's left while his true appearance wasn't revealed in the slightest. 

In truth… he was horrified to the core after watching how Kahn's subordinates mercilessly slaughtered everyone, thanking the God of Life that he didn't fight them inside the Immortal Dungeon back then. 


Just then, a man with shoulder-length black hair and green eyes suddenly appeared out of thin air and bowed towards the three figures. 

"We found her and also killed all of her saint-ranked guards." reported Ronin, the spirit assassin general. 

Kahn, Aragorn and Vildred nodded in response and all of them flew as they followed Ronin.

Meanwhile at another scene of battle and a broken down warship… 

"Ha ha ha ha!! Haha haha hahahaha!! 

This will be the first time I get to experiment on someone of your standing. Haha haha!!" 

And at the center, was a mage clad in black robes and a yellow scepter. He and hundreds of undead monsters were now surrounding a female figure whose body was riddled with wounds and her clothes were sprayed with blood. 

She was completely terrified of the undead monsters surrounding her as she cried for help and begged to be spared to the mage who was laughing like a maniac. 

Ceril was enjoying his time while toying with Eleanor, the princess. 


The trio of Legolas, Vildred and Ronin appeared on the devastated battlefield that was filled with undeads who were tearing through the corpses of soldiers. 

Eleanor had her eyes wide open in disbelief as soon as she looked at Legolas in the middle. 

"You… Why are you doing this? Aren't you afraid of the consequences?!" she shouted in a tone filled with anger. 

Obviously… Eleanor was a well-informed woman who wanted to become the Empress of the Zivot empire. So she had studied and familiarized herself with all powerhouses across the empire. 

How could she not know about Legolas Ragnarsson, the ironborn elf leader of Misthios Mercenary Guild, the strongest guild in Alfheim, which was one of their biggest economic hubs?

"If anything happens to me… They will all come for you. 

He will find and kill you himself!" she threatened this group of saints in front of her.

She referred to her imperial and in the end, used Ervalen's name to threaten Legolas. 

But the next moment, her countenance changed as she realized that her spiteful words could make the situation very dire instead. 

She already didn't know why the top guild of Alfheim was targeting her and even went as far as to ambush the imperial heir. 

"You people work for money, right? 

I will give you 5 times whatever they're giving you. Just spare my life." she proposed and pleaded at the same time. 

"Ha ha ha! Do you think I'm doing this for money? 

You haven't even realized who you fucked with yet." said Legolas in black and blue attire. 

"What did I even do for you to go this far?

We aren't even enemies or had any conflict with each other." asked Eleanor with incredulous eyes as she pressed on an open wound on her left shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding. 

"It's not what you did that angers me so.

It's who you did it to." responded Legolas in a jarring voice. 

Why did Kahn say so? 

Because if this crazy bitch hungry for the throne hadn't cast the Commandment of Severed Fate… 

Kahn would still be sitting in Misthios guild's headquarters, counting his money and resources and living an honest life while silently getting stronger. 

If not for her, he wouldn't have met Edmund, then gone to Immortal Dungeon, almost dying at the hands of Vildred and then being forced to make a pact with him to survive. 

And finally, having no choice but to ambush her right when he was used by the echelons of the elven empire as a scapegoat for the deaths of the Hero's Party members. 

All of this happened because this over-ambitious and greedy princess betrayed her own brother over 100 years ago. 

Just then… 


The final figure also appeared behind the four individuals. 

It was none other than the figure in white and green robes who previously stood with them. 

And right before this bleeding and terrified female, he removed the hood and revealed his face. 

"Impossible! How are you still alive?" asked the princess with a horrified expression as if she had seen a ghost. 

Her entire body was shivering in shock and she revealed her relationship with this mysterious figure. 


Aragorn Travion Saar Insalor, the prince of the Elven empire, gave a devilish smirk as he spoke in an ominous tone. 

"My dear sister… let me show you what happens." he spoke while his eyes glowed in fury. 

"When you betray your family." 

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