Headed by a Snake

Chapter 831 Crack The Shell

Stickyfingers lowered his spyglass, "Jig's over, boys."

The remark sent a round of anxious mutterings amongst the gaggle of crewmen under his command.

One, in particular, tittered more nervously than the rest... a thin and gangly Coral Boy wearing a tattered, once-white coat.

"Ihihi... Does 'at... does it mean I should boom da fing?"

"Yeh," Stickyfingers tilted his chin up, "Boom da fing."

"Ahahiihi... yeah. Good eye, good eye..." Doc nodded eagerly.

The Coral Boy hopped up and shoved a few of the other boys aside to make space.

With almost reverent care, he popped a... 'special' round in the under-barrel of his modified hextech rifle. Pointing it at the sky, he pulled the trigger, launching the projectile with a resounding 'THMP.'

High in the air, the thing boomed with a loud, satisfying crack.

The whole beach lit up, extra special with a muck-red light. It made the light from the silvery moon not so nice and convenient as it had been.

Stupid moon. If that thing wasn't around, it would have taken him and his squad half as long to kill all the patrols that needed killing.

It was frustrating. Stickyfingers had elves to kill... and besides that, he had a special request he needed to fulfill to a girlie he met in Whitehearth.

Anyroad, with the new and improved coloring all around, it was about time for a proper bloodbath.

"Woop. Ihihi..." Doc giggled as he pointed, "Da boss of 'em... 'e ran off, ah? Speedy li'ul bugger, ain't he?"

"Ain't nuffin' we ain't used to," Stickyfingers shrugged.

He followed the enemy Commander with his spyglass... a humie that went by the name Wonlay.

He looked strong... but not stronger than Twelve of Twelve. Not stronger than the Bosun. Definitely not stronger than the Captain.

The humans... they relied on numbers. There were some strong ones, amongst them-- of that he was sure.

But the waves were shite... better to hide the best swimmers in the fleet.

The sea rains didn't look like they were stopping anytime soon... making each and every Coral Boy in the crew real f*cking hard to kill.

...And as stupid as the moon was, there were more than enough black clouds to make sneaking about not so difficult-- as long as one kept clever, going about their business.

The sea god was practically inviting the Marines to raid his home and f*ck everything that moved and had a hole.

"Eh... hehe... hehehehe..." Stickyfingers found himself laughing, a deep and low gurgle... one that the rest of the boys started picking up on.

"Whaddya say, Leads?" One of the boys sneered as he held up his crossbow, "Should we give da back line a li'ul bit o' trouble?"

"Yeh, yEAhh!" A second boy cackled, "We kin charge in... give 'em some good choppin' an' stompin'."

"bReAKING deir TEEeeeef," Said another.

A third licked his lips with a purple tongue, "cHeWIN' on deir LIVERSSSS!! Ahaha..."

"Ehehe... naw," Stickyfingers took a breath as he put Sockets' spyglass away.

He was a good one... that Sockets. It was a real shame he was going to miss the best fight the crew had had to date.

"Ey. Doc."

"Yea?" Doc turned back, ducking his head down, real politely, "Wot'z up, Leadin' 'And?"

"Take da uvver gunners. Provide support to da main force on da beach."

"Yeeeahhh? Yeah. We like 'at," Doc nodded. "Wot'll you be doin?"

"Us quiet-types are gonna get real personal wiv da Officers an' logistics..." Stickyfingers grinned as he made a [Gather] signal with a raised arm. "On me, ya gits. Real sneaky-like... movin' wiv a purpose, yeh? Blood and 'funder."

"""Vict'ry at sea,""" Came a round of harsh whispers.

Stickyfingers slid down the muddy hill and bounded forward in a powerful leap, his weapon out and looking for blood.

"⌈Shadowtooth Strike.⌋"

As fast as he was going, it wasn't enough to catch his target unaware. Stickyfingers stabbed his dagger down, but General Jumpy blocked with a sword in hand.

"Who-- or what the HELLS are--"

Stickyfingers forced his arm down and twisted, cutting into Jumpy's wrist and forcing the humie's weapon out of his tiny, pink fingers.

Jumpy was quick enough, though. He managed a real good right fist into Stickyfingers' side.

There was a sharp, cracking sound.

It hurt real good, too.

It wasn't enough for Stickyfingers to flinch for more than half-a-second. The stronger warrior's knife slipped real easy into the cunt's throat.

A good push and twist opened the hole up real wide.

It made a bloody, beautiful mess.

Stickyfingers slammed the humie hard into the dirt before looking to his left and right.

The others all had their marks down.

Zero friendly casualties.

There had been a few shouts... but it wasn't enough noise to mean anything-- not with all the cloud-booming and the ongoing downpour.

"Oy, Leads. We stringin' dese boys up like da uvver ones?"

"Nah," Stickyfingers chuckled as he wiped his dagger off the dead General's clothes. "Foight'll break out in earnest in a tic. We keep to da murderin'."

"An' da lootin'?"

"We get da job done, first," Stickyfingers grinned. "We'll get to 'at soon enough... but only when *I* give da say so."


Jiang Wang Lei screamed his throat hoarse, "Defend the BEACHES, brothers and sisters!!"

It was no use. The gods saw fit that the thunder from their clouds would drown out his pitifully mortal voice.

Elder Huiyin flipped her hair in disdain as she swept a hand out, stopping a thirty-fulm wave from crashing into her.

...Wang Lei choked before he could shout to her in warning.

There was a creature within the wave.

It was one of the creatures from his nightmares... illuminated by the mysterious red of the blood moon.

It was smiling... with jagged teeth that weren't teeth-- but solid rock.

"⌈Crack da Shell!!⌋" It brought down a massive two-handed axe... completely shattering Elder Huiyin's chi barrier.

The weapon chopped deep into her left shoulder... then continued down to completely sever her arm. Blood sprayed out of her wound like a fountain as she shrieked in pain and horror.

"Evenin', madam," The creature grinned, "Me and da boys 'ave come ta kill your god."


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