Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8390: turning point

Chapter 8390 Turnaround

First of all, the members of the Golden Crow Clan are extremely rare.

Jiang Tian walked all the way from the lower world, and just before meeting the female Golden Crow, he encountered a Golden Crow tribe, and its scale was quite limited.

At this time, he also suddenly understood why the Golden Crow clan was so small in number. The reason was that their bloodline inheritance was so particular, which naturally made the inheritance and continuation of the bloodline more difficult.

Secondly, even if we could find a male cultivator from the Golden Crow tribe, would he definitely be willing to help?

"Regarding the issue of bloodline inheritance, I think it's more than that simple. What other secrets do fellow Taoists keep from me?" he asked.

As I just thought, under such strange restrictions, the Golden Crow clan's bloodline inheritance will indeed face some difficulties, but it seems that it will not let the size and number of this clan decline to this point.

He suddenly realized that the other party might not mean what he said, and might have hidden some key parts from him.

what is it?

A look of struggle flashed in the female Golden Crow's eyes, as if he had spoken to her thoughts.

"This is originally a taboo among the ethnic group, but you have a sharp eye and understand everything, so I won't hide my identity!"

After a moment of silence, she finally let go of her worries.

"Those of the same race who use the art of bloodline fusion will pay a considerable price. Damage to their bloodline is only one of them, followed closely by fluctuations in their cultivation. In severe cases, the foundation of their cultivation may be shaken.

Therefore, among our Golden Crow clan, sometimes even a couple with a normal union may not be able to handle this problem 100% properly. "

"This is indeed a big problem!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

With such a huge influence, it explains even more why the Golden Crow ethnic group has withered so far.

Not like the Dragon Clan!

The bloodline is strong and domineering, capable of spreading branches and leaves.

As the saying goes, the dragon gives birth to nine sons, all of whom are different!

The reason why the dragon clan is powerful is because the bloodline of this clan is naturally domineering and has unrivaled conquest.

Able to integrate and control various bloodlines, regardless of human race, monster race or even demon race, almost all bloodlines can be conquered by the dragon race, and there are basically no inheritance taboos.

But as the saying goes, too much is never enough, and perhaps it is for this reason that the Dragon Clan is so scrupulous.

So much so that in today's martial arts era, the Dragon Clan, as a still powerful and domineering bloodline group, has become relatively rare in the world.

The top dragon bloodlines have become elusive and hard to find, unable to be hidden.

Just like the Xuanyuan Dragon Clan that he has been searching for since the lower realm, even now, even when he is about to enter the eternal realm, there is still no final clue.

The ethnic group we encountered before was later verified to be just a branch of the Xuanyuan Dragon Clan.

As for the location of the Xuanyuan Dragon Clan, not even the clan members of that branch know.

This shows how closely the Xuanyuan Dragon Clan keeps the secrets of their core bloodline!

Jiang Tian suppressed his thoughts and looked at the female Golden Crow again.

With such inherited taboos, it is no wonder that the Golden Crow clan has withered so much.

This fact directly caused the difficulty of inheriting the bloodline of the Golden Crow clan.

Just imagine, for a Golden Crow couple, even if they only cultivate one blood descendant, the male Golden Crow will consume a huge amount of blood and even damage his cultivation.

This is doomed to the fact that most Golden Crow couples may only be able to cultivate one bloodline in their lifetime.

A couple can only have one child, that is, one from two.

If the entire ethnic group reproduces in this way, the number of the ethnic group will be halved in just one generation!

At first glance, this doesn't seem like anything special, but if you think about it carefully, it's actually quite terrifying.

Needless to say, there is still a certain chance that the bloodline descendants born will not be able to truly awaken their bloodline talents.

Such mediocre bloodline will be annihilated in the long river of time soon, further leading to the reduction of the Golden Crow ethnic group.

And if a group of people are specifically responsible for production and reproduction, it will cause huge injustice.

Therefore, passed down from generation to generation, the number of Golden Crow people will continue to decline until the entire ethnic group becomes more and more withered.

"So, what I am facing is not the problem of childbirth, but the problem of not being able to obtain the blessing of my bloodline."

The female Golden Crow shook her head and sighed, her expression extremely heavy.

Childbirth was never a problem for her.

The problem lies in the blessing of the bloodline before childbirth, and the awakening of the bloodline after childbirth.

Her ethnic group has long been destroyed, and her husband has died. Where can she find another member of the Golden Crow bloodline who is willing to make such a sacrifice for her?

Will not!

The Golden Crow people are already sparse in number, and they also have a sense of community.

In other words, it is difficult for a Golden Crow from a foreign ethnic group to be recognized by another ethnic group if they are also of Golden Crow bloodline.

Even if Jiang Tian could find a certain Golden Crow group, it would be difficult to convince them to do such a favor.

After a moment of silence, the female Golden Crow seemed to finally accept this fact.

In fact, she had already foreseen this possibility when her tribe was destroyed, otherwise she would not have been so impulsive and desperate when she met Jiang Tian.

"Sir, don't worry about this. This may be the fate of our tribe."

The female Jinwu saluted Jiang Tian solemnly to express her gratitude.

When she first met Jiang Tian, ​​she thought she would face a cruel situation, but she never expected to be treated kindly by Jiang Tian.

Until now, she was full of gratitude to Jiang Tian and did not dare to ask for anything else.

Jiang Tian sighed silently.

Although there is Golden Crow blood in his body, and it is quite pure, the amount is after all very rare, and he is not a true Golden Crow tribesman.

His own bloodline is also the supreme Barbarian Blood Dragon bloodline. No matter what aspect he considers, he is not suitable to help the other party.

He was able to save this female Golden Crow in the first place and let her survive to this day, which was already a great kindness.

As for bloodline inheritance, it is definitely not something that can be forced.

Maybe he has tried his best to solve this problem, but if his bloodline needs to be used as a inheritance tool for others, he will never accept it.

Perhaps this female Golden Crow is destined to give birth to a mediocre bloodline.

"I have a solution!"

A shout suddenly rang out, coming from the fire-marked middle-aged man.

"What can you do?" Female Jinwu was shocked and stunned.

Jiang Tianze's eyes lit up and he looked at the other party in surprise.

This middle-aged man who calls himself a member of the Taichu Divine Fire Clan and has a mysterious fire pattern on his forehead, actually has a way to solve the problem of the female Golden Crow's bloodline inheritance?

"That's right!" The middle-aged fire-marked man nodded and said, "I know a little bit about the secrets of the Golden Crow clan's bloodline inheritance."

"How do you know, that is the secret bloodline of my Golden Crow clan!" The female Golden Crow couldn't believe it.

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