Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8350: Repeatedly reverse

When he thought of this, he suppressed the fear in his heart and said sternly: "Fight!"

Zou Lichao destroyed the "Five Elements Fearing Spirit Array" with one palm, freed twenty of his colleagues and allowed them to join the battle group.

Huang Jianling turned around in time and blocked it with all his strength!

"Your opponent is me, come and fight!"

"Kill her!"

Everyone was boiling with murderous intent.

The fight with Huang Jianling just now was meant to consume him, not that they were incapable of suppressing him.

Now that the situation has changed drastically, they must get rid of each other's entanglements as soon as possible and help their companions.

Twenty people used all their magic weapons, talismans and various means to surround and suppress Huang Jianling with their ultimate combat power.

However, Huang Jianling's purpose was not to fight to the death with the other party, but to hold them back as long as possible.

The situation of the war turned, and the goals of both sides were also reversed.

This time, Huang Jianling was not in a hurry, but the other party was impatient.

"Kill her quickly!"

"Huang Jianling, you die!"

Twenty people took action wildly, and Huang Jianling was like a lonely boat in the angry waves, surrounded by danger.

For her, whether she could counter-kill these twenty people or whether she could kill a few of them was not the point.

The point is, the longer she delays the situation, the better it will be for Jiang Tian.

Therefore, she was not in a hurry to meet the other party. Instead, she tried her best to deal with the other party with the trump card in her hand, and tried her best to induce the other party to go away from Jiang Tian.

But the other party would not do what she wanted. While taking action, he tried his best to get closer to that side.

So a special tug of war began.

If possible, these twenty people certainly don't want to fight with Huang Jianling, but Huang Jianling's combat power cannot be underestimated. No matter how impatient they are, they must beware of the other party taking advantage of their distraction to kill him.

The bigger trouble still comes from Jiang Tian - if they can quickly cooperate with their companions and gather the power of 120 people, it is still possible to suppress Jiang Tian.

But if Huang Jianling is trapped here, it will be difficult to predict the battle situation on Jiang Tian's side. The situation with less than a hundred people of the same level can even be said to be extremely pessimistic.

And once Jiang Tian takes the absolute initiative and kills a large number of opponents, their situation will take a turn for the worse.

To put it bluntly, if they go to help now, they may still be able to deal with Jiang Tian!

If they don't go now, it will be too late when Jiang Tian starts killing again. When Jiang Tian frees up his hands, they won't be able to escape even if they want to. This is what makes them most angry.

"Leave ten people to deal with her, and the remaining people will strangle Jiang Tian with all their strength!"

Zou Lichao knew that he could no longer hesitate.

If we hesitate any longer, the situation will be completely irreversible.

Although Huang Jianling is not the primary target, he cannot be ignored after all.

Using ten late-stage players of the same rank to fight with him is really a helpless trade-off.

Ten people may not be able to suppress Huang Jianling reliably, let alone kill him, but if they just go around, it won't be a big problem.

In this way, there will be a fighting force of about 110 people that can be used to strangle Jiang Tian.

But this time, they must not seek stability or consumption like they did just now.

Time is not on their side. They cannot try to consume Jiang Tian, ​​but must strive to solve Jiang Tian as quickly as possible in the shortest time!

On Huang Jianling's side, the situation once again changed subtly.

Fighting with ten late-stage powerhouses was not what she expected.

Although Jiang Tian's combat power has improved during this series of devouring, but facing the crazy strangulation of nearly one hundred and ten people, the pressure will probably be even greater than before!

And she had to change her strategy, give up the fight, get rid of these ten powerful enemies in the shortest time, and go to help Jiang Tian.


Huang Jianling attacked with all his strength, intending to make a quick decision.

But her opponent fought and retreated, only fighting, not fighting to the death.

For these ten people, now is actually the best situation - only dealing with Huang Jianling, not a quick fight with him.

If the war situation continues like this, it will not be a bad thing.

At least they didn't have to face Jiang Tian's terrifying methods or worry about their own lives.

And they also hope that more than a hundred companions can deal with Jiang Tian as soon as possible.

"The third elder and the sixth elder are holding the battle, Jiang Tian will definitely die!"

"Don't be careless! Jiang Tian's methods are weird and his combat power is super strong. I think it may not be safe. We still have to deal with Huang Jianling as soon as possible and go to help. If we remain idle for a while, we may end up harming ourselves!"

Faced with the reminder from their companions, everyone woke up one after another.

The temporary peace of mind was not what they really wanted, and entangled with Huang Jianling was a fruitless effort.

So, they changed their strategy and began to attack Huang Jianling with all their strength.

Huang Jianling's pressure increased sharply, but he still had enough confidence to compete with the opponent. It was just that it would take some time to break through this dilemma.

She only hoped that Jiang Tian could withstand the fierce attack of his opponent and wait until she came to help.

However, the development of the battle did not always go as she expected. Ten powerful men from the late Five Elements Immortal Sect joined forces to attack and kill her, which temporarily put her in danger.

The combat power of these ten people is higher than that of the strong ones from the Dharma Protector Hall who were killed by her last time. They are quite difficult opponents.

On the other side, under the leadership of Zou Lichao and Ji Xuantian, a killing formation of nearly 110 people used magic weapons, talismans and other means to wildly wreak havoc in the void with more than a hundred eternal realm wills.

"Where are the disciples in the middle stage of the Eternal Realm of the Xuanyin Immortal Sect?"

Xuanyin Immortal Sect now has no disciples in the late stage of Eternal Realm. Except for Huang Jianling, the highest combat power is some in the middle stage of Eternal Realm.

And those people were originally incapable of participating in this level of fighting.

Huang Jianling originally didn't want them to take action, but now he had no choice.

"Protect the sect leader!"

"Fight them!"

In an instant, hundreds of people rose into the sky.

They are all masters in the middle stage of the eternal realm. More than a hundred people may seem like a lot, but in front of the ten powerful masters in the late stage of the eternal realm, it really is nothing.

But Huang Jianling certainly didn't expect them to really be able to defeat a few opponents for her. As long as they could contain even one or two people, it would be enough to create a chance for her to make a quick decision.

But the scene that followed was far more tragic than Huang Jianling imagined! These geniuses in the middle stage of the Eternal Realm were supposed to be the backbone of the newly established Xuanyin Immortal Sect. As the mainstay, they were responsible for the future of the sect, allowing the newly born Xuanyin Immortal Sect to rapidly grow into a force close to the Five Elements Immortal Sect in the near future.

Powerful sect. However, in front of the powerful people in the late Eternal Realm of the Five Elements Immortal Sect, they quickly fell in an extremely tragic way. Among the ten people who fought against Huang Jianling, only one person managed to escape and slapped three palms in a row from a high position, and then slapped dozens of people. become

Blood mist!

Nearly half of the more than one hundred Xuanyin Immortal Sect geniuses perished in an instant.

"Quickly retreat!"

Huang Jianling's heart was bleeding. Although she understood that these people could never be the powerful opponents of the Five Elements Immortal Sect in the later stages of the Eternal Realm, she was forced to summon them to help in the battle due to the situation.

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