Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 549

On the other side, Felix is also sitting on the sofa in his office looking through the newspapers of the past few days.

The articles gave him a sense of time and space dislocation. The first page shows Amelia Bones being questioned by journalists and announcing the end of the Ancient Runes exchange, where Felix wasn’t present, still, the journalists made sure to use his picture alongside it, so you could see him going to the next building in the picture to check out…

The other page, for example, showed the remains of the battle outside the Hogsmeade village: the earth had been ploughed up and cut into pieces, like a poorly regulated field, and there were also mounds of earth, charred stones, large pitch-black holes, and deep pits.

Felix wondered why they didn’t bother to fill in the holes and pits.

At that moment Valen jumped onto the small square table with a twist and held out her tiny finger to point at him in a condescending manner.


“You want to duel me?” Felix looked at Valen with amusement.

Valen nodded seriously.

She pulled out a wand from her small pocket and Felix looked at her with a surprise for a few seconds before realizing that thing wasn’t really a wand but an alchemical item.

Valen waved it with a great swagger and the wooden stick in her hand made a swishing sound, followed by a whirlwind that swept through the room and lifted Felix off the couch.

Felix sat cross-legged on the whirlwind, “Huh? Kind of interesting, an improved piece of work by Fred and George from the ‘fake wand’?”

Valen stood with her neck held high, no, Valen cast the spell herself!

Felix hovered over the couch, reached out and picked her up by the back of her neck, and shook her hard, and she hastily covered her little pocket, as the fake wand fell from her hand into Felix’s.

“Let’s alter it,” Felix took it and looked at it for a while with sudden interest, he had been occupied lately with changing the magical creatures’ magical gifts into runes and rune sequences for ancient magic, followed by the interaction with the representatives of various countries, and now it seemed to be time for him to relax his mind.

“I suddenly realized that some of Miss Granger’s ideas are very suitable for use here, the magic frequency … is another treasure.”

Magical creatures also have magic in them, otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to use their magical gifts. But Niffler is rather a weak creature compared to others, with nothing too exaggerated or bizarre about their abilities, other than a keen sense of smell and a knack for burrowing and treasure hunting; Oh, they also have a small spatial pocket to store their treasures.

But the fact that they do have magic in them is enough.

“I need to test the frequency of your magic to create an exclusive wand for you … What kind of magic do you want to add?” Felix turned his head to look at Valen.

Her eyes gradually glowed.


That night she got her new baby(treasure) with glee and after a few tries it worked surprisingly well, and Valen loved it so much that she even cuddled it in her arms when she slept. She can’t wait to go out tomorrow to show it off, from now on she is not just a travelling merchant Valen, she is also a Niffler Wizard.

She no longer can be hugged by anyone as they wish.


The next day, Halloween finally came.

Harry walked into the great hall and was surprised to see a tall, burly figure at the entrance.

Hagrid is back.

Harry ran over excitedly; Hagrid had several bruises all over his face, but thankfully no new wounds. That seemed to indicate that Grawp had made good progress with his studies, I wonder how he’s progressing compared to Valen? Harry couldn’t help but think.

“Thank goodness, Hagrid, are you finally going to come out and meet with people?” Harry asked enthusiastically.

“Shhh, keep your voice down.” Hagrid bent down timidly and tried to hide, but he simply couldn’t, as he looks too conspicuous, and it made his behaviour look a little comical. “I’ve just come back to school, ok? Before there was something …”

“Anyway, you finally remembered to show up to teach our class.” Harry said.

“Yeah, I think it’s a perfect opportunity.” Hagrid scratched his chin and smiled back.

“What’s that?” Harry noticed a large wooden box placed next to Hagrid’s feet.

Hagrid was about to open his mouth to explain when Luna and Ginny walked in together, so he hurriedly changed his words, “Oh, you mean this… it’s a toolbox.”

“Hi Hagrid,” Luna greeted warmly, “Are you finally planning on coming back to class?”

Harry poofed out a laugh as Luna asked the same question that he had just asked.

Looking a little flustered, Hagrid brought up his previous excuse and said it again, “I just got back to school, I took a leave of absence for something earlier.”

“Firenze said-”

“He was mistaken.” Hagrid said without thinking.

“Oh,” Luna didn’t press the issue, as if she’d accepted the reason, and voluntarily changed the subject, “You’d better check out the Forbidden Forest, Thestrals got themselves a king.”

“Really?” Hagrid stared at her, looking doubtful.

Luna nodded solemnly.

“Then I’ll ask Uwu,” Hagrid said half-heartedly, “if any strange Thestral has come to settle in the Forbidden Forest, I need to know if it’s aggressive …”

“Is Uwu the liveliest one? The one with the brightest eyes?” Luna asked cheerfully, “I call it Woo-woo, that sounds similar.”

“I’ll go in first, Hagrid.” Harry said, glancing at Ginny who smiled at him, he hurriedly slipped into the great hall and walked a dozen steps to see Hagrid and Luna still chattering passionately.

The Halloween dinner had begun.

Harry saw Hagrid sitting next to Professor Hap, the fork in his hand swishing back and forth over the dinner cloth tied to his chest as he spoke as if twirling an embroidery needle for sewing. Then Hagrid picked up a plate of fried fish, glanced around like a thief, and tucked it under the table.

“What’s wrong?” Ron asked vaguely as he took a bite off half a sausage.

“I probably know exactly what is inside the box that Hagrid brought along.” Harry said, thinking it must be the giant Grawp.

“Look at that, they’re beautiful.” Hagrid said gruffly, pointing to the bats on the ceiling that were used as decoration, “Reminds me of Thestrals, their wings are practically identical, I mean, just in shape …”

“Oh, it’s really amazing.” Felix said.

He held out his hand and pointed toward a huge roasted pumpkin on the table, which quickly shrank to the size of a small lantern.

“You can take it back.” He said with a wink.

“Oh, uh, thanks.” Hagrid said, as he leaned over and explained in a low voice, “Little Grawp will like it.”

“Who’s little Grawp?” Professor Flitwick interjected and asked, the fork in his hand seemed to be under a spell, not only its length far exceeding normal standards, but the other end had taken the shape of a hook, pulling the plate over at the far end.

Hagrid looked envious as he spoke vaguely, “I know it from the Forbidden Forest. Need a hand?”

“What?” Flitwick asked.

Hagrid snatched the fork from his hand and hooked all the food around him to the side as Professor Flitwick shouted agitatedly, “That’s enough.” Hagrid took a few more before stopping, as he muttered, “It’s okay, I can help you eat.”

Felix looked around the professor’s table, Snape remained silent as always, not engaging in conversation with his colleagues, Felix could guess that he might not be having a very good time these days and wondered if Voldemort had summoned him privately.

Professor McGonagall and Sirius were discussing something in whispers.

“Oh no, Probation is the least possible punishment.” Professor McGonagall said with a serious expression as she put down her fork.

Finally, Felix set his eyes on the middle seat, the seat that belonged to Dumbledore.

But it is now empty.


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