Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 22: Huangfu Holy Mountain

Chapter 22: Huangfu Holy Mountain

Chapter 22 Huangfu Holy Mountain

After learning that Tan Yun had three powerful enemies, Mu Meng kept his mouth shut, but in order to repay Tan Yun's life-saving grace, at this moment, he made up his mind that if someone killed Tan Yun, he would never sit idly by.

The night was sinking, the wind was blowing violently in the valley, and the sound of beasts came one after another.

Mu Menggu, who was completely powerless, felt that Tan Yun was around him, and he felt an unprecedented sense of security, filling his heart.

Tan Yun was in the cave. After the bonfire was built, he looked at Mu Meng and said, "It's late at night, and we have to travel tomorrow, so you can rest."

Tan Yun turned around and stepped out of the cave, and immediately sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

Mu Mengjia looked at Tan Yun who was building a bonfire for herself and guarding outside the cave, and a different kind of affection grew in her heart.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night for Mu Mengji.

She tossed and turned, and every time she closed her eyes, the scene of Tan Yun kissing herself, detoxing herself, dressing her, and bandaging her bare feet always appeared in front of her...

"What's wrong with me..." Mu Mengyu, who was ignorant about the relationship between men and women, felt his cheeks get hot, and he didn't know why...

It was not until the night became brighter that Mu Mengji fell asleep.

When she woke up, it was noon. I slept very soundly this time.

She found that there was no Tan Yun in the cave, and when she was about to call, suddenly, a fragrant smell came from outside the mansion.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Yunshu was wearing a grilled fish, stepped into the cave, and handed it to Mu Mengji, "You can't work your spiritual power now, you should be hungry, eat it, we'll be on our way after eating."

In the woman's restraint, she has not reached out to take the grilled fish. But her eyes had betrayed her hungry heart.

Tan Yun saw through her thoughts, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he joked: "Beautiful beauty, we are friends who share weal and woe, don't be so shy, promise~ take it and eat!"

"Thank you... thank you." Mu Meng pursed her lips. After taking the grilled fish, she gently bit a piece without showing her teeth. After a short pause, there was a hint of enjoyment on her stunning face, and then she was still unable to eat. Toothy ate slowly.

Tan Yun looked at Mu Mengya eating, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "If you're hungry, you can only eat with a big mouthful."

Mu Mengjia raised his head and gave Tan Yun a white look, "Girls can't show their teeth when they eat..."

Mu Meng babbled, and recalled in his mind the voice of the conversation he had with his mother when he was young:

", you are naughty, but you must bear in mind the etiquette of my royal family. Also, secular women eat without showing their teeth. As the princess of my holy dynasty, you naturally do more than others. OK, do you understand?"

"Hee hee... Queen Mother, 'er remember, don't be angry..."

The memory was interrupted, and Mu Mengji thought of the imprisoned mother and the dead father, tears dripping down!

"Uh..." Tan Yun was stunned and coughed softly: "Well, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

"Junior Brother Tan, you misunderstood, I just remembered some past events." Mu Mengji wiped away her tears and smiled at Tan Yun, "Your grilled fish is really delicious, thank you."

After Mu Mengjia finished eating, Tan Yun came out of the cave, released the blood-winged grey lion in the spirit beast bag, and then entered the cave, seeing Mu Mengjia struggling to get up.

"You are weak and your feet are injured again, so let me help you." Tan Yun stepped forward to help her.

"No, I can do it." After Mu Mengji stopped him, he just stood up with great difficulty, and suddenly fell to the back with excruciating pain in his feet.

"You are all good, but you are too stubborn." Tan Yun took a step back, and when Mu Mengjia was about to fall to the ground, he hugged her by the waist with both hands, and walked out of the cave.

"If men and women don't kiss, you let me go..." Mu Meng licked her cheeks and shoved Tan Yun with her weak arms.

"Be honest! Your feet are to find my injuries, so I should hug you." Tan Yun ignored Mu Mengjiao's resistance, and after carrying her out of the cave, he gently placed her on the blood wing spirit. Lion, furry back.

Mu Meng shyly lowered his head, dodging his eyes and daring not to look at Tan Yun.

"Put it on, don't catch a cold." Tan Yun took out a brown cloak made of animal skin from the Qiankun Ring and placed it beside Mu Mengji who was wearing sham pants and clothes.

Then he returned to the cave, picked up Mu Menggu's boots, and when he stepped out of the cave, he smiled slightly, and found that Mu Menggu was much more honest, and obediently put the cloak on his body.

Afterwards, under the guidance of Mu Mengjia, the blood-winged grey lion carried the two of them, soared into the air, and shuttled between the mountains that pierced into the sky.

Tan Yun learned from Mu Menggu's mouth that with the speed of the blood-winged spirit lion traveling thousands of miles a day, it would take ten days to reach Huangfu Shengzong.

Thinking of the powerful enemy he was about to face, he sat on the back of the lion, sitting cross-legged, running the Hongmeng Qi Condensation Art, and began to practice.

Immediately, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the mountains swarmed towards the top of Tan Yun's head, forming a vortex of spiritual energy that was more than a hundred meters high. the power of...

"Junior Brother Tan, what kind of exercise are you doing? How can you breathe out the spiritual energy of the world at a speed that is comparable to that of the Great Perfection cultivator in the Spirit Embryo Realm?" Mu Mengji was so shocked that she couldn't help asking.

If she did, no matter how curious she was, she wouldn't ask other people's secrets. It was only after experiencing life and death with Tan Yun that her mood changed. From resisting Tan Yun until now, I feel a little happy to be with Tan Yun.

Of course, Tan Yun didn't practice on the back of the crane before, just because he didn't want to reveal the secret of his practice in front of Mu Mengji.

Now that he acts calmly in front of her, he believes that he is someone who is worthy of his trust.

"Senior Sister Mu, I got a practice method, but this method can't be practiced by anyone other than me. If you can practice it, I don't mind giving it to you."

"Oh, I understand, then you can cultivate with peace of mind, and I won't disturb you." When Mu Mengji heard Tan Yun's answer, she couldn't help but feel a little sweet...

In the next time, Tan Yun was in charge of Mu Mengji's three meals a day, and he kept practicing.

The three meals of game were full of color, flavor, and taste. Mu Menggu was shy about accepting food from the beginning, but with the contact between Tenth and Tan Yun, he was no longer restrained in front of Tan Yun. Even sometimes, she would tell Tan Yun what game she wanted to eat...

During this period, Tan Yun was surprised to learn that Mu Mengjia's strength actually ranked fourth on the Qianlong list!

As we all know, the higher the cultivator's realm, the slower the promotion speed.

With the help of Hongmeng Condensing Qi, Tan Yun cultivated ten times faster than ordinary people. In one month, he was able to be promoted from the third level of the spiritual embryo to the sixth level.

But now, if you want to go from the seventh level of the Spirit Embryo Realm to the eighth level, it will take at least 25 days!

"Junior Brother Tan, look quickly, that is Huangfu Sacred Mountain, where our mountain gate is located." Mu Mengying smiled and pointed out a white jade finger, pointing into the distance.

Tan Yun stopped cultivating, got up and looked hundreds of miles away, a towering peak among the majestic mountains, with a shocking look in his eyes!

The Huangfu Sacred Mountain is as high as 88,000 zhang, and just halfway up the mountain, it stands proudly above the sea of clouds.

A waterfall rushes down between the misty mountainside, which is extremely spectacular!

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